Application guidelines

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How to join the IPON?

Application requirements

Independent Pact of Nations
members*** Buesti and Ravoi Canatlan - Canatlan
Hesland - Khaled - Liberty Islands - Nemonos
Odeschyna - Pridnestrova - San Pedro - Sakhaliya
Tientsin-Fort Bayart - Vincenzia - West End
events *** IPON summits - IPON EXPO
Pan Union Games - IPON-SCJU Inter-Union Week of Cultural Dialogue
independent initiatives *** Earth Conservation Program
Independent Initiative of Nuclear Aid
Science, Culture and Education Organisation
Fund for the Advancement of Transportation and Public Works
Tourism Initiative - Independent Defence Initiative
regulations *** Summit Protocol
Application Guidelines and Requirements - Recruitment Protocol
New Application Protocol - Inactive Members Protocol
Membership Board - Protocols Board - Voting Protocol - Defence Committee
The applicant has to meet the following requirements:1
  • The creator of the applicant CJ/MD must register at the IPON Main Page, and post a new thread about the applicant CJ/MD.
    • This thread should be located at the Applications section of the IPON Forums
    • This thread should be named like the given example: Application of <the name of the CJ>
    • This thread must contain the basic informations (name, capital, flag, coat of arms, type of gvernment, etc), and pictures about the CJ/MD.
  • The applicant CJ/MD must have proper quality.
  • The applicant nation or state must have a real world location (minor changes are allowed: no new continents)
  • The applicant must be a story-based CJ/MD or a CJ/MD with government and diplomatics
  • The applicant must not be a member of other inter-CJ organisation or union.

Application procedure

As the applicant CJ has a thread at the IPON Forums, the member states can start to debate about the application and vote with 'yes' or 'no'. If the application recieves majority (total member number / 2 + 1) and no desperate rejection by any member, than the application is accepted, and the applicant become the newest member of the alliance. (After that, it can have accession to the restricted threads and to the wiki page.)

If the application is rejected, the applicant can start again the whole procedure after a while2.

1: With majority vote, the members can overrule the requirements.

2: 'While' means that the applicant has to work on the requirements and the quality more, or meet with the member states risen conditions.

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