Liberty Islands

From Ipon

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(State of Nemonos)
(Peoples' Republic of Sakhaliya)
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Both country has embassies in capitals. Liberty Islands trade unions maintain a warm relation to the Sakhaliyan political organisations.
Both country has embassies in capitals. Liberty Islands trade unions maintain a warm relation to the Sakhaliyan political organisations.
[[Sakhaliya]] is participating in the Liberty Islands started [[Independent Initiative of Nuclear Aid]].
[[Sakhaliya]] is participating in the Liberty Islands started [[Independent Initiative of Nuclear Aid]].
''Liberty Islands government informally expressed its concerns about the lack of democratic institutions in the Peoples' Republic of Sakhaliya. Formal diplomatic actions weren't taken due to the political resistance and veto of the worker and trade union alliances of Liberty Islands. However, the Trade Union Alliance informed its counterparts in Sakhaliya that further democratic development lead by the Sakhaliyan worker unions should be needed.''
''Liberty Islands government informally expressed its concerns about the lack of democratic institutions in the Peoples' Republic of Sakhaliya. Formal diplomatic actions weren't taken due to the political resistance and veto of the worker and trade union alliances of Liberty Islands. However, the Trade Union Alliance informed its counterparts in Sakhaliya that further democratic development lead by the Sakhaliyan worker unions should be taken.''
==== Hindu Republic of Jansipur ====
==== Hindu Republic of Jansipur ====

Revision as of 16:11, 7 January 2008

Republic of Liberty Islands
Image:125-flag of LibertyIslands.png Image:Coatofarms of LibertyIslands.png
Flag Coat of arms
Motto: "Szabadság, Egyenlőség, Jólét"

"Liberty, Equality, Welfare"

Location of Liberty Islands
Capital Szabadrév

(Freeport, Freihafen, Vrijhaven)

Largest city Szabadrév
Official language(s) Hungarian, English
Prime Minister
Foreign Minister
direct democracy
Ferenc Hatvany
Erika Boglárka Dunai
Benedek Halászy

April 14, 1849
 • Total
 • Water (%)

30,000 km² 
 • 2007 est.
 • 2006 census

 • Density
2,000,000 ()

/km² ()
 • Total
 • Per capita

HDI 0.960
Currency Pengő1 (FFt)
Time zone
 • Summer (DST)
East Atlantic Standard Time / UTC-1 (UTC-1)
-1 (UTC0)
Internet TLD .li2
Calling code +919
(1) The Független Forint (Independent Forint) is in use, but officially the currency is named Pengő.

(2) The .li is used by Liechtenstein and Liberty Islands.

Liberty Islands The Liberty Islands (Hungarian: Szabadság-szigetek; German: Freiheitinseln; Dutch: Vrijheideilanden; Russian: Острова Свободы) is located on the Norhtern hemisphere, on the Norhtern Atlantic Ocean, midway between the British Isles and the North American continent. It consists of two larger (Norhtern and Southern) and many smaller islands. Its capital is Szabadrév. Liberty Islands is the member of IPON. The mother-tongue is Hungarian, part of the Finno-Ugric family, however lot of other nationalites use their own language and English is very common even in government. Besides the Hungarian majority, many Dutch, German, British and Russian live in Liberty Islands. Liberty Islands is one of the most developed countries of the world, similar to Singapore and Switzerland. The very basic values of this little country are freedom, liberty, equality, welfare, tolerance and democracy.



Early times

It is said, but not proved that Liberty Islands was first discovered by the nordic vikings, while they went out on a discovering trip from the British Isles. Due to the proximity of the islands from the closest large landmass, most of the historians and archeologist believe that vikings weren't even able to travel that far on very open seas. Supporting the later mentioned theory no proved viking remains were found.

Until the exploration of America, no signs were recorded by traders or sails that they discovered the islands. After the European powers started regular Transatlantic ship routes there are records of a mysterious green land that sailors saw on the Atlantic while they were in the middle of the Atlantic. Liberty Islands slowly bacame a legend among sailors and traders. Legend because no one could register the exact location of the islands, and sometimes they couldn't even saw it due to the stormy or foggy weather. The another reasone why didn't any of the crew of those ships didn't discover this islands is that Liberty Islands didn't have any seagull population that could show clear signs of existing lands. Because of this, the exploration of the islands was accidental.

Exploration & Colonisation | 1760s - 1800

Habsburg Empress Maria Theresia
The Austrian Empire rarely sent any ships to the Atlantic, as it costed too much travelling from the Adriatic Sea to the Mediterranean and to the Atlantic. Maria Theresia, the Empress of Austria decided help her ally and send troops by sea to North America where the French and Indian War were happening. This was during the Seven Years' War. The British Empire were informed about this and prepared to stop the Austrian ships at the Strait of Giblaltar, but they were late and couldn't catch the ships, then they followed them on the shores of Spain and on the middle of the Atlantic, but could catch up to fight them over. While this race the Austrian ships had to go norther and norhther (due to the actual course of the wind). During a tough storm the Austrian ships had the chance to escape their chasers and the British captains didn't risk to go after them. While the storm, the Austrian ships accidentally explored the Liberty Islands. 3 of the ships had sunk during the storm, but the 2 survivor could anchor at the shores of the islands and the Hungarian troops (the shores of Adriatic Sea was part of Croatia and by this, part of Hungary; so the Austrian navy basicly consisted of newly conscripted Hungarians) on the Austrian ships landed on the islands and they become the first men to see the islands.
First ships to discover Liberty Islands
They were able to keep their secret as the British tought all of the 5 ships went under and discontinoued their efforts to catch the Austrian ships. Months later the new inhabitants of the the islands sent back one of the ships with the news, they luckly landed in France and could go back to the Austrian Empire to tell the great news. The Empress and the government didn't belive the stories, but a few of her Hungarian advisors finally had her promise to send more ships with Hungarian crew to the islands.

The few dozen of the sailors and troops that were left on the islands survived until the new ships arrived. The British, the French, and the Dutch after recieving the news of the discovery sent forces to the islands. In the Seven Years' War after the exploration the British navy attacked the islands in order to conqer it and support Britain's Atlantic domination. In the year 1762, the British plans failed, as the coalition of Sweden, Austria and Naples reinforced the islands with Austrian and Swedish forces. The Austrian forces mainly consisted of Hungarian troops as Austrian troops were in the continental Europe fighting with the Prussians. The islands being as a far away piece of land without any infrastructure didn't have any more important role in the Seven Years' War. After the loss of Silesia, The Austrian Empire decided to develope the islands as part of a future bridgehead for expansions. Seeing this as an act of aggression, the British threatened with an invasion. All Atlantic sea power wanted to conqer the islands but in that case the balance of power would tilt and end up in an Atlantic war and nobody wanted that, so the Swedish and Austrians could freely build up a little colony on the middle of the ocean. When the American colonies of Britain revolted, the British had to support their troops and Liberty Islands was a perfect place for storing and transfer materials between ships. The local governate of the islands made the decision without agreeing with the court in Vienna that the ports of the islands will be free not for the British but for everybody. The local people thought it will be the end as lifting the restrictions and customs will left them without any wealth. The opposite happened: Liberty Islands became a trading port for every nations ships and it quickly started to develope. This time the sailors and traders named the Maria Theresia Land Liberty Islands. The Austrians seeing that they lost the grip on the land prepared for a military reinforcement that would restore the emperor's rule over the islands. After a point it stoped as it would end up in a war between every Atlantic trading nation and Austria, so the islands were left in autonomy and nominal Austrian rule. This time the oppressed Hungarians started to flee to land of liberty, but only in small numbers.

Napoleonic Wars and Independence | 1800s

As Napoleon raised as the new ruler of Europe, the balance of power disappeared and Liberty Islands and Great Britain were targeted by Napoleon. Napoleon couldn't block the sea trade of Britain and Liberty Islands after loosing the Battle of Trafalgar (were a few ship of Liberty Islands fought along with the British) so he made the Continental Blockade which harmed Britain but harmed very much Liberty Islands. Without the European corn and meat a huge famine broke out. While emptying the strategic store, the leadership of the island decided to upgrade the local agriculture and industry in order to make the islands independent from abroad materials. The council of leaders had a very tough dispute about the rest of corn reserves, but after a vote they stoped giving rations to the people and started ordering planting seeds on the new lands. The citizens of the cities lynched some of the council members while hundreds died in the femine. Anarchy broke out in the towns and the local guards was sent to the countryside were hunger wasn't strong and state rule was intact. In the winter of 1808 the sailors in Szabadrév grabbed weapons and attacked on the town hall and administration. This was the Sailors' Winter Revolution in 1808, they set up commune rule in the city, broke down the civilian anarchy, collected the food stores of the richer and started again the food rations. The Imperial Guards withdraw to the countryside. On the summer of 1809 the new crop ended the famine on the countryside and in the smaller towns, except Szabadrév. Being not strong enough, the Imperial Guard didn't attack on the city. The Commune of Szabadrév didn't want to surronder so the Commune Council agreed with the governor to keep the city under commune power but leting the administration and the other people to enter the city and restore Imperial rule. This was a historic alliance between the Imperial Governate and the Commune of Szabadrév. In 1810 the agreement was extended and larger cities like Novgorod, Vosztok, Révkút, Délviharos established their own city commune rule and the commune army blended in the Imperial Guard. After ending the Napoleonic wars Liberty Islands started prospering again. The Szabadrév Commune and the Imperial Governate along with the Civilian Union established the institute of Senate, where all parties could negotiate and make decisions.

Joint session of the Senate and the Chamber of Deputies
When the Hungarian wheat prosperity ended and the landowner nobles left without cash and the Hungarian peasants saw the coming times of poverty started to migrate to other places, like the Liberty Islands. This was the first wave of Hungarian migration to Liberty Islands. They were welcomed because agricultural workers were needed. Because of trade and developed civil society, economical evolution started. The capital appeared in the economy.

Revolutions broke out in 1830s Europe-widely. The influence of civil revolutions reached the communes and the Civil Union of Liberty Islands and they started new debates in the Senate about more freedom and more rights. The Imperial Governate wasn't weak as in the beginning of the 19th century so the Imperial Guard arrested the Senate members and strict imperial rule was restored. The Commune Sailors were trapped in the ports of Szabadrév and the Siege of Szabadrév Port started in August, 1847. On Christmas Eve, the Imperial Guard (enforced with countryside conscripts) broke the siege of the hungry sailors. The survivors were executed and the imperial terror arrested more key figures of the civilian resistance. In March, 1848, the Hungarian Revolution broke out in Budapest, and the key figures requested to lift the imperial terror from Liberty Islands. When the news reach Szabadrév, the dissatisfied mobs revolted too. The Imperial Governate had to negotiate with the mobs and the Senate was opened again. From this point the Liberty Islands Senate followed the Hungarian events. They affirmed the April Laws of 1848. The Hungarian Independence war broke out when the Croatian forces of Jelacic attacked the Hungarian troops. This time the, the National Guard was established by the Senate. The Imperial Guard disbanded without any fight and the draft of new conscripts started to reinforce the troops in Europe. Lajos Batthyány Prime Minister of Hungary recognized Liberty Islands as another two county of the country, and entrusted the Liberty Islands Senate to govern the islands. Delegates from the islands were sent to Budapest to the National Assembly. On the day of April 14th, 1849, the National Assembly in Debrecen proclaimed the independence of Hungary and the dethronement of Habsburg Emperor Franz Josef. Lajos Kossuth become the Governor-president of the Constitutional Kingdom of Hungary, by this he became the leader of Liberty Islands too. The Russian intervention in the Independence War made the victory impossible. In August 11, 1849, Lajos Kossuth resign as Governor-president and hands this position to General Artúr Görgei, who capitulates to the Imperial Russian Army on August 13, 1849 at Világos. Liberty Islands became one of the last holdouts of the revolution and of the independent Hungary. Until the end of 1849, all European holdout put down the weapon except Liberty Islands which refuses to do so. The Imperial Russian Navy sends a group of ships with a little army onboard to break down the opposition in Liberty Islands. The islands prepares: the National Guard fortifies some of the large towns and all ships were recalled to the ports. The Hungarian Navy was en route to Hungary on the middle of the Mediterranean Sea, the islands were left without a navy. On September 1, 1849, the Russian troops land and the most Eastern point of the Norhern island. Troops along with the Prussian reinforcement march in Vosztok (mostly Russian town at that time). The invasion forces clash with the National Guard on the plains near the port town of Újrév on October 12th. The National Guard were informed of the execution of the revolution's leader in Arad on October 6th, so the morale went very high and the Russo-Prussian expeditional forces were smashed by the poorly armed Hungarian National Guard. The capitulating forces were given amnesty and the Russian troops offered the chance to settle down in Liberty Islands. The Battle of Újrév was the only land battle fought on Liberty Islands' soil. The Senate declared Liberty Islands as the only independent part of Hungary and the Habsburg leadership declared Liberty Islands as a renegate territory, but admitted its independence. Lajos Kossuth and the fleeing people went to Liberty Islands.

1849 - 1920

Lajos Kossuth
Kossuth become the Governor-president of Liberty Islands.

1920 - 1945

1945 - present


Government structure

Legislative branch

  • House of Representatives
    • Senate
    • Chamber of Deputies

Executive branch

  • Governor-president
  • Prime Minister
  • Cabinet
  • Minstries

Judical branch

  • Supreme Court
  • High Court
  • District Court
  • Attorney General

Foreign relations

Liberty Islands is an indpendent and neutral country. Despite this, it is very active diplomatically. Liberty Islands is one of the founders of the Indepent Pact of Nations.


Because of the Historical ties and the shared nationality Liberty Islands has very close ties to Hungary.

IPON member states

Independent Pact of Nations
members*** Buesti and Ravoi Canatlan - Canatlan
Hesland - Khaled - Liberty Islands - Nemonos
Odeschyna - Pridnestrova - San Pedro - Sakhaliya
Tientsin-Fort Bayart - Vincenzia - West End
events *** IPON summits - IPON EXPO
Pan Union Games - IPON-SCJU Inter-Union Week of Cultural Dialogue
independent initiatives *** Earth Conservation Program
Independent Initiative of Nuclear Aid
Science, Culture and Education Organisation
Fund for the Advancement of Transportation and Public Works
Tourism Initiative - Independent Defence Initiative
regulations *** Summit Protocol
Application Guidelines and Requirements - Recruitment Protocol
New Application Protocol - Inactive Members Protocol
Membership Board - Protocols Board - Voting Protocol - Defence Committee

Republic of Mesí­as

Both country operates an embassy in the capitals. Further economical cooperation is under developement as companies from Liberty Islands want to invest in Mesí­as, especially in the oil producing sector.

Peoples' Republic of Sakhaliya

Both country has embassies in capitals. Liberty Islands trade unions maintain a warm relation to the Sakhaliyan political organisations. Sakhaliya is participating in the Liberty Islands started Independent Initiative of Nuclear Aid. Liberty Islands government informally expressed its concerns about the lack of democratic institutions in the Peoples' Republic of Sakhaliya. Formal diplomatic actions weren't taken due to the political resistance and veto of the worker and trade union alliances of Liberty Islands. However, the Trade Union Alliance informed its counterparts in Sakhaliya that further democratic development lead by the Sakhaliyan worker unions should be taken.

Hindu Republic of Jansipur

Jansipur has an embassy in Szabadrév and Liberty Islands' embassy is under construction in Jansipur City. Jansipur is participating in the Liberty Islands started Independent Initiative of Nuclear Aid.

State of Nemonos

Liberty Islands and the State of Nemonos has embassies in both capitals. Liberty Islands companies are planning to invest in Nemonos. Such invest taken place when the Liberty Investment Group established its American regionl HQ in Saigon, Nemonos. This company will manage the construction of the third nuclear power plant of the state due to the participation of the state in the Independent Initiative of Nuclear Aid.

Emirate of Khaled

Liberty Islands and the Emirate of Khaled has embassies in both capitals.

State of Canatlán

Liberty Islands and the State of Canatlán has embassies in both capitals.


Liberty Islands was one of the first countries to start official relations with the small West African state, Qumma. The Szekeres Harbour Contruction and Management Company competed for the huge contract of building the new Fursan Seaport in Qumma. Finally, the contract was won by the People's Socialist State of Odeschnya (PSSO). Although the lost contract for the Fursan Seaport, the Liberty Islands meeting with the QEC was about so much more. Potentially the single biggest investor in Qumma, the first act the delegation presented to the QEC was its proposal to lift all visa and working permit requirements on all Qumman citizens traveling or hoping to live in the North Atlantic state. "With the beginning of the official relationship between these two friendly nations has come the construction of the LI Embassy in Fursan, in order to further facilitate the growth of the relationship. As such, the Qumman Embassy is also under construction in LI, and the Qumman Ambassador to the Liberty Islands has already been assigned. The most important invest LI has made in Qumma, however, is the construction and partial management of the new University of Liberty Islands in Qumma, or ULIQ. Although most of the administration will be run by Qummans and the QEC, it will branched out of the LI's superior educational system, in the hopes that the very first university to open its doors in Qumma will mold its next generation into something special. In addition, LI has been presented with land to the north of Fursan to begin constructing a new foodstuff related factory. Although it will be small scale, it will distribute locally, and the QEC has also put forward a plan to help the company distribute in the region, to countries such as Senegal, Mauritania, Western Sahara, Gambia, and Cape Verde. The QEC has also mentioned that it will be opening its construction and development sector to LI companies, if agreed upon by the Liberty Investment Group. With the construction mini-boom taking place in Qumma, F.O.E.S Construction, the only registered development company owned by Qummans, is unable to keep up. Originally, the QEC has wanted to keep a very tight control policy on foreign construct and instead has sought to give the projects to Qumman companies, but the demand has far exceeded the supply. As such, the QEC will give way to two LI construction companies of their own choice, to begin operations in Fursan and Khaymeh." (QEC: Qumma Executive Council; LI: Liberty Islands) Qumma MD at SC4Dev

Kingdom of St. Marque Inlet

Liberty Islands and the St. Marque Inlet (SMI) agreed on setting up embassies in both countries. An agreement between the parties made it possible that a new Royal Alicante Hotel was built in Szabadrév and the Educational Institute of Liberty Islands (EILI) will be established in Alicante. The Prime Ministers of both countries had a summit in Szabadrév in December 2007 after the visit of LI Foreign Minister to Alicante in October 2007.

Kingdom of Ruritania

Hungary and Liberty Islands operates a common embassy office in Streslau, capital of the Kingdom of Ruritania, close the historical city centre. The Ruritanian embassy is under construction in Szabadrév.

The Kingdom of Ruritania at SC4Dev


Talks underway of a potential diplomatic relation between Georgiapolis and LI (embassy exchange are mentioned).

West End

West End appointed its ambassador to Liberty Islands, Sir Digby Grosvenor. Upon the completion of the West End embassy in Szabadrév he will travel to LI. The country will send its ambassador to West End, who will work in the LI Embassy in the Diplomatic Zone in Oxford, capital of West End. West End at SC4Dev


In 2005/2006 a small Siberian totalitarian state experienced a quick revolution by democrats and the democratic republic of Severnaya was established. Liberty Islands supported the movement and the democratic transition. An embassy was built for LI in Severnaya.

Green Depra

During the crisis between Gold Depra and Green Depra, Liberty Islands offered diplomatic and military aid to the democratic republic of Green Depra. Due to the lack of existing Green Depran armed forces, the Liberty Islands Air Force sent a tanker and 4 Tornado figther to the proximity of Green Depra. Upon the aggressive act of the 3 Gold Depran destroyers the LIAF Tornados would attack them with air-to-sea weapons and possibly destroy or seriously harm them. Liberty Islands and Green Depra had close and warm diplomatic relations.


Liberty Islands is one of the most developed countries of the world, similar to Singapore and Switzerland. It has a highly developed free market-based economy, which historically revolves around extended entrepot trade. Liberty Islands has one of the busiest ports in the world. It is the world's fifth largest foreign exchange trading centre after London, New York City, Tokyo and Singapore. The country has been rated as one of the most business-friendly economies in the world, with thousands of foreign multi-national corporations. Due to taxation regulations and the neutrality many multi-national financing and trading corporation maintain secondary headquarters in the country.


Technology and research

Human resources and education


Armed Forces

  • Military Intelligence

Liberty Islands operates extensive intelligence organisations. Part of it is the Military Intelligence which has two branches. One is responsible gathering information, and the other is responsible for counter-intelligence. They are under the command of the joint command.

  • Air Force

Liberty Islands Air Force (LIAF) operates all the aerial forces of the Liberty Islands, including air cargo, airborne refueling, airborne reconassiance and AEW, fighters and attack bombers. The LIAF operates 2 airfields, and the civilian airports are also in use. The LIAF's 4 Tornado and one tanker was sent to help Green Depra in the crisis of Gold and Green Depra.

    • Airborne Troops

The LIAF has a small but quick response ground force of light infantry, the Airborne Troops. It has two batallion and two special forces batallion. The regular batallions use light infantry vehicles and light artilery, the two special forces unit are only equiped with 4-wheeled vehicles. The Airborne Troops can reach any war zone in a day or two. In war in a allied nation, the Airborne Troops would e the first to fight and to hold out until the LIN Marines arrive.

  • Navy

Liberty Islands Navy (LIN) was established on the basis of naval forces just after the National Guard in 1848, however actual warships existed in before 1848 too. Today the LIN is the largest branch of the islands. The LIN is relatively huge according to the size of the islands. The LIN has a wide range of aerial vehicles (aircraft and helicopters) to support its tasks and the Marines.

  • Marines

Liberty Islands Marines (LIM) is not part of the LIN, but a separate branch of the Liberty Islands Armed Forces. Today it is the largest ground force of the islands. It can succesfully accomplish missions wordwidely with the help of LIN. LIM doesn't have aerial vehicles. Currently there is 3 active marine brigades, but the reserve forces make up another 2 brigades.

  • National Guard

The National Guard is the oldest and still existing military force of Liberty Islands. It was established for the defence of Hungary in 1848. After the independence of Liberty Islands its mission was to secure the land of the islands and in the case of Hungarian revolution it would provide armed support. This idea is questioned as Liberty Islands is located thousands of kilometres from Hungary and can't send troops to the Carpathian Basion quickly. Today the National Guard has a two infantry regiments. The 1st National Guard Regiment has the objective to secure Liberty Islands executive, legislative and judical organizations and to provide protocol appearance. Te 2nd National Guard Regiment is under the command of the Governor-president. The rest of the National Guard is a reserve force of another undisclosed number of regiments.

Independent Pact of Nations
members*** Buesti and Ravoi Canatlan - Canatlan
Hesland - Khaled - Liberty Islands - Nemonos
Odeschyna - Pridnestrova - San Pedro - Sakhaliya
Tientsin-Fort Bayart - Vincenzia - West End
events *** IPON summits - IPON EXPO
Pan Union Games - IPON-SCJU Inter-Union Week of Cultural Dialogue
independent initiatives *** Earth Conservation Program
Independent Initiative of Nuclear Aid
Science, Culture and Education Organisation
Fund for the Advancement of Transportation and Public Works
Tourism Initiative - Independent Defence Initiative
regulations *** Summit Protocol
Application Guidelines and Requirements - Recruitment Protocol
New Application Protocol - Inactive Members Protocol
Membership Board - Protocols Board - Voting Protocol - Defence Committee
Personal tools