The Last Legion

From Flight From Darkness

The Last Legion, as the remainder of Lookshy's government and Military are calling themselves, are unusual aboard the Dream in that they claim sovereignty separate from that of the ship and the Captain. According to the members of the Last Legion, the fall of Lookshy does not absolve them of their duties anymore than the fall of the Shogunate absolved their ancestors during the Balorian Crusade. If they follow the orders of the Bridge Crew, it is because the two powers have made an alliance. Last Legion personnel are permitted to take positions with the Dream of Sweet Rain's regular crew, but they are expected to remain loyal to the Legion and to report to the Legion in the event of an emergency. The Legion cooperates with but views itself as separate from the Security and External Defense Corps, and the Legion claims the right as the Lookshyan government-in-exile to both make and enforce laws on its own citizens.


[edit] Background

When the Reclamation began, the plans of the Yozi were to draw as much of Lookshy’s forces out from the city as possible, then strike as hard and fast in a bid to break Lookshy’s weakened defences. The strike was launched shortly after the Return of the Scarlet Empress. Despite early successes, the bid for a short victorious war ground to halt in short order, grinding into the largest land battle since the Balorian Crusade. It swiftly became a battle of attrition, slowly grinding in favor of the Realm. Lookshy’s attempts to recall is scattered troops were hampered by the sudden appearance of the monstrous savages that became known as the Reavers. That changed with the Unveiling. With the Scarlet Empress’s allegiance revealed, the Realm Legions were reinforced large numbers of demons, helltech and Green Sun Princes. The massive influx of new forces drove Lookshy back to its walls in short order, prompting the Seventh Legion to resort to scorched earth tactics. By the time The Siege of Lookshy had ended, most of the city as nothing but pebbles, strange geometric energies warped the area, and twisted ghosts lurked in the craters left by the weapons. The besieging forces did not achieve this unscathed. Without the endless numbers of demons, the battle would have been considered pyrrhic for the Realm. As it was the Damned Legions simply packed up and left, marching for their next target. They left a garrison behind to watch over the ruins, build a supply port, and see what could be salvaged from the ruins, under the command of the Defiler The Flame That Burns The Legion.

Despite the devastation caused by the Siege there were survivors, mostly from the surrounding area, but also handful of “lucky” souls from within the city itself. Any Dragonblood and essence users were swiftly shipped to a more secure location for ‘re-education’. To the remaining mortal (and a few Dragonblood that managed to concealed their nature) The Flame gave them a choice: be given to the Reavers that now roamed the countryside of Lookshy in force... or assist in the exploration of the City ruins. After a demonstration of what would happen if they were given to the Reavers, most agreed to stay in the protected camp and assist in the exploration.

As people were lost to the multitude of dangers now lurking in Lookshy Ruins, The Flame imported more refugees to replace them, most prominently from Nexus. The sudden influx of fresh refugees into the Camp caused a sudden spiking in tensions, causing further disruptions to the camps operations. In response Flame had a series of strange trees transplanted into the camp. Within days the inmates were reduced to a state of dreamlike tranquility inside the Camp. Only outside, in the ruins did they regain their normal capacities.

Following the Ebon Ascension, The Flame began to make plans to expand the Lookshy Expedition Camp, expecting a large influx of workers from rebellious populations. Those plans were sharply derailed when the Dream, fleeing from The Thousand Toothed Blossom, came barreling across the sky.

The Dream used the then omnipresent dark clouds to conceal it approach to the mainland. However, it was still spotted several hours out, causing a The Flame to prompt a flurry of activity from the guards at the garrison, and the small naval task force around the city. He maneuvered them in hopes of capturing the great citadel. His hopes were quickly dashed when the Dream came within firing range and proceeded to vaporized the agate riders that had been directed to board it. It then began to do the same to all the major fortifications and vessels in the area, not even bothering to slow down. The Flame was killed when, in a fit of desperation, he attempted to cast Total Annihilation on the Dream, causing the entirety of the Black Plate’s Essence Cannons to target him. The resulting explosion took out a third of the Camp. Under the cover the pouring essence fire, the Einlanzer, under the command of Tepet Reynald, along with Haslanti airships flew down to the work camp. Working as quickly as they could, they managed evacuate most of the interned workers before the Dream pulled out of effective operations distance of Lookshy. Several thousand souls were rescued from the Lookshy Expedition Camp... a pittance next the population that once dwelled within one of Creations largest cities.

The rest of the Last Legion’s population was picked us as the Dream continued its frantic evasions across Creation. Most of these were troops scattered by the Reclmation and their camp followers, though a smattering of wanders and merchants were also found. The most notable of these was groups was a Wing of troops under the command of Maheka Vinh, and Varil Bernayd’s Talon.

[edit] Politics

The politics of the Last Legion are complex, but generally there are three major political factions within the Last Legion:

[edit] Reformists

The Reformists push for stronger ties with the rest of the Dream, especially with the Celestial Exalted. They believe that the best path for survival lies in full cooperation between the disparate groups on the Dream.

[edit] Mercenaries

The Mercenaries are the current ruling school of thought in the Last Legion. They hold with the Legions current policies: limited co-operation with the rest of the Dream, continued Lookshy sovereignty, and a slow increase in the Legions power (so as not to provoke a disastrous civil war).

[edit] Imperialists

The Imperialists believe the Last Legion should be running the Dream. They continue to push for more and more power for the Legion. Only the most extreme advocate military force however.

[edit] The Pursuers of Immaculate Purity (Purists)

See the Purists Faction

[edit] Anathema

The Last Legion, on the whole, have an intense dislike the Celestial Exalted. The degree of which varies wildly from member to member however. Most are willing to at least grudgingly work with the Celestials however, and those that are not tend to be assigned to locations where they unlikely to interact Celestials. Still, open threats against Celestials are rare, as most Legionaires do realize the Celestials are (unfortunately) necessary. Despite this, several Celestials have earned grudging respect from the Legion, but open declarations of such tend to be an excellent way to be transferred to the EDC or Tech Corps. It is unknown what effect the recent Exaltations of the well regarded citizens Lady of the Pale Gaze and Dokukinoko Momo will have on this outlook.

[edit] Members:

The Last Legion is primarily made up of those who were on active military duty when Lookshy fell, but it also includes a number of formerly civilian Lookshyans who rejoined the Legion aboard the ship. The Legion is led by their Chumyo and commanded by the General Staff, all of whom were much lower-ranked military officers "promoted" from related fields to their current positions by Maheka Vinh (who was herself elected by the Legion as a whole) to ensure stability.

[edit] The General Staff:

  • Chumyo: Maheka Vinh: Earth-aspect, leader of Lookshyan government-in-exile.
  • Adjutant General: Yushoto Alemar, Wood-Aspect martial artist/scholar/shrhink
  • Justice Director: Teresu Tirta: Water-Aspected legal scholar, Warstrider pilot
  • Security Director: Maheka Utaro, her husband, Water-aspected Warstrider Pilot
  • Stores Director: Setiawan, Vinh's former 2nd: quiet godblooded man of honor
  • Liason Director: Karal Melati, Fire-Aspect linguist, the Legion's public face
  • Intelligence Director: Amilar Harta, Wood-Aspect former intelligence agent
  • Operations Director: Yughoto Agamo, earth-aspected cigar-chewer

[edit] Dragon-Blooded Officers:

  • Karal Dasal, An old Fire Aspected commander of Jasella's.
  • Amilar Narith, An Air Aspected artificer and scholar, Jasella's school rival.
  • Singe, a quiet but trustworthy Water Aspect serving in the EDC

[edit] Mortals:

  • Teresu Kanten: Chief Maintennance Officer, Thaumaturge, friendly rival to Momo
  • Tanakoro One-Blow: Crippled veteran runs Edamame Izakaya, bears a baaad debt
  • Amilar Simhala, scholarly widow, cooks at Edamame Izakaya in her spare time.

[edit] Godbloods:

  • Night of Thunder, 6-year old mute prodigy, son of Chumyo Maheka Vinh

[edit] Dedicated Locations:

  • The Lookshy District on Tower Deck 5 is the home of many Legionnaires not on active duty, and their friends and families.
  • Blue Plate is the stronghold of the Legion aboard the Dream. It's not technically sovereign territory, but it's close.
  • Edamame Izakaya is a cafe on Blue Plate popular with off-duty Legionnaires.

[edit] Creation-Ruling Mandate Stats: The Last Legion

  • Policy: "Win the war against the Ebon Dragon."
    • Lookshy (Desire to rebuild or reclaim)
    • Demons (Vengeful hatred)
    • Raksha (Cold hatred)
    • Lookshyan Culture (Stubborn Pride)
    • Anathema (Distrust)
    • EDC (Rivalry)
  • Structure: Military command structure.
  • Assets:
    • Size 4: The Last Legion consists of about 600 active Lookshyans and several hundred more who are less actively devoted.
    • Competence 6: The Legion has a large number of Dragonbloods, highly trained enlightened warriors, and sweet First-Age tech.
    • Influence 5: The Sidereals may run the place, but the Last Legion's suggestions are treated with a great deal of respect.
    • Wealth 3: Sadly, the Legion is low on resources, and has to compete with the External Defense and Technical Corps for them.
    • Reach 4: The Legion's stronghold is on Blue Plate, but its actions can affect life anywhere aboard the Dream.
  • Special Assets:
    • Terrestrial Exalts: The Legion has dozens of young exalts and a few middle-aged ones. Assume they have a Special Asset 4 dragonblooded specialist to throw at any field of endeavor related to their Policy.
    • First Age Fleet: The Legion owns a large number of powerful First Age weapons. Assume they have a Special Asset 8 to throw at any field of endeavor where their warstriders or teleporting battle platform would come in handy.
    • Hydroponics Bays: The Legion owns 2 Hydroponics Bays, each rated at 2 when it comes to food production.

Capital: 22/22

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