
From Flight From Darkness

Note: copied directly from yu-shan book

Luxana is the Goddess of Recorded Knowledge and serves under Nara-O as one of its lieutenants in the Bureau of Destiny. She is a prim goddess, formalistic and intent on using the current chaos outside of Yu-Shan to lay the groundwork with whichever group comes to power in Creation. She dreams of a world in which literacy is universal, and not simply for charitable reasons—it is Luxana’s nature to know every fact recorded in written form, so she hopes that a new renaissance and universal literacy will bring her to near omnipotence, buoying her past Nara-O in the hierarchy, and allowing her to overthrow it without ever actually betraying it (Like many of the gods who serve Nara-O, she knows that a plan to betray it would be patently obvious to a god with its abilities.). To that end, Luxana lends discreet support to various forces in Creation—Scavenger Lords, Twilight caste Solar Exalted, No Moon Lunar Exalted, and scholarly Dragon-Blooded. Particularly progressive regimes (not exactly thick on the ground anywhere in Creation) also garner her whole-hearted support when they show up. Luxana fears the Time of Tumult. Every time Creation has suffered an apocalyptic event, the course of knowledge has been set back, and in some ways permanently diminished. Much knowledge common in the First Age is known only to a handful of people today, many of whom refuse to teach it to others or commit it to writing because learning is a valuable commodity. She greatly fears the coming conflicts and does not know whether to throw in her lot with the Bronze Faction and support the status quo or some other group. Recently, while in Creation, Luxana was approached by an emissary of the Walker in Darkness, who sought to persuade her that knowledge does not perish in the Underworld and that she may be better served by aiding the cause of the dead. She declined the invitation then, but her curiosity has been piqued. Motivation: Luxana hopes to circumvent another cataclysmic event in Creation that may destroy or setback the course of human knowledge. Description: Luxana is a god of the Fourth Rank. She appears as a porcelain-skinned woman in severe robes, surrounded by dozens of servitor spirits who each carry a tome or scroll. She need only gesture and the right book is brought before her, carrying whatever information she needs. A side effect of her rank and power, which she does not discuss, is that she knows the location of every book in Heaven and Creation. Other Notes: Luxana’s librarian spirits are gods of the First Rank and appear as flapping cherubs with tomes chained to their wrists. Virtues: Compassion 3, Conviction 4, Temperance 2, Valor 1 Essence: 5

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