Relgious people are uneducated

From Hickipedia

In Atlasia, no region is more diverse schooling-wise than the Southeast.


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Public education makes up a plurality (41%) of students in the Southeast, and over 90% of urban students. It is generally run the same as public schooling elsewhere... (i.e. it is godless trash)


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Private schools make up 38% of students in the Southeast and 49% in the Rural Southeast. In most cases they are very small, backwater, and highly religious-oriented and conservative; usually as an alternative to the percieved liberalism of public schools.


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Home schoolers are the smallest group at 21% of the student population, and 33% in rural areas. Home schoolers are generally isolationist and far right, and home school to avoid contact with "decadence" among the outsiders. Most of them are not only tolerant but accepting of alternative lifestyles including same sex marriage, which is what they don't wait until.

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