Training Hall

From Flight From Darkness

A half-mile wide circular area, where the floor and ceiling are made of retractable blocks and variable surfaces; this and hologlyphic projectors allow for setting up all kinds of terrain. Combat training is the most obvious purpose, but not the only one; some applications of Essence simply need a wide open, safe place to practice. Also, if ever there is a need to gather most of the ship's crew in one location - such as for a major theater production, or an Essence working to bless the entire crew - this is large enough for that need.

Off to one side are 300 Combat Training Automata, all currently out of order, and many in worse repair than when the Titan left due to scavenging. The roof blocks are armored; there is a tale that one of the female bridge crew went on a binge reinforcing them, concerned that someone was going to try blasting through to her quarters when she was unclad.

The entire hall is controlled from a large security-station-like room near the "back" (see Tower Deck 3), which has full access to the Archives (some say it is the backup of the backup of the Archives), screens to watch any part of the hall or give an overview, and consoles to adjust the terrain and hologlyphics. In short, it was designed for officers to overview large scale training exercises in the hall. The automata could also be controlled from here, if they were working. The lift to the Tower's upper decks is within this room, off to one side.

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