12aFTV Production Blogs ShortFilm/Daniel Melora Raechelle

From Ftvprotowiki

9-3-07: booked a camera yesterday, so couldnt do anything today... worked on business assignment... lata.. RAECHELLE COAKER

9-3-07: i have done nothing DANiEL BAiLEY

13-3-07 did some of my business assignment as cant do anything yet.. i also let riley have my camera booking for this weekend, i want to try and book a camera for next week or weekend as it will probably be easier... lata... RAECHELLE COAKER

13-3-07 i did maths - Daniel

13-3-07 i did hosp - Melora!

15-3-07 i read my novel for english... RAECHELLE COAKER

03-04-07 i read my novel for english and second lesson i'll go shooting!! - Melora 03-04-07 i did editing today...daniel bailey 03-04-07 i did editing today.. .rachelle

25-5-07 Daniel bailey - - - 1. not very well, i think it fell short of my original goal (out of time, time not use wisely) 2. -when ellie (actor) was taking her first picture - as naomi (othr actor) runs by ellie - the end scene 3. i would have liked to have more shots of ellie gardening and make it look more authentic. 4.getting ellie to be in it, i told her i would pay her 5. getting started earlier, i'd then have more time to edit 6. i would give myself a sound

25-04-07 I guess my short film was ok. I think that a majority of the filming could have been better though. The scenes where Amy is running and then stopping for breath and then finding herslf in a different spot to where she stopped, would have to be the scences i liked best. Another woud have to be at the end, when she finally reaches the office door, closes her eyes and then opens them to find herself back at where she starteed.The First scences which i forgot to shot where the parts i considered to be most dissappointing. Editing the shots of amy running and making them all fit together and in time were the probably the most difficult problem that i had to overcome. If there was one thing that i would do differently, it would have to be getting better (and all) of my shots done and edited the way i wanted and getting it perfected. Overal, i would probably give myself a sound achievement as i didnt exactly get the film perfected and it could have been better. RAECHELLE COAKER

25-5-07 Melora Pearons 1. not quite, i think a failed a bit 2. - the one of a panning shot of anna walking along the pathway,(on a high angle) - in the library where the librarian chases anna out - panning shot of the school 3.the most disappointing part was same of the shots i had i the film was scrappy because i didn;t use a tripod and alot of editing wasn't done properly 4. trying to get everything orginised, by getting the character to come out on her own time to get footage and also doing this work in my own time 5. i would get more good shots and do it in final cut because i movie sucks, and i prefer final cut because its much better. 6. LA+ because i didn't finish it properly and it has easy works in it, and i should do it in final cut next time.

today me and melora was trying to edit our eggman video clip but we couldn't find the tape so instead we did nothing!lol...................

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