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IPON is the newest SimCity union. It was founded in November, 2007, after brief talks between the founders (Jansipur, Liberty Islands, Mesias and the Sakhaliyan Peoples Repubic). Despite Jansipur was the member of the USCN, IPON's formation is not related to any other unions.IPON is the fourth biggest SimCity union after the well-known SCJU, the Adrian Union, and the Confederacy of Free Regions. This alliance has neutral relations with other SimCity unions.
The Independent Pact of Nations is not affiliated by any ideology or some kind of geographical proximity but independence and the will to cooperate without being involved in a strictly structured organization. Decisions are made jointly by the Council where every participating nations has equal vote. The more important issues are decided on the monthly scheduled IPON Summits. Summits are always held in a different city. (The first summit was in Szabadrev, and the second will be in Khaled City.) Member CJs show their country at IPON EXPOs. The first such expo will be in Jansipur. The IPON members can freely set up Independent Initiatives (II) for a common task. Each CJ can decide to participate in the new II or not.
CJs are interacting in IPON by CJ storylines and news articles and other diplomatic relations. IPON's goal is to enhance the SimCity gameplay by adding inter-CJ stories without any strict union obligations and complicated organization. By this IPON is a new option to those who want to interact in a union with their CJs.
Canatlán, State of (November 18, 2007)1
Vincenzia, Constitutional Monarchy of (April 24, 2008)1
Jansipur, Hindu Republic of (November 18, 2007)1
Khaled, Republic of (November 24, 2007)1, 3
Liberty Islands, Republic of (November 18, 2007)1
Mesías, Republic of (November 18, 2007)1
Nemonos, State of (November 24, 2007)1
Sakhaliyan Peoples Republic (November 18, 2007)1
Tientsin-Fort Bayart (January 11, 2008)1
West End, Republic of (January 16, 2008)1, 2
1 - date of accession
3 - Khaled changed its form of government and the name of the country after the revolution, led by Colonel Fahad.
Actual nations on the way of applying to the IPON
New Göthenland (January 6, 2008)4
Pridnestrovian Moldavian People's Republic (PMPR) (July 5, 2008)4
People's Socialist State of Odeschyna (PSSO) (July 5, 2008)4
4 - date of application


(C) IPON 2007