Elizabeth Ryder

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Elizabeth Ryder

Elizabeth Ryder is a fifth year Gryffindor. She is a character in the RPG Incantatem. Elizabeth is portrayed by Keira Knightley (blonde), who she shares with Rose Tippet (brunette) and is played by Aylen of Acornrack/Headmistress of WikiIncantatem.

The Basics

Current Age: 16
Birthday: January 3rd, 1978
Height: 5 foot 2
Weight: 110
Wand: Her wand is made of mahogany which is excellent for Transfiguration, and has a dragon heartstring in it's core. It is not very large, being only 8 inches long and very flexible.
School Education: In her 6th year at Hogwarts
Honors: None
Blood: One-forth muggle, three-fourths pure
Name Meaning: My God is an oath
Known Languages: English, and enough to converse in French, Spanish, Arabic, Greek, Italian, and a few words in other languages.


Elizabeth Ryder is almost always described as 'beautiful' if you were to ask any handful of young men she knows. (With the exception of Cillian Rodrigo, who would disagree in spite.) While this is true, she always finds fault with something about her physical appearance. For instance, her chest. She finds she didn't develop quite as much as she would have liked to. She's never heard a complaint about her slim figure, but it still irritates. She also wishes her hair would make up its mind. Straight or curly, not whatever it is doing now. However, despite these minor 'flaws', she knows that she's what most men find attractive. Standing at about five feet, two inches, with a delicate hourglass shape and soft features, it's no wonder. Her hair comes just a few inches past her shoulders, though normally well groomed, it can be slightly wavy at times to the point of curly and frizzy, and is the hue of a caramel blonde. Her skin is lightly tanned from hours spent outside. Her gait is a matter of poise and elegance, keeping her shoulders square at all times. Her delicate brown eyes complete the picture, once described as �out of a Victorian painting.� (Courtesy Bellamy Florentin)

No matter what she wears, Elizabeth manages to make it work for her. Her daily wear mostly consists of school uniforms during the school year. During the summer, she is more relaxed; wearing things like jeans, tees, skirts (not the boring school ones) and girlish tops. When it comes to make-up, Elizabeth keeps it to a bare minimum: normally only a little eye makeup and some lip gloss. Her complexion, she figures, is too nice to cover up in the attempt to make it nicer.


Elizabeth is not of the 'faint at heart'. Quite on the contrary, for she has an outgoing personality and is extremely spirited. This young woman is most certainly not afraid to speak her mind simple because she doesn�t care what anyone thinks.

Her parent�s passing away built up this strive to become the best she can be; she is virtually on her own, only supported by her brother (who, quite frankly, is not ready to be a parent) and needs to prove to herself that she can do it. However, she is in fact female, and her emotions get the best of her at times. She likes to get her way, and if she doesn't, you'll hear about it. One thing she doesn't like is nicknames. Every once and a while, someone might get away with one, especially if she cares for them a great deal, but otherwise, she dislikes them. She is also very mature for her age; she readily makes friends with those older than her. However, Elizabeth sees a lot of the world as black and white, good vs evil, right vs wrong, etc. Lately, however, that distinction has faded. (see bottom of history)

She longs for freedom and adventure, and her curiosity can sometimes get the better of her. Her childhood on the open sea has created in her a need for open space. That is one reason she loves Quidditch so. She often feels confined, especially if she cannot see the sky. That�s why she chose a bird as her animagus form. Her greatest fear is a small, enclosed space, with no light, no wind, no sky. Only darkness. Her Bogart takes the shape of walls enclosing her, leaving her without light or space.

Elizabeth, as far as school is concerned, is an average student. She just does the work, not really paying very much attention to it's difficulty or, really, even to it. She has been asked before why she can't be more like her brother, a student who excelled, and her answer was simple: I want to do it my way. I'm not interested in living someone else's life.

As far as athletics, Elizabeth is a huge Quidditch fan, liking to play both at school and at home. Her skills have been hampered of late, by an injury obtained during a life or death fight. Her leg was shattered, and for several months, she had to wear a brace when she played, even with magical healing. She still wears it, but only because she takes the threat of it not being able to take a third breaking like that, and errs to the side of caution when playing. She is also moderately good at fighting (without magic, as well as with), skills she picked up as a young girl and keeps well tuned, just in case.


Early Years

Elizabeth Catherine Ryder was born on quite a stormy night in London to William Ryder, and his wife, Catherine. After twenty-three agonizing hours of labor, Elizabeth was finally brought into the world. William deemed it fit to indeed name her accordingly to her mother's wishes and named her after his mother, but also reserved her middle name for that of the baby�s mother.

While her brother (who is eight years older than her, by a different woman) was sent off to school at Hogwarts, Elizabeth got to travel with her father. When she was five, her father announced their departure from London to travel by means of a ship (he owned his own shipping company). He was determined not to let his work come between him and his second child, the way it did his first. Every summer and holiday, however, he would take Elizabeth home to stay. Elizabeth, of course, was enthralled by this new prospect. They boarded their ship early in the morning. Elizabeth now always associated mornings with good things. William II, Elizabeth�s older brother, was off at Hogwarts at this point and time, and Catherine preferred not sailing. William Ryder had ushered his young daughter onto the ship, and set sail toward that horizon. Elizabeth loved traveling with her father. It made missing her brother less painful. As she grew older, her father told her that one day she would also go to Hogwarts, and leave traveling with him behind. Though this notion was upsetting, she knew it to be true.

Life at Hogwarts

Years 1-2

When it was time for her to attend school, Elizabeth was sad to leave the sea and all her traveling behind (she entered Hogwarts with more knowledge of the world than most first years). But soon she discovered that she loved school. Not always the learning part, but she learned to accept it as a whole. There was only so much one can learn from one�s father, after all. Unfortunately, her brother left school the year she began it, but Elizabeth did not let this deter her. She made new friends, found new adventures.

Years 3-4

Such was her life when she was in her thrid year at Hogwarts. Her brother was to be married, her parents had promised her she could go with her father that summer, and life in general was good. She had to rush, the day of her brother�s wedding. She had a few more finals before she could leave school. The Headmistress had kindly allowed her to leave Hogwarts early for the summer, starting after she took her last test, and she was to be escorted by Professor Beckett Rhys. She dressed on the train on her way to the wedding. As they were alone in the compartment, they missed the latest gossip in both the wizarding world and the muggle one. It wasn�t until she got to the church that she saw the devastation. Most of her family, including her parents, were dead. So was the woman she was looking forward to having as a sister. At first glance, it seemed her brother was as well. He, however, heard her cries, and got up from where he was being tended. Elizabeth rushed to him. Everyone knew to let the siblings alone in their grief.


Since then, it has just been the two of them. For a long time, Elizabeth had to be the adult in the family, Will had sunk so low. This has forced her to grow up quite a bit in a small amount of time. It might seem odd that one so young is so mature, but it is clear when you see how her home life was. Between her and Professor Beckett Rhys, they managed to pull him out of it, and Elizabeth got to try to be a kid again. It was hard, however, so she relates more to older students, with the exception of a few.

In the past year, however, Elizabeth has been struggling quite a bit. Her infatuation with an older, married student lead to fights with not only his wife, but with her brother as well. She was incredibly naïve, even though she had grown up, and that winter began her first steps to see that not all the world was black and white. It took the form of a confrontation with a fellow student she believed to be �evil� that turned into a fight for both their lives when they were attacked by a manticore. So many things seemed backwards: the boy put his life on the line so that she might be safe, she performed the worst Unforgivable Curse, then lied to the Headmistress about what had happened. The line she had so believed in before had begun to fade. Then in the spring, she had the misfortune of hearing her worst fears about herself from a person she was beginning to care for. For a while, she was angry ALL the time, but the rage eventually dimmed when she realized it was herself she was angry at. Another step in the right direction.

Plot Involvement

Currently, Elizabeth isn't involved with the overall plot of Incantatem. She is, however, a mixed blood, and is not a supporter of Voldemort.

Personal Plot

  • Elizabeth is developing a relationship with Murphach Moa, a kelpie.
  • Her family is about to find this out.
  • Eventually, she wants to apologize to Freja Mithra

Other Interesting Facts

O . W . L . Scores:
- Care of Magical Creatures: D
- Arithmancy: P
- Charms: A
- Herbology: A
- History of Magic: A
- Defense Against the Dark Arts: E
- Transfiguration: O
- Divination: A
- Potions: P

  • Her favorite class is Tranfiguration.
  • She is a Chaser for the Gryffindor Team.
  • Her broom is a Firefly 270.
  • Her Patronus is an Albatross
  • She is working on becoming an animagus in the form of a Lark.
  • She has a fairly lovely singing voice.


William Ryder, brother
Priscilla Gatsby, great-aunt
Charlotte Caprice De Leons, second cousin

Official Incantatem Ships

Incantatem has its own range of "ships" Elizabeth is part of several, most of them unhealthy.

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