Weirdies: Original Adventure/3x26

From Finsters Place For Made Up People The Tbs Wiki


[edit] Stave it off, 1, 2, 3

[edit] The Drive Home

(Spike awakens in the Ruins of the 7-11 from Bad Apple)

Spike: Hey! What the Hell!

Maddie: See... (With a nervous Smile on her face) It's just as I said to the UrSkeks, back to the beginning...

Jess: Now we're gonna need some I.D. of these newcomers

Kusu-Kusu: Now it's time to Get back to our Route 66 Adventure! :D

Orbulon: But, how are we supposed to get back on the road? The Turd's back at the Bebop!

Jet: Which, need I remind you is back at your house.

Jess: Um... uh... *slowly turns around with an embarrassed expression* We'll... have to... cancel the road trip... *Sweat drop*


Kururu: I might be able to help...

Jess: No, that's okay. Plus, we've been through so much stuff back on Thra, Our folks must be worried sick.

Orbulon: Okay. So, how do we get back?

  • others stare at Orbulon with a mischevious grin*

Orbulon: I don't like that look...

[edit] Hitchhiking

  • in a few minutes, Orbulon is forced into a skirt, and is sticking his leg out to try and get our heroes a ride back*

Kururu: Come on, work it man!

Dimentio: *hiding his eyes* I can't watch this...

Kat: *sniffs the air* EEEWW!!! What's that gross smell!?!

Penny: We're by a ditch. It's probably a skunk.

Anabelle: And who's fault is that? (Glaring at Maddie)

Maddie: *sniff* Wait. *sniff* I know that smell. *looks at Zoot's feet* Zoot, put you're shoes back on.

All but Zoot: ZOOT!

Zoot: *Blushes*

Jess: Dude, only I do the shoe thing.

Zoot: Well, maybe I want to do it!

Orbulon: I think I'm getting someone to stop!

Jess: Really???

Orbulon: Yep!

(pretty soon, a car stops. In it is a random dude with a big nose, squinty eyes and spiky, brown hair.)

Random dude: Hey, uh, you guys need a ride or something?

Jess: Yes, please.

Maddie: Thank you. ^_^ *thoughts* OMIGOSH!IT'SOLIMAR!!!

Guy who suspiciously looks like Olimar: ...? Why are you staring at me like that?

Maddie: N-no reason...

Kururu: *peers into car, and notices a strange yellow plant-like creature with elf-like ears*

Guy who suspiciously looks like Olimar: You like my sculptures? ^_^ I made all of those myself, based on video game characters. My personal favorte game's Pikmin.

Jess: Okay...

Maddie: Cool, cool, okay...

Guy who suspiciously looks like Olimar: Well, climb on in if you guys need that ride. If you move some stuff around, there's plenty of room... *notices how many's in our group* ... I think...

(We all get in this guy's car, which has a paintjob similar to Olimar's crappy company spaceship from Pikmin 2.)

Maddie: *thinking to self* Is this guy really Olimar, or am I just thinking crazy things?

(Sometime later, we get to the Paltrivel House via Directions form Gloogle Maps)

Not Olimar: Well, catch ya later, okay?

Jess: Maybe. ^_^

(Not Olimar drives off.)

Maddie: Bye! *waves as he drives off*

Mr. Small: Maddie, what was with those weird actions back there?

Maddie: It's nothing...

[edit] Setting up the Teams

Jess: Okay... now that we're here... *rushes in the house* BRAWL!!!

Dimentio: Ooh! Dibs on Lucario!

Maddie: Meta Knight better not be taken when I get in there!

Zoot: *raising hand* Ooh! Ooh! Pick me! Pick me!

Jess: I call Red!

Mikey: Brawl... pfft! They never have Wartortle...

Jess: ... Okay, Zoot... *lightly pokes him with a toothpick*

Zoot: Uhh...I forgot!

Others: *anime-style faint*

Jess: Um, okay... Well, let's get started! I only have three Gamecube controllers, though, so either someone'll have to take the Wiimote or we could do rotation or tournament. Either way, I call Red!

Maddie: I'll do the Wiimote! And I'm automatically Meta Knight~!

Mr. Small: I wish to partake in this brawl! I shall

Maddie: Just describe him, and the rest will like as itself!

Mr. Small: Aha! I wish to be the strange king that looks like a blue penguin!

Jess: Ah, Dedede. Or, as I call him, Fatty McFatFat.

Mikey: I thought you called Wario "Fatty McFatFat".

Jess: No, I just call him Ol' Fatty. Dedede's a king! He deserves a fancier obesity-based nickname! XD

Zoot: Then what do you call Strong Sad? Or Bubs? Or The King of Town? Or Mr. Nosy?

Mr. Small: *kick's Zoot's ankle* No need to get into my friends! :X

Jess: Eh, I don't call them names. *to self* Mainly 'cuz I don't know the last one and I rarely speak to the King of Town...

Dimentio: Let's just get this thing started already!

Jess: Oh, right! *turns on the Ship's Wii* Hey, you think we should do this in teams?

Maddie: Yes! Yes! Oh yes! Of course! We should do teams!

Jess: Right!

Shooting Star: Aww! I wanna play too!

Gomez: Me too!

NiGHTS: Yeah, me too!

Jess: Um... uh... *idea* I got a cool idea! We can do a rotation-team thing! Two on two, losers have to let the next two players have a turn. Sound good?

Maddie: Great idea!

Mr. Small: Yes, yes. A wonderful idea! :D

Jess: Okay! So, who's teaming up with who? Just so's ya know, I ain't teaming with this nutjob. *nods toward Dimentio*

Dimentio: I resent that.

Zoot: *grabs my hand with both of his hands*

Maddie: I think I've got my partner...

Kururu: *to Mr. Small* Come on, ya wanna be partners, Shortstuff?

Mr. Small: I guess...

Kururu: To me that's a yes! :D

Kat and Ana: *latch hands*

Mike and Penny: *latch hands*

Orbulon: What about me?

Gomez: I'll be your partner, Orbulon. ^_^

Shooting Star: Jess, you and me, right?

Jess: Of course. :D

Shooting Star: AWESOME!

Cheza: This one wants to play...

Mikey: I'm sittin' this one out. I'm not much of a Smash Bros fan. *under breath, angrily* Is it so hard to put a freakin' Wartortle in the Smash Bros series?!! I mean, come ON!!!

Yotsuba: I'm hungry. *runs off to the kitchen to find something to eat*

Spike: Then let's sort this thing out... I'm with Old Man Jet, Kiba's with Cheza, Hubb's Partner is Natalie due to Cher's Pregnancy, Valentine Sisters Stick together Toboe has apperantly picked out Blue...

Blue: What are you... *Notices Toboe holding her hand* Ah! Damn it, Toboe!

Toboe: What, This is like, my first time in this Big Theater...

Tsume: Since you're my only option for a partner, What's your plan this week, Porky?

NiGHTS: Looks like it's you and me, Dimentio.

Dimentio: Greaaat. I'm teamed up with a unisex, Spandex-wearing fruitcake. This should be tons of fun.

Orbulon: I don't wanna see what's going to happen next after that comment Dimentio made...

NiGHTS: *pretends he didn't hear Dimentio's comment* Well, shall we get started?

Jess: Hold on... I think it'd be cool if we each had our own team names. Whaddaya think?

Maddie: Yeah! Zoot? What are we?

Zoot: Umm... Team Zooty and Zoot?

Maddie: Perfect! *Thumbs Up*

Spike: Me and Jet,

Kururu: I'm calling for Team Shortstuff for us!

Mr. Small: But I don't want...

Kururu: *does a snake bite on Mr. Small's arm*


Kururu: See? It's better when we agree!

Kat and Ana: Team Ninja! *w00t*

Mike: We did some talking secretly...

Penny: ...And we're Team Karaoke. ^_^

Orbulon: Well, Gomez. What should we pick?

Gomez: Um... how about... Team Stellar? 'Cuz we're both from another planet?

Orbulon: Team Stellar it is!

Jess: We're Team All*Star! With a Wal*Mart-style hyphen in the middle!

Shooting Star: Heck yeah! *High-Five*

(Mikey and Yotsuba come in the room.)

Mikey: Okay, I'm back. Miss me? Mya! </Rover from Animal Crossing> I decided someone needed to keep score, so I'm the official scorekeeper. Yotsuba's the spectator.

Yotsuba: There's ice cream in the freezer!

Dimentio: What?! Jess, you told me you were all out!

Jess: Well, I was... when you asked...

Mr. Small: *with an ice pack pressed against his newly-bandaged arm* I don't want to see the chaotic results of this ice cream caper...

Maddie: Dimentio and NiGHTS still have to pick a team!

Dimentio: Ah well. It's probably that orange cream crap I hate, anyways.

NiGHTS: Hmm... team name... *idea* How about Team Dream Magic?

Dimentio: That's corny... but it works.

Maddie: *w00t* All the teams have been picked, so let's get started!

Jess: Okay!

(Mikey begins writing the names down on a scoreboard)

[edit] Bracket A-Battle 1 Shortstuff vs. Dream Magic

Jess: So... who's going first?

Zoot: *pushes Maddie in front*

Kururu: *pushes Mr. Small in front*

Jess: ... I meant which team is going first.

Zoot and Kururu: Ohhh...

Jess: Yeah.

Maddie: Let's go! :D

Jess: Who's going first?

(NiGHTS and Dimentio volunteer to be one of the first two teams.)

Jess: Okay, who else?

  • Mr. Small and Kururu volunteer*

Jess: Alright, guys! You know what to do!

(NiGHTS, Dimentio, Kururu and Mr Small grab their controllers. NiGHTS gets my uber-special platinum GameCube controller, which is so special, even using a foreign word doesn't truly describe how special it is.)

Dimentio: *has chosen Lucario* Hmm, I wonder if Lucario has a purple-n-yellow color scheme... *flips through the color schemes*

NiGHTS: *has chosen Sonic, giggling* This should be interesting!

Kururu: *has chosen Pikachu, and is half talking to himself* These goggles make him look like me. I wonder if I should get some...

Mr. Small: *has chosen King Dedede* Great McGilicuty! He is fat!

Jess: Told ya.

(After everyone has picked their character and the alternate costume the character will be wearing, it's time to pick the stage! For fun, the stages will always be set on Random.)

Random stage select chooses Delfino Plaza from Super mario Sunshine!

Jess: Alright! Good luck, you guys!

Announcer: READY...FIGHT!

Dimentio: *as Lucario* Well, I may not get to play as myself in this game, but the Aura Pokemon is the next best thing! *notices Ricco Harbor music playing* Uh... why is the Ricco Harbor music playing in Delphino Plaza?

NiGHTS: *as Sonic* Who cares? *Homing Attack at Mr Small/Dedede*

Mr. Small: *as King Dedede* Great McGilicuty! *uses Super Dedede Jump*

Kururu: *ask Pikachu* I've got your back, shortstuff! *Uses Thunder Jolt on NiGHTS/Sonic*

NiGHTS: *shock'd* Waugh!!!

Dimentio: *thinking* Good thing this is the start of the battle... he didn't get knocked too far... Kururu, I hope you've been longing for a beating! *Force Palm at Kururu/Pikachu!!*

Kururu: Ow! *uses Skull Bash on Dimentio/Lucario*

Mr. Small: *uses Inhale on NiGHTS/Sonic*

NiGHTS: Aw, that hurt! ... Hey look, a tiny island!

(The floating mesh flooring lands on a tiny sandy island with a pipe on it.)

Dimentio: Take this! *Aura Sphere at Mr Small/Dedede!*

Mr. Small: Oof! *grabs a Mr. Saturn that had just appeared, and chucks it at Dimentio/Lucario*

Kururu: Ah! Perfect! *grabs a Metal Box that's on the edge of dissapearing, and turns metal*

Dimentio: *grabs Mr Saturn* =P *throws it back*

Mr. Small: Oof!

Kururu: *to self* Just sneak behind, and...*punches Dimentio/Lucario*

Dimentio: *hit!* Ack! *thinking* That's it... just keep dealing damage to me... ah ha ha ha ha! My secret strategy is working!!!

NiGHTS: *finds a Team Healer* Dimentio! Catch! *throws it*

Dimentio: *sees healer coming* No, you fool! *uses ExtremeSpeed to avoid it*

Kururu: What the...*Team Healer ends up hitting himself*

Dimentio: Ah well. You win some, you lose some.

NiGHTS: What was that all about?!

Dimentio: You'll see. *charges up another Aura Sphere*

NiGHTS: Hey, that attack looks bigger this time...

Mr. Small: That doesn't look good... *throws a Waddle Dee at NiGHTS/Sonic*

NiGHTS: *jump!* Too slow! XD

Mr. Small: Not fair!

Dimentio: All's fair in love, war and Brawl! *picks up a Smart Bomb* NiGHTS, get out of the way!!! *throws it at Kururu/Pikachu and Mr Small/Dedede*

Mr. Small: Owowowowowowow!

Kururu: Pain! Oh, the pain!

Dimentio: *notices the blast radius getting bigger* Oh crap. *is hit by his own bomb a bit* D:

(Lo and Behold! At this moment, the Smash Ball Appears!!!)

Dimentio: NiGHTS! Get it! *starts whalin' on Kururu/Pikachu and Mr Small/Dedede*

NiGHTS: I'm gettin' it! *chases after the Smash Ball and starts attacking it*

Mr. Small: Not if I get it first! *whacks Dimentio, and makes an attack for it as well*

Dimentio: OH NO YOU DON'T!!! *Aura Sphere, powered up several times because of Dimentio's clever use of Lucario's "high-risk-high-return" fighting style!!!*

(NiGHTS strikes the Smash Ball one last time and it breaks!)

Kururu and Mr. Small: NO!!!

Dimentio: YES!!!


(Using Sonic's SUPER form, NiGHTS flies across the battlefield, ramming into Kururu/Pikachu and Mr Small/Dedede repeatedly. eanwhile, Dimentio/Lucario uses the Aura Sphere to eliminate any chance Team Shortstuff has of winning. Team Dream Magic wins!!!)

Announcer: Game! This game's winners are... Lucario! And... Sonic!

Kururu: Ohhh...I should eat a pony...

Mr. Small:...Shut up.

NiGHTS: *Dancing* :D

Dimentio: YES! Ha ha! *at Kururu* In your face! *sticks his finger in Kururu's face* In your face!

NiGHTS: Dimentio... I think that's going a little too far...

Jess: Yes, especially considering that it's someone else's turn now. Gimme that silver controller!

(While the next Brawling teams get settled, Mikey crosses off Shortstuff on his homemade tournament grid and writes Dream Magic on the first semi-final placement. Yotsuba goes back for another orange cream bar.)

[edit] Bracket A-Battle 2: Zooty and Zoot vs. Team All*Star

(Maybe in that case, Kat and Ana could replace Orbulon and Gomez's place...)

Kururu: *bites Dimentio's finger*

Mr. Small: *dazed and confused* That sea monkey stole my money... ---

(We get our characters set up and everything.)

Jess: Okay, random stage good?

Shooting Star: I don't have anything particular in mind.

Maddie: Random's fine for me. :D

Zoot: Anything random is fine for me! :3

Jess: Okay. *puts the marker on random* LET'S GET CHAOTIC! *notices everyone staring at me* ... I gotta stop watching so many cartoons...

(Random stage selecter selects... Buncha Ice!)

Maddie: Okay, let's see. Pink, pink, pink. I need white and pink for Meta Knight.

Jess: I'm okay with Red's normal colors. He looks good in red, which probably explains the name. XD

Shooting Star: I think Zelda's Twilight Princess colors are better than the Melee color scheme. :D

Jess: I've never truly "played" a Legend of Zelda game...

Zoot: It's time to play "Color Wheel Roulette!" *keeps on pressing down the color change button* No whammies! No whammies! *ends up on Waluigi colors* Okay, that will do. I guess...

Jess: Okay, let's do this!!!

(The brawl starts! Everyone is on the ice, since that's all there is in this stage.)

Jess: (started as Squirtle) *slippy-slidey* Wo-wo-woah!!! Gotta get a good footing!

Shooting Star: *in Shiek form* You made this stage! You should have your head all around it! *charges up Needle Storm*

Maddie: *as Meta Knight* Wow, this thing's (the sword) lighter than I thought!

Zoot: *as Luigi* I can finally do it! *does that one stall where he does all those weird, jerky movements*

Jess: You better watch out here! This ice can be pretty slippery! 'Specially when I slick it up! *Water Gun at Zoot!*

Zoot: Maybe a few fireballs will evaporate that water! *throws a few fire balls*

Maddie: I'm comin' at ya! *uses Drill Rush at Shooting Star*

Shooting Star: *uses Vanish to avoid the Drill Rush* Nya-nya, missed me. =P

Jess: Quit playin' aroouuund... *thinking* Too risky to use Rapid Spin here, I might fall... Crap, I need to actually use my HEAD when designing stages instead of just making it look pretty!!! Um... switchout! *Squirtle leaves, Ivysaur appears!* Razor Leaf! *shoots a leaf at Zoot*

Zoot: You wanna play rough, huh? *Luigi Missle at Shooting Star*

Maddie: Maybe my first attacked missed, but this shouldn't! *Shuttle Loop at Jess!*

Jess: Whoa! *hit!* Hmm... when this is over, fo you think I should change the music to Frozen Hillside? Or something that makes people think of snow?

Shooting Star: Eeep! *hit from the back!* :X Oh, that is IT! *transform into Zelda* Fear the wrath of Din's Fire! *charges up Din's Fire*

Maddie: Maybe. *uses sword a few slashes*

Zoot: Here I come! *Luigi Cylone!*

(The Luigi Cyclone is interrupted by Din's Fire being set off.)

Shooting Star: You walked into that one!

Jess: Coulda been worse. Coulda been Resetti! XD *jumps over the oncoming Stafy*

Maddie: Good point. *grabs a Unria and throws it, only to come a few inches short*

(Lo and behold! The Smash Ball has appeared!)

Jess: Get it! Getitgetitgetit!

Shooting Star: I'm on it! *uses Farore's Wind to get closer to the Smash Ball*

Zoot: I gotta get it! *uses Super Jump Punch to get closer to it*

Jess: I gooot it~! *aims a Vine Whip at the Smash Ball but misses* Oh, shoot!

Zoot: *throws a few fireballs in the direction of the Smash Ball*

Jess: YOU STAY AWAY FROM THAT YOU HEAR ME!!!!!!!!!! *pushes Zoot away from the Smash Ball*

Zoot: NO! *punches Smash Ball, and get's that aura-thingy-stuff around him*

Maddie: Zoot, now!

Zoot: *does that stupid dance, and makes the Negative Zone come to life*

Jess: Gwaaaugh!!! EvErYtHiNg'S dAnCiNg........ *falls asleep with a flower on my head*

Shooting Star: Whoaaa! WhycantIstoptaunting???!??

Maddie: *views surroundings* Good thing I'm his ally, or this would have gone crazy for me!

(We're still sleeping/flower'd/taunting away.)

Zoot: *slightly echo-ish* Maddie, try attacking them in this state!

Maddie: Okay! *starts slashing with the sword*

(Jess gets KO'd instantly due to the heavy damage from the flower! Oh, shoot. :( )

Maddie: One down, another to go! *slashes at Shooting Star, the zone is getting pretty small...*

Shooting Star: N-no...must... resist... *Nayru's Love!*

Maddie: No! She got past! *Dimensional Cape!*

Shooting Star: I found an Assist Trophy! Haha! *is a Nintendog* ... Whaaaaat?

Jess: Ooh, a Nintendog! I loooove the Nintendog!!!

Shooting Star: Jess, stay out! You got KO'd already!

Jess: Doesn't mean I can't like the Nintendog. Geez...

Maddie: *to self* Cute, but now I can't see what's going on!

Announcer: GAME!

Shooting Star: ... The heck?

Announcer: The winner is... Meta Knight! And... Luigi!

Shooting Star: ...grumble mumble... stupid mutt... blocked my friggin view... grumble mumble...

(Let me clear this up. Apparently, while the Nintendog was blocking the view, Shooting Star must'veotten too close to the edge. And, as we're battling at Buncha Ice... you can probably figure it out from there. Careful of that icy patch! XD)

Zoot: We did it! :D

Maddie: *w00t* You did a good job, Jess and Shooting Star.

Jess: Thanks! :D

Shooting Star: Yeah, you too. Now, since that's done, I gotta go to the bathroom. *walks off*

Jess: Just watch out for the man-eating toilet! (Yes, I brought that thing back. XD)

(Mikey crosses All*Star off the tournament grid and writes 2ooty and 2oot in the second semifinal spot.)

Jess: Why are you writing twos there?

Mikey: Those are Zs.

Jess: Doesn't look like Zs.

Mikey: ...grumble mumble... *changes the alleged 2s to clearer-looking Zs*

Zoot: *rofl*

(It's a personal joke referring to my sloppy handwriting. Sometimes my 1s look like 2s and my 2s sometimes look like Zs. XD)

Jess: Okay, next up... Gomez and Orbulon vs Penny and Mike!

Gomez: Oh, it's our turn already? *grabs a controller*

Orbulon: Ready! *grabs a controler*

Mike: Right! *grabs a controller*

Penny: That leaves me with the Wiimote! *grabs it*

(Gomez, Orbulon, Penny and Mike pick their characters.)

Gomez: This "Ness" character seems interesting. I think I'll use him.

Jess: *under breath* Good luck, Gomez. You'll need it to play as Ness...

Orbulon: *chose red Game and Watch* I wonder if I should change my brooch to this color...

Penny: *chose Daisy Peach* Oh, come on! Why can't there be just Daisy on this game?

Mike: *stuck between Japanese (normal colors) and American (grey colors) versions of R.O.B.* Well, which is it? 'Japanese' or 'American' R.O.B.? I mean, the outcome of the rest of this whole game hinges on the decision made—*just picks American version*

Gomez: Okay, let's go!

(Random stage selecter picks... Smashville!)

Orbulon: Nice. If only it was Saturday...

Gomez: Saturday? Why Saturday?

Jess: I'll explain later, Gomez. Now get out there and WIN!

[edit] Bracket A-Battle 3: Team Stellar vs. Team Karioke

(The brawl begins! Smashville looks quite beautiful at night, and the melody of 2:00 am is playing.)

Orbulon: *as Mr. Game and Watch* walk...

Penny: *as Peach* *voice slightly strangled* This dress is a little tight...

Mike: *as R.O.B* Meh.

Gomez: *as Ness, running around all giddy-like* Wheeeee~! Ooh, lemme try this! PK Flash! *sends a PK Flash at Penny/Peach*

Penny: *didn't do a lot of damage* Your attack seems a little weak. *pulls out a Vegetable* Maybe you need some of your vegetables! *throws it at Gomez/Ness, and catches it after the rebound*

Gomez: *hit!* Whaaa?!!?! *ruuuuuuun!* Orbulon! Help meeeeee!!! I'm being pummeled by VEGETABLES!!! D8

Orbulon: Got it! *Uses the Chef move a few times at Penny/Peach*

Penny: Oof! I thought I liked bacon!

Gomez: *thinking* I spy... a combo in the making!!! Take this! PK Fire! *shoots PK Fire at Penny/Peach and Mike/ROB(who just happened to be standing there)*

Penny: Owowowowow!

Mike: What was I doing just standing there!?!?!

Gomez: Hahaha! *sees a CD behind Penny/Peach and Mike/ROB* Get that! Someone, anyone, get that CD! Jess wants those!

Penny: Okay...*grabs CD*

Gomez: *phew* Thanks for getting that. Now... *baseall bat Smash attack!*

Penny: Oof!

Mike: I'll help you! grabs a Capsule and throws it at Ness/Gomez*

Gomez: *klunk on the head* Oop!

(The Capsule revealed a Pokeball! How convenient!)

Gomez: Hey, I can use this! *throws it* Go, whoever the shell's in there!

(The Pokeball opens to reveal... Latias!)

Audience: *gasp!*

Penny and Mike: Oh no...

Orbulon: Yes!

(The Eon Twins, aka Latios and Latias, strike without hesitation!)

Gomez: Yay! The Pokeballs are always so much fun! *Clapping ensues*

Penny: Ooh...

Mike: That took a lot out of me...

Orbulon: All right! w00t!

(Smash Ball appeareth!!!)

Gomez: I got this one! PK Thunder! *uses PK Thunder to strike Smash Ball many times until it breaks* YES! P... K...

Penny: NO!

Mike: NO!

Orbulon: YES! *w00t!*


(Beautiful, deadly meteors fall from the skies like beautiful, deadly rain, KO-ing both Penny/Peach and Mike/ROB! Team Stellar has won!)

Announcer: The winner is... Ness! And... Mr Game and Watch!

Orbulon: Yes! We did it!

Penny: Oh well...

Mike: Good game.

[edit] Bracket A-Battle 4: Team Ninja vs. Filler Time

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