From Iia Factbook
The Republican Colony of Arolinia is a Kiravian colony.
934,620 people live in Arolinia.
Of these, 934,346 are Kiravian citizens, and 274 are Metics. There are not Nationals or Permanent Residents.
Coscivian languages are spoken by 94% of the population, the most prominent being Southern Kiravic, Anglex, Kalth-Ieurlex, Corlem GĂ«rex, and Danrev. The remaining six percent speak German, Doric, Welsh, and Lombard.
Political Culture
Arolinia's political culture is a large part of daily life in the colony.
Most Arolinians are right-wing or right-leaning, which is reflected in the country's laws, which are far more conservative than most Imperial provinces. This conservativism is in favour of constitutional individual liberty (while maintaining of tradition), and similar to the views of the Constitution Party of the United States,
Political affairs and debates are a major topic of conversation and media boradcast in Arolinia, and it is common for families or even entire sub-communities to fued over ideological differences.