Freikorps Marines

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The Freikorps Marines are arguably the most powerful and effective ground fighting force in the known Multiverse. It has a nominal strength of over two billion men and women, arrayed over eighty thousand divisions and special commands. Although Freikorps Marines are best known for their characteristic Mk IX Infantry Power Armour and iconic C-19 Plasma Particle Accelerator Rifles, they are supported by a vast array of armoured fighting vehicles and both space and atmospheric craft.

The Freikorps Marines are a highly moble force capable of fully deploying onto a planet's surface from orbit within a single day. They are usually stationed in army groups from a local fortress world, which may carry the responsibility of up to a dozen neighbouring worlds. Systems of greater than normal strategic importance are garrisoned with marine units as well, though a large portion of marine manpower is tied up in the contingents on board the many major fleet units of the Freikorps BattleFleet.

Although they lack the individual firepower of low profile of organizations like the Sonrisa de Meurte or the Riftweavers, the Marines are supported by massive logistical organizations capable of supplying enormous numbers of troops with little difficulty. They are also equipped with heavier weapons like the Seraphim Powered Exoskeleton, the Seitengewehr Zwei Tactical Walker and the Montgomery Main Battle Tank. These units are usually quite liberally spread out among line divisions and give the Marines their characteristically heavy hitting power. Freikorps armoured vehicles are generally far more advanced and better armed than their counterparts.

Aside from the standard line marines, there are the Stahlhelm Special Assault Operations Command troops, who wear stripped down suits of power armour emphasizing flexibility over defence. These are the Freikorps' elite special operations and rapid deployment troops. Within line divisions themselves, there are also specialized units like Drop Troopers and Maevens (specialized war mages).



The Freikorps Marines are commanded by the Chief of Marine Operations (CMO), a member of the Freikorps General Staff. The CMO is usually second in command of the organization as well as the serving head of SSAOC. The current CMO is Field Marshal Count Zeth Acubierre Holt. The CMO has direct command over the various Army Groups spread over the Terran Sphere. While the CMO controls major changes in equipment and organization, the Deputy CMO controls major troops movements and serves as the spokesperson for the ground combat arm. The current DCMO is Her Imperial Majesty Colonel-General Sara Selavento of Antares.


Section: 4
Squad: 12
Platoon: 36
Company: 108
Batallion: 700
Regiment: 2,100
Division: 17,000
Corps: 105,000
Army Group: 600,000 to 25,000,000

Rank Tables


E-1: Private (Pvt)
E-2: Private First Class (PFC)
E-3: Lance-Corporal (LCpl)
E-4: Corporal (Cpl)
E-5: Sergeant (Sgt)
E-6: Staff Sergeant (SSgt)
E-7: Master Sergeant/Technician (MSgt)
E-8: Gunnery Sergeant (GSgt)
E-9: Sergeant-Major (SMaj)
E-10: Warrant Officer (War2)
E-11: Warrant Officer 1st Class (War1)


O1: 2nd Lieutenant (LT2)
O2: 1st Lieutenant (LT1) (Platoon)
O3: Captain (Cpt) (Company)
O4: Major (Maj) (Battalion)
O5: Lieutenant Colonel (LtCol) (Regiment)
O6: Colonel (Col)
O7: Brigadier General (BrigGen) (Division)
O8: Major General (MajGen) (Corps)
O9: Colonel General (ColGen) (Army Group)
O10: General of the Marines (Gen) (Component Command CO)
O11: Field Marshal (FM) (CMO)


Warning: Contains some noncanon information

The Marines come from a large number of feeder organizations. The two most prominent are the Terran Alliance Marine Corps of Baseline and the Imperial Terran Marines Corps of Baseline Echo-3. These two organizations are of suitable size and have similiar training and tactics. Due to the polygot structure of the Marines, it was decided early on that they would each be able to keep their own customs and command structure, as long as they were compatible with Freikorps operating precedure.

With the formation of the Freikorps, the marine arm was originally the smallest of the three, mainly used for peacekeeping duties. With the inclusions of the massive logistical networks of the Multiverse Military Alliance and now-defuncted multi-universal corporation SaintCo, the Freikorps suddenly found itself able to expand quickly. With the end of the Nightmares' phase and the Freikorps' ascension to the Terran Sphere's premier military organization, the Freikorps ceased to be a PMC and became a full military industrial complex in it's own right, spanning hundreds of universes and thousands of worlds.

Component Commands

Garrison Marines

Making up about 65% of the total numbers of the Freikorps marines, the Garrison Divisons are responsible for the protection of their assigned planet's civilian population and the maintenance of surface and orbital planetary defences. Garrison Marines tend to specialize more in defensive fighting and as a result, they have proportionally more heavy weaponry and vehicles. Although Garrison Marines may be closer to a hotspot, they are usually given second priority deployment rights after fleet marines since they are less likely to have their own integrated interstellar transports. In parade order, all garrison divisions save for Guards Divisions are junior to their fleet counterparts.

Fleet Marines

Main Article: Freikorps Fleet Marines

The mailed fist of the Freikorps, the Fleet Marines make up about 30% of the marine corps' total mainpower. For the most part, they are stationed onboard the ships and the stations of the BattleFleet. To deter boarding actions and to facilitate independent action and initiative, major fleet units have disproportionately large marine contingents; a Battlecruiser may have as many as two regiments while a Superdreadnought would carry a full division. These troops specialize in the defence of their home vessels.

However, the vast majority of Fleet Marines are stationed onboard troop ships in the hundreds of thousands, serving as a rapid deployment formation and are fully equipped with heavy armour and support weapons; they must be prepared to suit up and drop into an enemy-held planet at a moment's notice. These troops tend to be of higher quality and are more experienced than garrison marines. They are also portrayed as more glamourous and prestigious by the media. While they produce a disproportionately high number of famous commanders and heroes, they also suffer proportionately high casualty rates.

Marine Deployment Command

The MDC is perhaps the most vital sub-command of the Freikorps Marines. They control the hundreds of troopships and supply craft which move the various units of the marines from system to system. During combat operations, they also lend the support of their troopships' support guns and fighter bays as well as small craft including Vengeance Class Suborbital Superiority Frigate. MDC troops rarely see direct combat and are usually considered more bookish and intelligent than their line unit counterparts. They also serve as liasons to the Freikorps BattleFleet and Freikorps Research and Development.

Stahlhelm Special Assault Operations Command

Main Article: Stahlhelm Special Assault Operations Command

The SSAOC is the newest sub-command of the Marines, having been formed after the Stahlhelm Exercise of 2261 proved the viability of a properly equipped and led rapid deployment force. SSAOC troops typically have more rigourous training and are equipped with newer models, and sometimes, even experimental equipment. They are strictly geared towards rapid deployment, rapid attack and relatively small scale (planetary or continental) guerrilla warfare. As a result, they have armour and equipment optimized for light infantry tactics and have less heavy weapons and armour support.

Special Units

Command Platoon

Every regiment has a specialized command platoon, consisting of the regimental commander and his immediate staff. Unlike line platoons, Command Platoons are not true combat units, since it's members are spread out and distributed among the other units of the regiment. However, these men and women are attached to each other through a high priority Freikorps Communications. This allows them to coordinate regiment strength attacks and large scale movements while being physically seperate from each other, greatly enhancing tactical flexibility. Command staffers are only equipped with light weapons, but wear heavier power armour which emphasize survivability over agility.

Heavy Divisions

The "heavies" are the core of any planetary deployment. When a major position is taken, it is up to the heavy divisions to hold it. When a weakness in the enemy line is detected, heavy units must be ready to strike quickly and strike hard. As a result, heavy divisions have a disproportionately high number of armoured units and is allotted far more in the way of orbital bombardment and strike craft resources. Because of the increased cost of fielding them, they are usually manned by the most experienced and toughest troops available, turning them into something of an elite force. Heavy Divisions are alternatively called Guards Divisions when assigned to garrison. Heavy units also tend to have the most illustrious histories in the entire corps, with some combat histories going back two millenia or more.

Drop Troopers

On the other side of the spectrum from the Heavy Divisions are the Drop Troopers. Although equally (perhaps even more) prestigious than the Heavy Divisions, the Drop Troopers are quintessential light infantry. They deploy from orbit aboard small four-man drop pods wearing only standard power armour, a single C-20 Carbine and a belt of grenades. They are usually used in the initial securing of a drop zone to allow the deployment of dropships and heavier units, or as commando units deep inside enemy held territory, dropping and neutralizing a specific target and then fighting their way out while inflicting as much damage as possible, a tactical doctrine known as the "fish hook".


The Seraphim Powered Exoskeleton is a five metre tall walking tank native to Baseline. They are combination heavy weapons platforms, heavy infantry and ground attack aircraft, being capable of sustained flight thanks to onboard anti-matter reactors and grav generators. They are either used as a spearhead to break through infantry lines in the absence of armour support, or more commonly, as anti-armour to break opposing mechanized thrusts before responding quickly by cutting open the flanks of the enemy advance. Seraphim are also capable of space flight, although using them against full strikecraft is unadvisable. Seraphim are armed with anti-tank weapons, hyper velocity missiles and a selection of gauss autocannon and melee weapons.


Main Article: Freikorps Maeven

Originally coming from the artificial world of Vengalis in Baseline Echo-3, Maevens were artificial humans with the ability to bend the laws of physics and the world around them to their will through the imposition of incredible mental force. In the current day, most Maevens are actually Val'diri cognitors serving with the Freikorps. These men and women are valuable assets to any Freikorps marine unit, but are extremely rare; there is usually only one or two Maevens to a regiment. They are usually given an appropriate courtesy rank and the post of "Regimental Maeven". They are equipped with the same power armour as their parent unit, but carry a carbine and monomolecular saber instead of the standard rifle.

Notable Marine Units

11th Armoured Cavalry

Main Article: Freikorps 11th Armoured Cavalry

The first division of the Freikorps Marines to be equipped with Seraphim suits, the 11th is arguably the best fighting force in the entire corps. It boasts an undefeated combat record throughout it's two century long history and has both the reputation and the seniority to request only the best in troops and equipment. The unit has produced some of the greatest soldiers of the modern age, including Kiyomi McInnes, Kethro Wasim and Arthur Hawkins. The 11th characteristically paint their armour completely blood red, using their fearsome appearance and even more fearsome penchant for unrelenting and unstoppable force to break down an enemy line. The 11th's current CO is Colonel-General Chaz Natlo.

1337th Garrison Division

The 1337th started as something of a joke. Understrength, underequipped and underfunded, it was originally assigned as a dumping ground for all the officers and men that were too good to discharge, but too loopy to keep in a normal unit. This force would eventually serve with distinction during the Sixth and Seventh Antarean Wars. The 1337th is currently part of Army Group Shangdong System under Colonel-General Chak Lefth.

2nd Armoured Division (Walker)

A special armoured division and an anomaly within the corps, the 2nd Armoured is only brought in during situations where extreme force is not only preferred, but absolutely necessary. The 2nd Armoured is equipped with massive armoured mecha walkers ranging from fifteen to over thirty metres tall. The 2nd Armoured Division is currently commanded by Major General Sierra Miller.

Centauri Highlanders

An amalgamation of the various Highlander units from around the corps, the Centauri Highlanders have traded in their kilts for power armour, but retain their fearsome skill for hand to hand combat. The Highlanders are usually used for urban fighting, where superior long range fire power matters for less and the great monomolecular claymores of the Highlanders matter much more.

4th Lancer Division

Originally a regiment of the Imperial Terran Marine Corps of Echo-3, Lancers were the most elite of that prestigious organization, riding armoured all-terrain vehicles and striking at enemy lines like knights of old, carrying massive armour piercing cannon like medieval lances. Although the Lancers now fight in Seraphim, they have retained their original purpose and equipment, trading up and carrying their massive mobile artillery cannon into battle and wileding them with exceptional skill. The 4th Lancers are commanded by Kronprinz Arteus von Terra und Wulfram of the Terran Kaiserreich.

891st Geist Reapers

The Geist Reapers are an unattached regiment under the direct command of the CMO. The 891st is used to investigate paranormal and unexplainable phenomenon as well as suppress, eliminate and on occasion, rehabilitate those altered post-mortem life forms most commonly known as "Ghosts". They are equipped with special weapons and containment gear. It is not recommended to take them into an active combat zone, for they are a still considered an experimental group and the regiment was not created for action under fire.

51st Heavy Infantry

Drafted from the best of the Antarean Naval Infantry units, these men and women were convinced to switch sides and serve their former enemies. They have, however, kept the livery of House Selavento on their armour and continue to modify their standard issue rifles to handle like (more reliable) versions of their previous weapons. Unlike most marine units, the officers of the 51st use Chainsword instead of monomolecular sabers as hand to hand weapons. They are currently stationed on Fortress Luna.

Notable Members

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