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Centauri is a binary star system within the Terran Sphere, and is considered one of its Core Worlds. Centauri is composed of the twin stars Centauri-A and Centauri-B. Centauri-A is the primary star in the system and is orbited by the two gas giants Chiron and Lapithus, as well as the rocky planetoid Tauros. Centauri-B is orbited by the Tauro debris ring as well as the two gas giants Hylonome and Cyllarus. The Centauri system was first colonized in 2061 and is a major site of heavy industry in the Terran Sphere, including the Centauri Shipyards. Much of this industrial base was damaged or destroyed during the Stahlhelm Exercise, and is currently being rebuilt.

The system does have two terrestrial planets, Centauri Prime and Centauri II, although neither of them have significant terraforming completed. The majority of Centauri's residents live in enormous arcologies positioned at the system's Lagrange points. Baseline Centauri's total population as of 2261 was 860 million. Centauri is currently classed as a high priority catagory A billet, and is guarded by a formidable System Defence Squadron consisting of two battlecruisers, 4 escort carriers, 8 light cruisers, 14 destroyers and 4 support ships.



The Economy of Centauri is centered primarily around heavy industries such as manufacturing and refining. The Centauri Shipyards are the biggest employer in the system, accounting for more than three fourths of total employment. Several other major companies also have a significant manufacturing presence in the system. Chemical companies are another major sector of the economy, most notably those involved in synthetic fuels and propellants. The smelting and refining of raw materials for use in manufacturing occurs on a small scale.


Main Article: Centauri Shipyards

The Centauri system is home to the Terran Sphere's biggest shipyard complex, producing roughly 45% of the Freikorps' naval tonnage each year. The shipyards, along with almost all of the other industrial and residential facilities, are located between Centauri-A and Centauri-B in the center of mass of the system. Though there are a few outlying research stations and colonies, they make up an insignificant fraction of the population. Since the Centauri system is located deep in the Terran Sphere's Core, its system defenses consist only of a detachment of the Home Fleet. Should any hostile force threaten the shipyards, reinforcements can be summoned from Sol and other nearby systems.

Stahlhelm Exercise

Main Article: Stahlhelm Exercise

The Centauri system was the site of the second major battle of the Stahlhelm Exercise. This battle resulted in heavy damage to the shipyard complex in the system, glassification of the planetoid Tauros, and the destruction of the planetoid Tauro. Currently, the system is being rebuilt under the direction of the Centauri governor, Vice Admiral Iceland.

After suffering heavy casualties in the first battle of the Stahlhelm Exercise at Terra Magna, Field Marshal Zeth Holt and the remaining Stahlhelm forces limped to the Centauri system where they attempted to take refuge and regroup. However, they were pursued closely by Freikorps forces, led by Fleet Admiral Cataphrak Stormraider. Activating the self-destruct charges built into the shipyards, Cataphrak forced the Stahlhelm forces to fight without a chance to recover from the previous battle. This proved decisive, as the Freikorps forces virtually eliminated the Stahlhelm in the ensuing battle. Though the scorched earth policy of the Freikorps inflicted heavy damage to the system and rendered parts of it uninhabitable, they achieved their primary objective of denying the shipyards to the Stahlhelm forces.

Planets and Colonies

  • Chiron (Centauri-A I)
  • Lapithus (Centauri-A II)
  • Tauros (Planetoid)
  • Hylonome (Centauri-B I)
  • Cyllarus (Centauri-B II)
  • Centauri Shipyards
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