The Exiled Court of Varangia

From Flight From Darkness

This is the community of the refugees from Varangia.

[edit] Creation-Ruling Mandate Stats: The Exiled Court of Varangia

  • Policy: "Rebuild Varangia."
    • Astrology (Religious Dependance)
    • The Ebon Dragon (Fear)
    • The Exalted (Distrust)
    • The Caste System (Hidebound Conservatism)
  • Structure: Cultural Enclave and government-in-exile, led by the votes of the Pandit Council..
  • Assets:
    • Size 4: There are a little under a thousand Varangians on board, and crises of faith have hurt their levels of loyalty.
    • Competence 3: The Varangians are their individual specialties. This limits their ability to apply their population to a problem.
    • Influence 3: The Dreamers are seen as useful, but generally end up doing what the Sidereals tell them.
    • Wealth 2: The Varangians lost much in their journey north, and the caste system makes it hard for them to gain lucrative positions. Therefore, they are among the poorer peoples aboard as a group.
    • Reach 3: The Varangians mostly occupy Deck 4, with some influence on Red Plate.
  • Special Assets:
    • Tulian Zianpang, a Solar Exalt, is a rating 6 Special Asset if working on a project within her areas of expertise.
    • Ashen Vespasian Hunter, a Lunar, is a rating 6 Special Asset if working on a project within his areas of expertise.
    • Luxana, goddess of recorded knowledge, is a rating 4 Special Asset who favors the Varangian reliance on her purview.
    • Mortal Astrologers: the Varangians have several extremely talented thaumaturges. Together, they are a rating 3 Special Asset.

Capital: 15/15

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