The Sacred Wardens of Hope

From Flight From Darkness

Twenty-two divinities were assigned by the Maidens and three by Luna to accompany the last of The Fellowship into madness aboard the Dream of Sweet Rain. They methods by which the Incarnae make their decisions are always mysterious, and they chose from among the mightiest and the weakest deities in Heaven. The Sacred Wardens of Hope were all given orders to cooperate with the Fellowship at the beginning of their service, but it's not unreasonable to assume that they also have their own orders...and their own agendas. The deities aboard the Dream cooperate rather well, though the Fellowship does have to step in on occasional resolve the occasional territorial dispute. Technically, each deity on board is still answerable to Erimaru for any violation of the Laws of Heaven, and she has been granted authority to judge the deities on board as a Celestial Censor. It's uncommon for the gods on board to make formal accusations of wrong-doing, however: they know they might be stuck with each other for a very long time, and most of them don't want to make enemies until the systems of power on board solidify for a few more years.

[edit] Gods

  • Luranume, Potent god of Auspicious Luck, rarely seen outside Sidereal chambers
  • Agralzo, Once-mighty God of Discovery, recently freed from a starmetal cage and just slightly mad from confinement
  • Ivory Shadow Smith, God of Secret Arsenals, Patron of the Last Legion
  • Six White Thunders, Storm/Battle God, Patron of External Defense Corps
  • Thrice-Dark Loam, Rot/Decay/Soil God, Patron of Sanitation
  • Melting Snow, Fertility/Harvest Goddess, Patron of Horticultural Corps
  • Laughing Ragamoffin, god of Smuggling, Patron of the Dream's criminal element, angling for patronage of orphaned children
  • Luxana, Goddess of Recorded Knowledge, Patron of the Technical Corps
  • Mstislav, Northern god of glorious vengeance, patron to Icewalkers/Haslanti
  • Pruina, Celestial Admiral of the North, patron of airships and dark journeys
  • Nine Eyes Shamira, Celestial Lioness, Patron of the Security Corps, Mother of the Nine Fangs
    • Invincible Golden Fang, the First Fang, a gold-furred Lion Dog with a love of order and honor. Guards the Bridge.
    • Incorruptible Silver Fang, the Second Fang, a grey-furred Lion Dog fond of stealth. Guards the people of the Tower.
    • Terrible Black Fang, the Third Fang, a black Lion Dog with a fondness for human flesh. Guards Red Plate.
    • Sagacious Fang, the Fourth Fang, a green-skinned and scaled Lion Dog who speaks in riddles. Guards Blue Plate.
    • Forgotten Fang, the Fifth Fang, a white-furred Lion Dog who guards Black Plate.
    • Thrice-Mourning Fang, the Sixth Fang, a hedonistic yellow-furred Lion Dog who guards White Plate.
    • Stupid Fang, the Seventh Fang, a huge brown lion dog. Patient and contemplative, guards the Green Plate.
    • Unbroken Fang, the Eighth Fang, a grey-furred lion dog fond of forensics and investigation. Guards the Factory Cathedral.
    • Lonely Fang, the Ninth Fang, a black-furred Lion Dog with a white starburst on her forehead. Guards Deck 2.

[edit] Elementals

  • Sugar Stem, Lesser Elemental Dragon of Wood, Patron of the Medical Corps
  • Hidden Gleam, Lesser Elemental Dragon of Fire, Patron of the Guild/merchants
  • Erimaru, Lesser Elemental Dragon of Earth, Censor
  • Iron-Clad Afon, Lesser Elemental Dragon of Water, in charge of the plumbing
  • Tuuliki, Lesser Elemental Dragon of Air, manages power-distribution systems
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