Tennessee's 4th

From Hickipedia

The 4th Electoral District of Tennessee is a census area used for determining federal election results in the Southeast Region. DEMOGRAPHICS:

Urban:13% Rural:87% Population:79,112 Median income:$19,009 Poverty status:45.5% White:100% Black:0% Hispanic:0% Ancestry: 33.1% British, 30.7% Colonial, 23.7% Irish, 17.0% Scots-Irish Oct. 2007 Pres.:

26% ColinW (NLC) 53% Gporter(Rep) 1% Polnut (PLP) 20% SPC (RPP)

Jun. 2007 Pres.:

91% BrandonH (RPP) 6% Colin W (RP) 4% Everett (PLP)

Occupation: 65.8% Blue collar, 24.3% White collar, 9.9% gray collar

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