
From Kokorodatabase

A Halfling is a being that does not have the full blood of one race. However, this name usually pertains to those that are half and half, and not those that have quarter. Those who have DNA of a magical race infused in them, but are not considered Gijinka, may also be considered a halfling, but this tends to be rare.


[edit] Half Elves

Half elves differ from their full blooded counterparts in not only do they have less body markings (in some cases, they have none), but their personality tends to differ as well. Half elves are more passionate about the world they live in, and more concerned about the norm world existing side by side their own. The details of half elves, however, differ greatly depending on what other half blood they share.

  • Half Elf, Half Human: Shares human curiosity, human weaknesses and faults, more human emotions, and a shorter lifespan (500-700 years)
  • Half Elf, Half Angel: Shares stronger magic bonds, tends to take on more of a leadership role, same lifespan (1000 years), may have wings, does not have muted emotions - more passionate and open than full-blooded angels, tends to be a bit more sarcastic,

It should be noted that most, if not all, half elves are also half human. There are rare exceptions, such as the NPC Marche Lennox, but this is once in a blue moon. As of now, the Lennox family is the only known family to merge the Elf and Angel races in Kokoro canon.

[edit] Half Angels

  • Half Angel, Half Elf: (see Half Elves, above)

Angels rarely have offspring with other races because their method of having offspring is much different than the human/elven method. But when they do, angels have been known to be with humans or demons.

[edit] Half Demons

[There are none in Kokoro as of now. This may change later on.]

[edit] Half Alien

[edit] Active characters of this type

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