Zareen Attar

From Flight From Darkness


[edit] Personality

Zareen Attar is the 65 year old head of the Exiled Court of Varangia. She is an old, crusty, stick-in-the-mud traditionalist, and selfishly holds on to all the power she has accumulated. She is also very, very smart, politically savvy, and above all else, pragmatic and fair. She does hold the best interests of Varang at heart; she merely believes that the more power she has the better she can guarantee that.

She was a high ranking member of the Wizarat before the Evacuation, and during it became the leader of the Council of Pundits, a post she has not lost since. She is respected and feared for her actions during the Evacuation, but it is generally accepted she did what was necessary. Her actions since her arrival on the Dream to consolidate her power have provoked rumblings against the “iron hearted tyrant bitch” from all the castes. Still, she is undeniably the glue that holds the Exiled Court together.

[edit] Relations with PCs

[edit] Ashen Vespasian Hunter

Her relationship with Vespasian is similar to the one Harry Dresden and Jon Marcone (from the Dresden Files book series). They loath each other, but their goals wind up aligning more often than not so they grudgingly work together when they need to. Otherwise they like to ignore the other exists, while making plans for a (possible) confrontation with the other. There dislike of each other is well known, but the extent is not.

[edit] Tulian Zianpang

Her relationship with Tulian on the other hand, is much less strained. This is due to several factors: Tuli lacks the influence among the Varang to challenge her directly, is clearly far more focused on machines than leadership (something Zareen has used her influence to encourage as strongly as she can), she lacks the combat skills to kill the entire pundit caste herself and finally Zareen has gone out of her way not to antagonize Tuli. She has learned from the mistakes with Vespasian and has been quite supportive in Tuli’s endeavours, so long as they keep her away from the Varang leadership.

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