Amanye Prime
From Hyfenwiki
Amanye Prime | |
[[Image:{{{image}}}|330px| ]] | |
Physical Data | |
System | Amazus |
Natural Satellites | 1 |
Rings Present | None |
Obliquity | 9.78° |
Diameter | -- |
Circumference | -- |
Surface Area | -- |
Volume | -- |
Mean Density | -- |
Demographical Data | |
Affiliation | Terran Sphere |
Sentient Species | None |
Population | Uninhabitated |
Persons of Note | None |
Contents |
Planetary Environment
Amanye Prime is in the Amazus System, a small primitive system with only one sentient race present on Amanye Two (referred to commonly as Amanians, and technically as Race 621197). The system includes Amanye Prime, Amanye Two, as well as two other planets: Korubo and Baniwa. Amanye Prime itself has one large moon, Purus. Given the somewhat larger mass of the planet, gravity is 1.3 times that of Terra Magna. This figure is somewhat deceptive, as the mass is not much more than Terra’s but the surface area is a good deal more. The liquid mantle and core interior of Amanye Prime is considerably less dense than that of most mainstream planets with contemporary life.
Surface Overview
Amanye Prime is a tropical hellhole of a planet. The temperature hovers at a near constant 35°C with humidity near 100%. Just about the entire planet is encompassed in one massive jungle, with very few breaks. The jungle is so extensive, that there appear to be no natural water sources such as oceans, rivers, lakes, or ponds. The abundant amount of life on the planet, both plant and animal, seems to be supported by only two factors: rain and spring water. Rain collects in plant basins and on stones, while spring water is either directly abosorbed by plants, evaporated, or retained in the ground making for boggy, swamp-like areas in some places. Plant and animal life is abundant. Especially the flora.
Sentient Species(s) Overview
There is no sentient life native to Amanye Prime.
Animal life, while still abundant, is somewhat less impressive. Several pre-ape monkey species make their home in the high canopy and rarely come to the ground. Insects are surprisingly sparse, making Amanye unique among other predominantly wooded planets. Only approximately 4,000 insect species have been identified (though, to be honest, this planet never really had a vested interest taken in it, and could yield a couple surprises) Reptiles are also surprisingly few. Some snake like species may crop up now and then, as well as an interesting reptilian counterpart to the mammalian lemur. It was once suspected, and is now confirmed, that a small raptor like species not too dissimilar from a featherless Deinonychus, called Raptorex, is present as well. There are no identified fish species at this time, due to the apparent lack of lakes, oceans, and river systems on this planet.
What really makes Amanye Prime stand out when it comes to animal life though, are the bird species. Somewhere around 38,500 species of birds have been identified thus far on this planet, and it is believed that the actual number of individual species is much higher. The largest and most notable (though not the most common) species is the Gracilimae. The Gracilimae are very large. Standing on its hind legs it tops most humanoids at an average height of 2.18 meters. It has an iridescent blue feathering as well as a blue, or the occasional black or white, beak and scales, with not only a large pair of front wings, but hind legs that resemble a kind of “proto-wing” that gives the Gracilimae much increased flying speed and movement control while in the air. It is known as very graceful and beautiful animal with a beautiful sing-song call. The complexity and use of the calls lead scientists and researchers to believe that the Gracilimae are very intelligent and have a primitive form of language with the very beginnings of grammatical structure (certain tones of the same call seem to denote different meanings, and ordering of different calls also seems to make a difference).
The trees are monstrously huge, with mostly the universal average chlorophyll A and B filled leaves. However, there is a rare species of tree on Amanye Prime which displays an unusual gray colored trunk and red leaves, the Rark Tree. These trees have not been studied extensively, but are known to be exceedingly rare (count yourself lucky if you see a live one), hard as very hard stone, grow at maybe a centimeter a year, and never stop growing. They are thought to be among the earliest forms of life in the galaxy to survive to the present day.
The foliage is dense in most areas, though an occasional clearing may be found under the thick canopy. Thick vines and creepers drape from trees and litter the ground, making the narrow space between trees even more treacherous to traverse. Other plants on the planet include large fern-esque, simple vascular plants and wildflowers galore.
Galactic Forces Activity
There is only one outpost on Amanye Prime. It was established by the Freikorps circa 2221 and has since been abandoned. Automated maintenance has kept it functioning to a limited degree, but most systems are offline and the structure is largely dilapidated. It is very small and was only made to protect a temporary research crew of up to 25 personnel maximum.
The Stahlhelm Exercise Final Campaign was held on Amanye Prime. During the exercise, a large portion of jungle was burned to the ground, but is already being reclaimed. It was revealed during the exercise that experiments of questionable purpose and secrecy may have once been held on Amaye Prime, though this has not been confirmed.