
From Flight From Darkness


[edit] Personnel File: Ravimot

Ravimot is one of the Lunar Exalted and the Chief of Sanitation for the Dream of Sweet Rain. He is nonspecific about his age but appears to be in his mid-forties, and he is cleared for all information below Bridge-Level clearance.

[edit] Description:

Ravimot is a small and dark-skinned man with nimble hands. He wears moonsilver spectacles (function unknown) and dresses in the black and grey uniform of the Sanitation Corps. While any physical description of one of the Lunar Exalted is bound to become rapidly inaccurate, as of his last medical examination he had red-brown eyes, well-groomed black hair, and a pleasant body odor reminiscent of cinnamon. He wears a well-groomed beard.

[edit] Personality:

Ravimot has been examined and deemed psychologically fit for duty by the Chief Medical Officer. Notable personality traits include a disinterest in sexuality, an obsession with cleanliness (hard to determine whether it's pathological or professional), a habit of absentmindedly adjusting his beard in thought, and an introspective and introverted personality. Combined with a lack of interest in romance, this last tendency leads Ravimot to isolate himself from most of the crew, and he doesn't have many friends on board. Ravimot is a necromancer of some skill, and therefore it is recommended that he be kept under observation to ensure that his quiet and private studies don't take any dangerous turns.

[edit] Security Analysis:

Ravimot has been directly questioned on his loyalties, and he assures us that they lie with the Dream and with the continued survival of humanity. He displays marked trust issues, however: he dislikes the Bridge Crew and responds to authority largely by ignoring it and going about whatever he was doing beforehand. Since whatever he was doing beforehand is generally "fixing the ship's sanitation systems," this isn't a problem, but it's worth watching him: his trust issues may at some point bloom into full-blown paranoia (Luna's chosen aren't known for their stability, after all). We suspect that he has a spy network on board, and we have identified several of his informants. Diplomacy is recommended in the event of any altercations: Ravimot is both personally potent and currently necessary to the vital functions of this ship. Unfortunately, he knows it.

[edit] Notable Relationships:

[edit] Notable Skills:

Chief Medical Officer's Note: This list is not exhaustive, as Ravimot is a very private individual.

  • Extraordinarily talented manager of the Sanitation Corps.
  • Extremely talented medical analyst
  • Extremely talented spymaster (if only we knew for sure he was on our side!)
  • Extremely talented trainer of Sanitation Inspectors
  • Extremely talented social engineer
  • Extremely talented shapeshifter (he admits to clearing pipe blockages himself from inside on several occasions)
  • Talented field medic
  • Talented Gateway player
  • Talented Necromancer
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