Ravenok Doreylin

From Lost Realm

("Raven" is a common nickname for "Ravenok" although they are pronounced differently--"Ravenok" was once commonly spelled "Ravnok" but an "e" is usually added now in keeping with the nickname.)


Ravenok Doreylin (Rav nock Doe ray lin) was born in Sheerwater, Sharnea in 355, about two years after his older brother Velarik Doreylin. His parents were moderately wealthy, lesser nobles and his father and grandfather had served in the Upper Tiers during The Generational War. Although he and his parents both possessed, the green eyes that are so key to their position in society (Kin over Volethic), his brother, strangely, did not. As they could not publicly favor Velarik as their heir, Ravenok's education and wants were always seen to first. Their parents still loved Velarik, but they simply could not afford to support him as strongly--even as the eldest. Ravenok and Velarik both studied outside of school and both were intrigued by the concepts of the Power. Ravenok and Velarik both studied the Way of the Shar, but Velarik eventually betrayed Ravenok and his country. After Velarik's massacre, Raven was awarded the title of Lord and given a larger tract of land. Sent to Torrent to represent Sharnea in a trade dispute, Ravenok, along with one Fallanon Shemanciar, was framed for the murder of Defense Councillor Aln as well as another negotiating noble. Ravenok and Fallanon are both currently travelling with a few others, attempting to discover the secret behind this plot.


Due to a recent chain of events, Ravenok has become rather suspicious of others and has secluded himself more and more deeply in his thoughts, of late. He can control his temper when he wishes, but he hasn't been able to avoid these darker moments of doubt. When not experiencing such a spell, he is of a generally amicable nature and is learned in the social protocalls and fashions of most major countries and societies. His knowledge of the world-at-large shows immediately through his witty conversation and refined manner. His mind works at the puzzles of fate and he enjoys sitting back and observing others' personalities and mannerisms. He is considerate of others, perhaps moreso than himself, but he is even more concerned with the future of the world, and in particular, that of the greatest nation--Sharnea.


Ravenok is a perfect model for all Kin: tall and graceful with sleek black hair dropping nearly to his shoulders, and alert, penetrating, green eyes. He steps lightly and carries himself with excellent posture, but he is also capable of blending in--it was often necessary in order to enjoy certain activities as a kid. With little else left to spend his money on, much of his money goes into a local wardrobe wherever he travels and he often sells foreign garments in other countries for a decent price later. In Sharnea, and in the comfort of no one else's presence, Raven prefers to dress in his traditional Sharnean wear: a long-sleeved silk shirt--with sleeves and back of a heavier cotton--, loose pants, and one of his fine Sharnean overcloaks. He also owns a heavier Sharnean battle cloak, as well as an older traveler's cloak for adverse weather--the best kind of weather, in his opinion. When fully armed, he carries his Shasamyre, his Sharnean sword (his is unique, but these are pretty standard issue for heavier forces in Sharnean armies--I haven't yet a name for the design, though), a traveller's staff, a shortbow, and a few throwing daggers which he keeps hidden about his person at all times. This is far more than he would actually carry into battle, but most would be dropped before actually engaging in combat, after he has the opportunity to assess the situation. His combative movements are fluid and rapid over powerful and heavy and he is most skilled in his Sharnean weapons--not so much with the bow and daggers with which he is only a fair shot; the staff is similar to the Shasamyre so he is pretty proficient with it, as well.

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