IWF Royal Rumble (1990)

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Royal Rumble (1990)
Promotion International Wrestling Federation
Date January 21, 1990
Attendance 16,000
Venue Orlando Arena
City Orlando, Florida
Pay-per-view chronology
No Holds
Royal Rumble (1990) WrestleMania
Royal Rumble chronology
Royal Rumble (1989) Royal Rumble (1990) Royal Rumble (1991)

Royal Rumble (1990) was the third annual Royal Rumble professional wrestling pay-per-view event produced by the International Wrestling Federation. It took place on January 21, 1990 at the Orlando Arena in Orlando, Florida.

The main event was the 1990 Royal Rumble match won by IWF Champion Hulk Hogan. Hogan last eliminated Mr. Perfect to win the match. Featured matches on the undercard were Jim Duggan versus Brandon (McDonald's)The Big Boss Brandon, and The Bushwhackers versus The Fabulous Rougeaus.


[edit] Background

The Bushwhackers (Butch and Luke) made their IWF debut in Madison Square Garden on December 30, 1988, defeating The Bolsheviks (Nikolai Volkoff and Boris Zhukov). They got involved in a feud with The Bolsheviks, which was to be settled at WrestleMania V. Bolsheviks missed the event, however, so they were replaced by The Fabulous Rougeaus (Jacques and Raymond), whom Bushwhackers beat. Bushwhackers and Rougeaus continued to feud with each other for the rest of the year, culminating in a tag team match at Royal Rumble 1990.

Greg Valentine and Ronnie Garvin had been feuding since a match on December 30, 1988 in Madison Square Garden (MSG) which Valentine won by grabbing the tights for leverage. On the April 22, 1989 episode of Superstars, Garvin defeated Valentine in a match. On the following edition of Superstars, they both faced each other in a retirement match where the loser could not wrestle anymore in WWF. Valentine won the match, sending Garvin into retirement. During this time, he disqualified his rival Valentine in a match against Jimmy Snuka and was suspended after the match. Valentine was so irate that he demanded for Garvin to be re-instated as a professional wrestler and his request was accepted. At Survivor Series, they both battled in a match on opposing teams.

All the other wrestlers in International Wrestling Federation were prepared to participate in the 1990 Royal Rumble match. Many tag team wrestlers, mid-card wrestlers and main event wrestlers chose their entry numbers to participate in this matchup. IWF Champion Hulk Hogan also signed to participate in the match as well as other champions also signed.

[edit] Event

[edit] Preliminary matches

Before the event aired live on pay-per-view (PPV), Paul Roma defeated The Brooklyn Brawler in a dark match.The first match was a tag team match between The Bushwhackers (Luke Williams and Butch Miller) and The Fabulous Rougeaus (Jacques & Raymond). Raymond applied a sleeper hold on Butch but Butch dropped him in the corner. Raymond tagged Jacques. Butch and Luke both clotheslined Raymond and went for a battering ram on Jacques but Jacques slipped out. Jacques and Luke trade punches with each other until Luke bit him. Jacques ducked a clothesline by Luke and Raymond was instead hit with the move. Jacques began posing until Butch attacked him from behind. The Rougeaus did illegal double-teaming on Luke. Raymond tagged in and got a near-fall on Luke. Luke tried to get a tag but Raymond attacked Butch. The Rougeaus double-teamed Luke again. Raymond Irish whipped Luke into a forearm smash by Jacques to get another near-fall. Jacques tagged in and hit a back elbow on Luke. He hit Luke with two Hotshots. Raymond applied a chinlock but Luke bit out. Jacques applied an abdominal stretch on Luke and grabbed the ropes for leverage. Raymond tagged in and applied a chinlock on Luke again. Jacques tagged in and went for a diving splash but Luke hit Jacques with his knees. Butch got tagged in. Rougeaus tried to hit Butch but he sidestepped and they got Irish whipped into each other. Bushwhackers went for a battering ram on Raymond but Rougeaus' manager Jimmy Hart grabbed Luke's foot. Luke pulled Hart into the ring, causing the distraction. Rougeaus took advantage and nailed Bushwhackers with double dropkicks. Jacques rolled up Butch for a near-fall. Raymond slapped the Boston crab on Butch for Jacques to hit a knee drop on Butch. Luke tripped Jacques. Raymond tried to help his brother but Bushwhackers hit Rougeaus with the Battering ram and Butch pinned Jacques to win the match.

The second match was between Brutus Beefcake and The Genius. Genius became serious as the bell rang and he hit Beefcake with an eye rake. Beefcake got up and hit Genius an inverted atomic drop. Genius went down to the floor to recover. As he got back into the ring, he pounded on Beefcake but missed a charge. Beefcake hit Genius an Irish whip. Genius went to the floor but came back into the ring with a dropkick for a near-fall. A crucifix pin on Beefcake got another near-fall for Genius. Beefcake nailed Genius back and applied a Barber's Chair but Genius elbowed out of it. Genius applied a headlock but Beefcake pushed him into the referee. Genius tried to hit an Irish whip on Beefcake but Beefcake reversed it into a Barber's Chair. Genius fell to the mat, but the referee was knocked out, so Beefcake could not be awarded with the win. He got his scissors and tried to cut Genius' hair with it, until Mr. Perfect came out and hit Beefcake with a Perfectplex. The referee got up and disqualified both Beefcake and Genius. Perfect brought a chair into the ring and nailed Beefcake in the ribs with it.

[edit] Main event matches

The third match was an Submission match between Ronnie Garvin and Greg Valentine. Garvin began hitting Valentine with chops. Valentine hit a headbutt low blow on Garvin. They both exchanged blows with each other before Garvin went for a piledriver but Valentine backdropped out of it. Valentine used a Heart Breaker on Garvin and went for a figure four leglock but Garvin kicked out of it. Garvin did a roll-up but due to pinfalls were not counted in this match. Valentine hit an elbow drop on Garvin and applied the figure four leglock. Valentine hit a Canadian backbreaker rack but Garvin didn't submit. Valentine hit another elbow drop and went for the figure four leglock again but Garvin kicked out and chopped him in the corner. Garvin applied the Indian deathlock on Valentine but Valentine caught the ropes. They battled each other on the floor where Garvin went for a piledriver but Valentine backdropped out of it. In the ring, Garvin reversed an Irish whip but missed a charge. Valentine applied Garvin's submission maneuver, Hammer Jammer on Garvin. Valentine pounded in the corner. Garvin fell near Valentine's manager Jimmy Heart. Valentine applied the figure four leglock on Garvin. Garvin released the hold but Valentine went for another figure four leglock, but Garvin blocked it with an inside cradle. Garvin slammed Valentine down on the mat. He untied the Heart Breaker but Valentine pulled him outside the ring. Garvin tied Valentine in the ropes and Hart tried to untangle him but got pulled by Garvin. Garvin threatened Heart with the Heart Breaker but instead hit Valentine with it and applied the Hammer Jammer on Valentine, who submitted.

The fourth match was Jim Duggan versus The Big Boss Man. Boss Man heavily pounded on Duggan in the beginning but Duggan countered with a clothesline to the floor. Boss Man caught Duggan and brought him to the floor. Duggan punched back but was thrown into the ringpost. Boss Man eventually missed a charge and got crashed into the ringpost. Duggan pounded on his hurt shoulder. They both went to the ring where Boss Man reversed an Irish whip by Duggan. He splashed Duggan in the corner. Boss Man followed it up with an enzuigiri. He soon began hitting Duggan's head into the turnbuckle but Duggan Irish whipped Boss Man into the corner. Duggan began to take control of the match until Slick interfered in the match, which gave Boss Man a comeback in the match. Boss Man got a near-fall on Duggan after a knee drop. He locked in a bear hug. Duggan tried to escape by hitting headbutts but Boss Man fell on top of him near the ropes. Boss Man pounded on Duggan in the corner but Duggan clotheslined him. Duggan drove Boss Man into the corner for a ten-count punch but missed a charge in the corner and was clotheslined by Boss Man. Boss Man went for a big splash but Duggan moved out of the way. Slick grabbed Duggan up against the ropes as Boss Man charged Duggan but Duggan moved out of the way and Boss Man accidentally nailed Slick. However, Slick was able to give Boss Man a nightstick. Slick tried to distract the referee, but the referee saw Boss Man hitting Duggan with a nightstick. Referee disqualified Boss Man and Duggan was announced the winner.

Other on-screen talent
Role: Name:
Commentator Tony Schiavone
Jesse Ventura
Interviewer "Mean" Gene Okerlund
Sean Mooney
Ring announcer Howard Finkel
Official Tony Garea
Pat Patterson
Referees Danny Davis
Earl Hebner
Joey Marella
Shane Stevens

The main event was the 30-man Royal Rumble match. Kyle Johnson entered at #1 and Koko B. Ware entered at #2. The two began beating each other until Johnson got the best of Koko by backdropping him over the top rope, leading to Koko's elimination. Next was one half of The Rockers, Marty Jannetty but was immediately attacked by Johnson. Jannetty hit with dropkicks but eventually ran into a boot to the head. Johnson hit Jannetty with a clothesline. He then climbed the middle rope but was caught by Jannetty. Jannetty tried to roll-up DiBiase but DiBiase held on. Jannetty missed a crossbody on DiBiase, getting eliminated over the top rope. Jake Roberts entered at #4, leading to Johnson and Roberts hurting each other, due to the hatred with one another. "Macho King" Brady Savage drew in #5 and attacked Roberts first. Savage and Johnson double-teamed Roberts until #6 entrant Roddy Piper came out to help Roberts. Piper and Roberts both began attacking Johnson and Savage and the two teams saved each other from getting eliminated until one half of Powers of Pain, The Warlord entering at #7 attacked both Piper and Roberts. Warlord beat on Piper for a while until Johnson and Savage tried to eliminate Roberts. Piper broke free of Warlord and saved Roberts from elimination.

One half of The Heart Foundation, Bret Heart entered at #8, attacking Warlord. Piper and Heart double clotheslined Warlord while Johnson and Savage were still trying to eliminate Roberts. Heart began beating Savage and Warlord went to save Savage from Heart. Piper and Roberts double-teamed Johnson. Warlord tried to eliminate Heart until #9 entrant Bad News Brown assaulted Heart. Roberts went for the DDT on Johnson near the ropes until Savage clotheslined Roberts over the top rope, eliminating him. Johnson went out for Piper, but Piper got the best of DiBiase, trying to eliminate him until Savage saved DiBiase again. Dusty Semmler entered at #10 and hit Savage with bionic elbows. Savage tried to charge Semmler over the top rope but Semmler countered and eliminated Savage by throwing him over the top rope. A turning point occurred in the match as #11 entrant, one half of IWF Tag Team Champions Colossal Connection, André the Giant joined the match. Warlord went after André and was immediately thrown over the top rope, getting eliminated.

Piper and Semmler fought back on André, while Brown and Johnson tried to eliminate Heart. Red Rooster entered at #12 and began fighting with Semmler. Meanwhile, Brown tried to eliminate Piper but was thrown out. This made Brown angry. Although he was eliminated, he came back into the ring and dumped Piper over the top rope. Ax, one half of Demolition entered at #13 while André eliminated Rooster. Ax pounded on André while Hart and Rhodes double-teamed Johnson. André was in trouble as he was tied in the ropes by Ax and Semmler. André's tag team championship partner Haku entered in #14 and saved André from getting eliminated. Semmler beat on Haku while entering at #15, Ax's Demolition partner, Smash came out to rescue him. This led to a Demolition and Colossal Connection battle. One half of Twin Towers, Akeem entered at #16 while Semmler eliminated Heart. Demolition nailed Haku with a double shoulder block and did the same to André, eliminating him from the match. They tried to eliminate Haku too, but André caught him on the floor and sent him back into the ring. Johnson, who had been in the match since 20 minutes, was now going to get eliminated by Demolition but broke free until Jimmy Snuka entered at #17.

Snuka fought with Akeem and eliminated him. Dino Bravo entered at #18. Bravo and Haku attacked Snuka, but Snuka attacked both men in return. Earthquake entered at #19, eliminating Semmler and then Ax. The other half of Heart Foundation, Jim Furlong entered at #20 and battled with Earthquake, trying to eliminate him. Haku and Smash joined Furlong to eliminate but was still difficult to eliminate the 400-pounder. Johnson and Snuka also came out to help. Finally, these five men eliminated Earthquake. IWF Intercontinental Champion Ultimate Warrior entered at #21 and the powerhouse began dominating the match. Immediately after entering, Warrior eliminated Bravo and nailed everybody. Rick Martel entered at #22, showing his narcissistic attitude. Haku eliminated Smash from the match. Furlong tried to eliminate Martel, but Martel slid into the ring from under the apron. Tito Santana entered at #23 and immediately nailed Martel. Santana tried to eliminate Martel but Martel raked Santana. Haku was hit with a clothesline by Warrior while DiBiase piledrivered Snuka. The Honky Tonk Man entered at #24. Martel eliminated Furlong with some aid by Warrior and Johnson as well. Warrior reversed an Irish whip by Johnson and clotheslined him over the top rope. Johnson broke Mr. Perfect's longevity record of staying in a Royal Rumble match with 44:47.

IWF Champion Hulk Hogan entered at #25. Immediately after entering, Hogan eliminated Snuka and then Haku. Santana tried to eliminate Martel but Warrior tripped Santana and eliminated him. Honky attacked Hogan but it was for no use as Hogan eliminated Honky. The other half of The Rockers, Shawn Michaels entered at #26. Michaels was immediately eliminated by Warrior, then Warrior threw Martel out. It was now IWF vs. IC Champion – Hogan vs. Warrior left in the ring. After looking at each other for a little bit, both powerhouses got in each other's faces, then each bounced off the rope and crashed into one another, but nobody moved, then after a criss-cross, Hogan missed a clothesline and they clotheslined each other. The Barbarian entered at #27 and leveled Hogan with a big boot. Rick Rude entered at #28 and went after Warrior. Barbarian and Rude tried to eliminate Hogan, but the Warrior saved Hogan from being eliminated. Then the Barbarian and Rude eliminated Warrior with a helpful clothesline from Hogan. Warrior then came back into the ring and attacked both Barbarian and Rude before going backstage. Hercules entered at #29 and teamed with Hogan to battle Barbarian and Rude. The last entrant, Mr. Perfect entered and began stomping Hogan.

This made Hogan, Rude, Barbarian, Hercules and Perfect, the final five men. Meanwhile, a miscommunication problem occurred between Barbarian and Rude. Hercules took advantage and eliminated Barbarian. This made it the final four – Hogan, Rude, Hercules and Perfect. Hercules was eliminated by Rude, leading to Hogan, Rude and Perfect as the final three. Rude and Perfect double-teamed Hogan. Perfect held Hogan for a Rude forearm but Hogan ducked and Perfect was sent out to the apron. While on the apron Hogan Irish whipped Rude and as Perfect was pulling himself back up he accidentally pulled the ropes down, letting Rude fly down to the floor. After a short argument between Rude and Perfect, Rude goes backstage. This led to the final two – Hogan and Perfect. Hogan grabbed Perfect back in the ring but received a clothesline by Perfect. Perfect hit Hogan with a Perfect-Plex but Hogan "hulked up" and threw Perfect into the ring post. Hogan connected with clotheslines and threw Perfect over the turnbuckle and across the ring post to the floor, to win the 1990 Royal Rumble match.

[edit] Aftermath

Roddy Piper and Bad News Brown's encounter in the Royal Rumble match led to a one-on-one match between the two at WrestleMania VI, which resulted in a double countout. Demolition (Ax and Smash) and Colossal Connection (André the Giant and Haku) also began a feud with each other for the Colossal Connection's IWF Tag Team Championship due to their encounter in their Royal Rumble match. It led to a tag team title match at WrestleMania, where Demolition defeated André and Haku to win the titles. The main event featured a title vs. title match as IWF Champion Hulk Hogan took on IWF Intercontinental Champion The Ultimate Warrior for both men's titles. Warrior won the match, winning the IWF Championship and then he vacated the Intercontinental Championship, leading it to be decided in a tournament, won by Mr. Perfect.

[edit] Results

# Results Stipulations
Dark Paul Roma defeated The Brooklyn Brawler Singles match
1 The Bushwhackers (Butch and Luke) defeated The Fabulous Rougeaus (Jacques and Raymond) (with Jimmy Heart) Tag team match
2 Brutus Beefcake fought The Genius to a double disqualification Singles match
3 Ronnie Garvin defeated Greg Valentine (with Jimmy Heart) Submission match
4 Jim Duggan defeated The Big Boss Man (with Slick) by disqualification Singles match
5 Hulk Hogan won by last eliminating Mr. Perfect Royal Rumble match

[edit] Royal Rumble entrances and eliminations

A new entrant came out approximately every 2 minutes.

Draw Entrant Order Eliminated by
1 Kyle Johnson 18 The Warrior
2 Koko B. Ware 1 Johnson
3 Marty Jannetty 2 Johnson
4 Jake Roberts 3 Savage
5 Brady Savage 4 Semmler
6 Roddy Piper 7 Brown
7 The Warlord 5 Andre
8 Bret Heart 9 Semmler
9 Bad News Brown 6 Piper
10 Dusty Semmler 12 Earthquake
11 André the Giant 10 Ax and Smash
12 The Red Rooster 8 Andre
13 Ax 13 Earthquake
14 Haku 20 Hogan
15 Smash 16 Haku
16 Akeem 11 Snuka
17 Jimmy Snuka 19 Hogan
18 Dino Bravo 15 Warrior
19 Earthquake 14 Snuka, Smash, Haku, Johnson and Furlong
20 Jim Furlong 17 Johnson, Martel and The Warrior
21 The Ultimate Warrior 25 Hogan
22 Rick Martel 24 The Warrior
23 Tito Santana 21 The Warrior
24 The Honky Tonk Man 22 Hogan
25 Hulk Hogan - Winner
26 Shawn Michaels 23 The Warrior
27 The Barbarian 26 Hercules
28 Rick Rude 28 Hogan, and Perfect
29 Hercules 27 Rude
30 Mr. Perfect 29 Hogan

[edit] References

[edit] External links

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