Tennessee's 9th

From Hickipedia

The 9th Electoral District of Tennessee is a census area used for determining federal election results in the Southeast Region. It includes the city of Memphis, capital of the Southeast, and its suburbs. In October 2007 it voted 65% Colin W, the strongest of any electoral district of the Southeast.


Urban:75% Rural:25% Population:148,112 Median income:$45,112 Poverty status:8.7% White:51.0% Black:45.5% Hispanic:3.1% Ancestry: 45.5% African, 11.9% British, 6.4% Colonial, 5.2% Irish Oct. 2007 Pres.:

65% ColinW (NLC) 14% Gporter(Rep) 13% Polnut (PLP) 8% SPC (RPP)

Jun. 2007 Pres.:

66% BrandonH (RPP) 21% Colin W (RP) 13% Everett (PLP)

Occupation: 42.1% Blue collar, 48.3% White collar, 9.6% gray collar

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