
From Lost Realm

Revision as of 05:33, 18 May 2006 by Lord Raven (Talk | contribs)

The Dream Forge project is staffed by various members of the BYOND community, most notably Lord Raven, the owner and main...well, everything, for the project. The others contribute nations, ideas, world information, webspace, wiki's, images, etc.

The following are personal profiles of each of the developers. Add what you see fit to your section, and if I forgot, add your name.


Lord Raven

I have been programming and designing games for around 7 years, largely doing all areas of development myself. I will be entering my Sophomore year in Computer Science at the University of Missouri-Rolla in the fall. I enjoy playing video games, drawing during classes, roleplaying, and other nerdy things--though I maintain that I belong on the cooler end of the nerd spectrum.

My own pet countries of the Lost Realm are Sharnea and Orecrest; though I try to put thought into all of them, I'm currently developing mostly for these two. I generally play as Ravenok Doreylin ("Lord Raven"), a young Sharnean Kin recently framed for murder, but I have quite a few characters I created for main plotlines.

I first envisioned the Lost Realm over 5 years ago, and in that time my vision has adjusted immensely. The world, though still far from complete, is also far more real now than it was to me then, and I have these developers to thank for it.


I have been with Lost Realm since basiclly the beginning. When we started talking about doing a new version of the Lost Realm, aka Dream Forge I offered to do my part in a heart beat. I myself am working on the Delamile city. I have created some of my own original textures and have created the city map from scratch, and I hope to finish someday :)

A little about myself: I am attending high school at the moment and work part time washing dishes. In the near future I plan on attending school for the Recording Arts. Through this I also plan on doing much of the sound for The Lost Realm: 3D.





Hey, my name is Tiko and I am the main contributor of the nation of Relforsia. I developed her nation, her people, her customs, her industry, and her ties with the outside world. I also helped with the moons, the Refuges of Iron Eye, and other small details in the Lost Realm.

When I'm not online, I'm your typical (or not so) high school student. I go to 4 classes a day, not pay attention to half of them, slack my way through, manage to pass, and then have a break. I hang out with my friends often. I work at a local grocery store, and make about $6.75 an yeah, I guess you could call me typical.

I came into contact with the Lost Realm project through another project by Lord Raven, Mafia. I played a bit, and then added Raven to my pager. After a while, I slowly started talking with him about Mafia and other stuff. Later, I noticed a game being hosted by him called the Dream Forge, asked him what it was, and then lost interest. A few months later, I joined a DF game and got talking with Raven about the nation of Lohrkand. I gave some ideas and whatnot, but the idea fell through and I got distanced from Raven again.

Later, I came across DF for the third time and heavily got involved with the nation of Relforsia. I essentially became another world dev in the project and now participate in the forums, and game sessions, and the occassional Dungeons and Dragons game. I am also the creator of this wiki dedicated to the project.

My personal characters include: Tiko Rakoric, Brogan Rakoric, James and Marie Rakoric, Alloran Craseau, and the Relforsian council.

Larek Dolevic


Contributed the bulk of information about FaltaAdleTsir, her people and customs (though, the customs were primarily contributed by Lord Raven) and the Tower, helmed by the mysterious Veskir. As I (Tiko) have had a falling out of sort with Forgotton over his pressuring of religous beliefs, I wrote this small section for him and his contributions.

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