
From Iia Factbook

The Ƕairev (/why-rev/) are a Coscivian ethnic group, numbering about 100,000.


The Ƕairev have the unique custom of giving their children an irnomina at birth that indicates their eye colour.


Ƕairiliŋ It is one of the Námlógigeniliŋav, or the Coscivian languages that have gender-neutral noun classes. Ƕairilinca has Animate, Inanimate, and Conceptual classes. It has a mildly fusional morphology. There are no articles. There are three noun classes: Nominative, Genitive, and Accusative, in a single declension, and two verb conjugations. The language is somewhat inflected, though a conventional order is usually followed outside of poetry and lyrics.

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