Rose Tippet

From Incantatem

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== Rose Tippet ==
== Rose Tippet ==
'''Rose Tippet''' has been the Ravenclaw Prefect for her last three years and is known for her intelligence on the Harry Potter Role Playing site, [ Incantatem]. Rose was originally created by [ Tippet Knightley] on a different site, [ Maps, Mirrors, and Mayhem], but she was moved to Incantatem immediately after the site's creation.
'''Rose Tippet''' has been the Ravenclaw Prefect for her last three years and is known for her intelligence on the Harry Potter Role Playing site, [ Incantatem]. Rose was originally created by [ Knightley] on a different site, [ Maps, Mirrors, and Mayhem], but she was moved to Incantatem immediately after the site's creation. Rose is portrayed by the actress Keira  Knightley who was also the inspiration for the character.
=== Appearence ===
=== Appearence ===
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Rose is pretty much content with her life so far (other then the whole sister thing). She's gown up in a more then comfortable environment. If ever asked about her fear concerning the upcoming NEWTS she'd only shrug and say she couldn't care less and that she's more worried about her house winning the House Cup.
Rose is pretty much content with her life so far (other then the whole sister thing). She's gown up in a more then comfortable environment. If ever asked about her fear concerning the upcoming NEWTS she'd only shrug and say she couldn't care less and that she's more worried about her house winning the House Cup.
== Plots ==
=== Site-wide Plots ===
*Rose was caught up in the sudden Death Eater attack on the Ministry.
*Rose is a part of the alliance [[The HUSH]] with [[Cillian Rodrigo]], [[Dante Mithra]], and [[Freja Mithra]].
*Rose is against Voldemort and the idea of pureblood elitism but is a pureblood herself. Because of her involvement in [[The HUSH]], Rose tries to stay quiet about her beliefs but at times she is unable to keep her opinions to herself.
=== Personal Plots ===
*Went to the [[1992 Masquerade]] with [[Rameses Menes]], and is going to the [[1993 Masquerade]] with him also.
*Rose is having a hard time with her parents who are far too overprotective and plans on moving out at the end of her seventh year.
== Misc. Information ==
==== Rose's Wand ====
*Wood: Rowan
*Length: 13 ¼
*Enchantment: Ashwinder Ash
==== Rose's O.W.L. Results ====
*Ancient Runes: O
*Arithmancy: O
*Care of Magical Creatures: E
*Charms: O
*Defense Against the Dark Arts: O
*Herbology: O
*History of Magic: A (barely)
*Muggle Studies: O
*Potions: O
*Transfiguration: O
==== Other ====
*Rose's patronus is a Sniget
*Rose's favorite Professional Quidditch is [[Puddlemere United]].
*Rose favorite class in Hogwarts is Arithmancy and her second is Potions.
*Lemon Drops are her favorite candy.
*She has a celebrity crush on [[Blaire Falkiner]].

Current revision as of 00:56, 7 July 2007


Rose Tippet

Rose Tippet has been the Ravenclaw Prefect for her last three years and is known for her intelligence on the Harry Potter Role Playing site, Incantatem. Rose was originally created by Knightley on a different site, Maps, Mirrors, and Mayhem, but she was moved to Incantatem immediately after the site's creation. Rose is portrayed by the actress Keira Knightley who was also the inspiration for the character.


Rose is very ignorant about her own appearance. She neither tries to be pretty nor does she care. She finds it to be the most irreverent subject in the world and brushes off comments about her appearance, whether good or bad, as silly and superficial. With her own opinion aside, Rose is hardly ugly. She has handsome features with a strong nose, jaw, decent complexion, and her eyes are not too far apart or too close together. She's naturally appealing in her own way, but when she dresses up, she can rival the prettiest. But pretty is as far as it goes. No one who isn't exaggerating their arse off would use words such as exquisite or breathtaking to describe Rose.

Rose stands taller then most girls her age at the height of 5'6" with build that can only be described as lean. Actually she's undeniably flat-chested, but not to the extent that she'd be mistaken for a guy. She's very slim but not all together curve-less. Her height is accented by her straight and lofty, yet unladylike, posture that exudes confidence. She lacks the elegance that most females inherently seem to posses, adding to her already less feminine frame. The only time she actually looks graceful is when she's doing something athletic like random cartwheels or riding a broom. She's not muscular but really sturdy for a girl her size. She owes this to the hours she spends playing Quidditch rather than studying.

One of Rose's more flattering features is her eyes. They're an unnatural blue with flecks of yellow and green that jump out as a contrast to her light skin and dark hair. Sharp in every sense of the word, her eyes are quick to notice any change in the environment, reflecting her observant nature. Rose likes for her eyes to express emotions she would rather not verbalize, making them a window to her mood. A single glance into the depths of her irises will reveal an excitable and extremely curious person.

Her hair is a dark brown color with natural highlights that grow considerably brighter in the summer due extended exposure to the sun. If dried quickly, it lies flat and straight, but normally it falls in irregular waves. At this current point in time it's a good length past her shoulders considering she despises getting her hair trimmed. She also has annoying side bangs that she habitually tucks behind her ears. They occasionally fall over her eyes in a elegant manner, but most times, the stray masses of hair are just plain bothersome. Because she never really does anything with it, her hair is considered fairly plain and uninteresting. It's worn up when she plays Quidditch and is never really worn any other way unless she's actually feeling creative or trying to impress someone.

Things she prefers to wear while not in school clothes are simple jeans and comfortable shirts. She usually has on a sweater too and scarves are a must for the winter. To Rose comfort comes far before looking good. She'd ever get into something that she didn't feel great in. Skirts and dresses are an absolute NO unless her mom finds a why to blackmail her into one. The only reason she puts up with a skirt at Hogwarts is because it's a part of dress code regulations. It's probably the one thing that she'd even consider breaking the rules for. Rose is actually thinking about a formal protest against forcing girls to wear horrid skirts.


Rose can actually be described in once sentence: She's a stubborn, hardheaded slacker that can get the job done with the right motivation. She's not a very self motivated person when it comes to things like school work, but one word about Quidditch and she'll jump you.

Of course being sorted into Ravenclaw means that Rose must be somewhat intelligent, right? Well, she is. She's the type of person that people would be jealous of because she'd ace a test with out ever picking up a book. She has what we would call a 'photographic memory' and excellent common sense to boot. Don't get her wrong she loves learning and is always attentive in class (she's usually the one who asks the most questions and is the most involved); she just has a problem with an established education system that requires homework and tests. She considers her slacking as a form of passive aggression against an unjust system. She'd prefer to just be taught and then take one final test each year. This is way no sane person would put Rose in charge of anything. She wants the maximum result with minimum effort. In simpler terms: she's a slacker.

Besides being awful when it comes to completing homework, she brilliant in the application of magic. Her favorite subjects are Transfiguration, Potions, and Defense Against the Dark Arts; those being the only classes she'll apply herself completely in. She also has a knack for Arithmancy and says it's great fun. Every other subject seems unnecessary, but she manages good grades in them anyway. The one class she cannot stand, and usually falls asleep in, is History of Magic. She'll usually hunt someone down for notes later, or even read the book to study for exams. She'll do anything to avoid having to listen to that teacher drone on in class. Rose wouldn't have been surprised if she had failed her History of Magic OWL (fortunately she barely passed). Don't even bother asking about Divination. She hates it with a passion and believes it all a bunch of hogwash.

Overall, Rose loves to read and learn about things that interest her. She can be found in the library pouring over random subjects that have nothing to do with what she's learning in class. Every once in a while her father will send her a new spell to learn, and she'll learn her no matter how long it takes. Usually it's something amazingly useful, but occasionally it'll be a silly spell that she knows her mother wouldn't approve (mischief causing most likely).

Rose is also the teasing type. If you tease her, she'll only tease back or even feign insult. She can be snappy when in a bad mood so don't annoy her when she's not happy about something. Rose can usually be read by just looking at her face so you'll know when she's unhappy. She doesn't bother hiding things, but when she actually tries to she quite good at it, which makes her particularly brilliant liar. She usually won't lie unless it's to get out of trouble because she doesn't believe in hiding the truth for idiotic reason (unless her prides' at stake). The one thing she's terrible at hiding is attraction. Rose isn't the type to fall for looks or even Quidditch abilities (though they would be a bonus). She doesn't fluster when facing pure charm (no, you can't talk your way into her heart), but physical contact makes her disoriented. She loves a good guy with an innocent personality who can make her laugh any time of day. She's not one for petty infatuations; so, when she falls, she falls hard.

Rose, like most people, isn't two dimensional. There's more to her then being laid back and playing Quidditch. She's a good friend who's highly sympathetic. She might not show it because of her better judgment or the rational part of her. She's a highly romantic idealist on the inside as most girls tend to be.

Rose is kind of inconsistent when it comes to the humility factor. She's humble about her Quidditch abilities which can be credited to the fact that she's unsure of herself. She's not the competitive type so she never really compares herself with others leading to her insecurity about how good she actually is. Intelligence wise, she knows she's smart. She won't put other people down about it, but she won't call herself dump just to make someone else feel better. She's confident in her own intellect and she trusts herself in this particular area. Her looks? She couldn't care less. Go ahead and call her ugly or say you're prettier then she are. She'll only shrug, and if she doesn't like you, she might just call you a shallow prat. Appearance isn't at all important to her, and she doesn't think highly of people who worry about things like that.

An angry Rose is a dangerous Rose. Rose doesn't anger easily at all. There aren't many ways to make her upset and it'll probably happens once every blue moon because Rose doesn't say anything without a smile of some sort. The only time she's not smiling is when she's serious (probably talking about something that bothers her). Seriousness can hardly be mistaken for anger. Try to mess with a friend of hers and you'll surely get her roused up. What will she do when she's angry? She'll hex you of course. She might throw in an insult or two for good measure, but she prefers to use her wand rather then her mouth. She favors spells that don't do much harm because she's not rash. Even when angered she shows amazing amounts of self control. She might set fire to your robes for kicks, but it's all harmless. If you try to hex her back, she'll only protect herself. There isn't a single spell she's been taught that she couldn’t recall without much thought. Yeah, Rose is a bit proud so she'll get you back for any injustice you've done her.

Rose isn't an attention hog. She likes to speak up in class if she has something to add, but she doesn't like attention simply for attention's sake. If she has nothing to say, she won't say. She doesn't like to waste her breath. Rose gets kind of embarrassed when she's under a wide spot light for something she's done. Usually, when she's achieved something, she'd rather keep it between her friends or at least the house. She becomes red easily, but she's rather quick to recover from it. After the few moments the embarrassment will passes into giddiness. She'll usually joke her embarrassment away.

Besides everything else, she plays by the rules and doesn't do anything outside of it. She's not submissive to ridiculous regulations, but she whole heartedly believes that rules are set for a reason. Thus, she tends to stay away from the dark arts. She's not close minded to its theories because ideas can't hurt people, but when it comes to practicing it, Rose will not take that step even for defensive purposes. An evil should not be counteracted with more evil.

Incantatem History

Rose was born on January 22nd to David and Marie Tippet. Her mother's family, the Campbell's, are extreme purists who own a vast amount of wealth in Scotland. They didn't exactly disown Marie when she married David, but they did have an unhappy parting. Rose and Ashlynn, Rose's sister, don't see their grandparents often, but they are loved by them no matter how they feel about their daughter. They tell themselves that there's no need to punish their grandchildren for their daughter's mistake (Marie being their only child, and Rose and Ashlynn being their only grandchildren). The two girls have always enjoyed their visits which were filled with chocolates and toys as children. Unfortunately as they grew up, the gifts changed to mostly clothes. Rose guessed that toys were no longer proper for grown ladies (Rose, being 10 when she first discovered her grandparent's change of heart, didn’t take this very lightly).

To say the least, Marie's parents hold David in very high contempt. They found him unworthy of their daughter because they say he acts like a muggleborn. The Tippets were hardly Muggle lovers, but they simply lacked the superiority complex most pureblood families have. They treat everyone the same and they are known for it (not to mention their diminishing wealth). Their lack of pride in blood absolutely disgusts the Campbell's.

Though they may not act like it, the Tippets are purebloods. Both David's parents died before either Rose or her sister were born leaving them with only one set of grandparents.

Rose has always been the apple of her father eyes, being the tomboy that she is. He's the one she talks to about Quidditch, and he's the one who taught her to play. She looks up to her father and aspires to be a healer like him, though he tries to convince her to be a Quidditch player instead. (he gets a lot of grief form Rose's mother who constantly calls him a bad influence) He always laughs about how awesome it'd be able to brag about that to his Quidditch loving friends. She's pretty dead set on her aspirations much to her father's disappointment.

She's always been a little spoiled by her father. When she was younger he'd always sneak her chocolates behind her mothers back. He has never failed to buy her broom, be it for a birthday or Christmas. Rose usually tells him off for this because it causes problems with her mother, but he the not the sort to listen to others. He goes only what he feels a father should do: dote upon his family. She's not the only one who gets spoiled in the family. Rose's mother also must suffer from her father's tendency to choose random days to give presents.

Rose has always felt that her parents were in love despite their differences. They're affectionate in their own way, though her father is usually very outward about it. He sometimes randomly hugs Marie and gets yelled at by his very red wife. She usually says something like, “Not in front of the children!”

Rose's mother, being the elegant and refined lady that SHE is, is always badgering her to be more proper. Rose only laughs and jokingly says that maybe she should have been a boy. This of course leads to her mother's anger increasing. But Rose doesn’t blame her mother being the way she is. Rose believes that anyone who stayed under the influence of her grandmother for as long as her mother had couldn't possibly have turned out any other way. She reminds herself it could have been worse, and her mother could have turned out MORE like her mother.

Rose's relationship with Ashlynn has been pretty nonexistent since Rose turned 12. She's a year younger then Rose and looked up to her up until a World War started between them. Ashlynn was sorted into Slytherin, and Rose made the mistake of telling her sister how disappointed she was. Rose never meant it in a mean way, but she only said what she felt. She would have rather had Ashlynn in Ravenclaw and that was the extent of her disappointment. Unfortunately misunderstanding can be blown way out of proportion. Ashlynn shouted at Rose for a while, and because of her mild temperament, Rose only stood back and heard her out. That was until Ashlynn started yelling about Rose's rubbish friends and how most of the girls in her house were trash and couldn't find their way out of a broom closet. Not having her wand at the time, Rose slapped Ashlynn. Rose yelled back (if you've ever seen her yell you know how nasty it can get) pointing out how Ashlynn was a darn hypocrite for saying what she had said because SHE was rubbish for talking about her friends when they weren't around to defend themselves and that Rose was sure Ashlynn was the one who couldn't find her way out of a broom closet because she had the brain capacity of a deform insect who had just been stepped on. Seeing as how Ashlynn was never as bright as Rose, took this very much to heart and has barely spoken to her sister since.

They've gotten better as the years have past, but something just won't mend between the two of them. Neither are really willing to talk about it, and Rose uses the excuse that Ashlynn has been pretty detached and prefers her Slytherin friends. It's rather worrisome for Rose and her parents, but Rose refuses to consult with her because of many reasons (one being pride). They sometimes nod to each other in the halls if they're in good moods.

Rose is pretty much content with her life so far (other then the whole sister thing). She's gown up in a more then comfortable environment. If ever asked about her fear concerning the upcoming NEWTS she'd only shrug and say she couldn't care less and that she's more worried about her house winning the House Cup.


Site-wide Plots

  • Rose was caught up in the sudden Death Eater attack on the Ministry.
  • Rose is a part of the alliance The HUSH with Cillian Rodrigo, Dante Mithra, and Freja Mithra.
  • Rose is against Voldemort and the idea of pureblood elitism but is a pureblood herself. Because of her involvement in The HUSH, Rose tries to stay quiet about her beliefs but at times she is unable to keep her opinions to herself.

Personal Plots

  • Went to the 1992 Masquerade with Rameses Menes, and is going to the 1993 Masquerade with him also.
  • Rose is having a hard time with her parents who are far too overprotective and plans on moving out at the end of her seventh year.

Misc. Information

Rose's Wand

  • Wood: Rowan
  • Length: 13 ¼
  • Enchantment: Ashwinder Ash

Rose's O.W.L. Results

  • Ancient Runes: O
  • Arithmancy: O
  • Care of Magical Creatures: E
  • Charms: O
  • Defense Against the Dark Arts: O
  • Herbology: O
  • History of Magic: A (barely)
  • Muggle Studies: O
  • Potions: O
  • Transfiguration: O


  • Rose's patronus is a Sniget
  • Rose's favorite Professional Quidditch is Puddlemere United.
  • Rose favorite class in Hogwarts is Arithmancy and her second is Potions.
  • Lemon Drops are her favorite candy.
  • She has a celebrity crush on Blaire Falkiner.
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