Doctors' training system is plunged into new absurdity(letters)
From Mmc
Doctors' training system is plunged into new absurdity
Sir - As an NHS manager, and partner of a doctor, I have witnessed first-hand the past two months of shambolic hell that my medical colleagues have been through, under the Modernising Medical Careers (MMC) procedures, in many cases merely to re-apply for their own job.
Now the MMC review panel has announced that the shortlisting system, so ridiculed by the profession, is to be scrapped. One could be forgiven for thinking this would cause for celebration.
However, each applicant will now pick his top preference of location and specialty, and will be guaranteed one interview for that post. All previous bets are off, and thousands of doctors' hours spent at interviews over the past weeks have been wasted. Instead, the only recruitment technique will be one 30-minute interview, for one post.
Imagine if this was suggested in any other profession - a one-off, once in a lifetime chance to continue your career, to achieve what you have aspired to since childhood. It would be ridiculed.
Chris Edmond, Belfast City Hospital