
From Hyrule

Simon Grendel(best pic I could find)

[edit] Simon Grendel

[edit] Biography

Simon Grendel lives a troubled life. At a young age, his parents, Westin Grendel and Lacy Grendel, were murdered by Roronek himself. A few years later, his village, Galfin, was rid of Roronek's presence, but nothing could fix the pain he had caused to so many residents. Then one day, when Simon was about 16, a stranger blew into town. He spoke very little common language, and he carried a large collection of books written in an odd language. His name was Orpheous. Orpheous considered himself a scribe and enjoyed writing, but the law of Galfin stated that anybody who wanted to open up business had to train an apprentice. There was another law saying that to start a business, you also had to have training, but they could clearly see Orpheous was already well trained.

No, it was Simon who needed to have training if he wanted to start a business. So, Simon became Orpheous' apprentice, and Orpheous became Simon's mentor. Together, they traveled to the castle, where Orpheous met up with Bou and Phil. They would stay there until they had the supplies to start a temporary camp in North Forest, because Orpheous wanted to avoid the distractions of the large city and find an inspiring place to write. After all, Orpheous enjoyed writing while sitting amongst beautiful surroundings.

During their stay, Simon met a thief named Stephan and a lively man in his twenties named Mark "Ryan" Stewart. Ryan let Orpheous, Bou, Simon, Phil, and even Stephan stay at his house until they gathered their equipment. Then, after staying at the castle market for about two weeks, Orpheous, Simon, and Stephan moved out to the camp. It wasn't long before they were attacked by bandits. However, it was just their luck that these bandits were Roronek's troops. They kidnapped Simon, Orpheous, Stephan, and Bou (who was there at the time).

They took them to a abandoned cave to the west of Ruto Town, but before any damage was done, they were saved by Phil, Ryan, and some of Bou's friends. Some other people who helped were Azador , Dogura Shadowclaw, and Leth Now, his anger with Roronek reborn, Simon got rallied up. Roronek was in Hyrule, probably to try to gain some control once more. Before long Roronek's herald attacked the town square, doing some major damage. Using the help of Ronus and vine, Orpheous, Simon, and others gathered a few new friends, and a small army of warriors through the militia. Some of the major people who weren't part of Orpheous' group who helped included Worru and Sovelis.

A handful of battles that would later be called "the Roronek skirmishes" took place. During this time Orpheous met Silna and introduced her to the group. Overall, Orpheous and co. defeated Roronek's troops, but Roronek and his master fleed to their kingdom in Montagomey (more to come on the skirmishes with Roronek later).

Having a need to finish off the dark fiend, Orpheous and co., including an eager Simon, traveled to Montagomey by boat where they then had to handle several different scenarios before they could enter Lord Montagomey's lair and defeat him. However, Lord Montagomey was not fully dead and neither was Roronek, only temporarily stopped (more to come on the voyage later). They came back to Hyrule, building a cave that lead to Montagomey, so people wouldn't have to travel by sea, and bringing back Simon's uncle, Ricky Grendel.

Having arrived back home,they ran into the Masters of Destruction and Vilk, who they were already aware of, just not completely. Orpheous later joined the tournament where he met Kasei.

(more to come)

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