Weirdies: Original Adventure/3x18

From Finsters Place For Made Up People The Tbs Wiki


[edit] Bad Apple

[edit] I Spy

(The Rolling Turd is Driving up )

Jess: *looks out the window* Hey! I just saw the castle!

Shooting Star: Really, where?!

Kat: Wow!

Ana: Neat!

Jess: Yes, very cool. :D

Gomez: And if you look out the window, you can see a big field.

Everyone: Ooooohhh... Ahhhhhh...

Maddie: Pretty field! 8D

Jess: *rummages in the Turd's food compartment for some chips*

Dimentio: I'm gonna go to bed. Wake me if anything interesting happens. *floats off to a small bed*

[edit] Party Down

Zoot: Dimentio's asleep. Now the party can begin! :D *starts doing the Thriller dance*

Shooting Star: What?!

Zoot: A man can dance if he wants to! Hit it, Kururu!

Kururu: *DJ system'd!*

Jess: *Boogie* Ooh! Ooh! Get down!

Maddie: *Dance!* Dance! Yeah! We're dancing!

NiGHTS: ......*Dance!* Heeheehee!

Mr. Small: *Singing and Dancing* Watch out! Get down! Jump around! The boogie's got me!

(Something heavy is thrown from the back part of the Turd.)

Dimentio: QUIET! I'm trying to sleep here! Geez! Holy crap! CAN'T YOU PEOPLE BE CONSIDERATE?!?!??!!!

Jess: You're right... Everyone, be louder!!!

Dimentio: Uuuughhh... *reaches for Bowie-filled iPod*

Kururu: *cranks turntables' amps to the highest they can go*

Dimentio: *charges up a starburst* Dare ya, froggy...

Gomez: *looks out the window* O_O;;;; Everyone, quit! There's a cop after us!!!

[edit] Pulled Over

(Later, Gomez has pulled over and the cop has come up to the front window. Hey, what's a road trip without getting pulled over by highway patrol?)

Cop: *to Gomez* Sonny, do you by any chance know the speed limit around here?

Gomez: Um... 55?

Cop: It's 50, and besides, I clocked you doing 60 a mile back.

Gomez: o///////o;;;;;;

Maddie: Oh no. Not good. Not good. Not good.

Cop: Let me see your license.

Gomez: Um... *fishes his license out of his pocket* H-here. *gives it to the cop*

Dimentio: What's going on?

Jess:We got pulled over by a cop.

Dimentio: Ooh, a run-in with the law! How exciting!


Cop: Quent Yaiden?

Quent: Who wants to Know?

Cop: Hey, Chief, You dont happen to remember me, Do ya?

(Quent looks to the Cop)


(Quent sees the ninja kids hiding behind the ninja teens)

Kat: I'm scared.

Ana: Me too.

Dimentio: Don't worry, annoying little ninja kids, everything will be okay. ;)

Quent: *looking up Gomez's license* It says here that he haven't had any past offenses, so you can feel free to let him off with a warning for this time or better yet, do it as a favor for your old boss.

Cop: I will.

Gomez: R-really???

Cop: Yes, Just don't let it happen again. *gets in his cop car and drives off*

Dimentio: Darn. A perfectly good Floro Sprout opportunity, wasted.

[edit] Rarin' for a Fight

Maddie: *phew!* That was a close one!

Jess: Yeah. Good thing Gomez has an impeccable driving record! :D

Gomez: *Blush*

Dimentio: *twiddling Floro Sprout in his fingers* Don't worry, little guy. I'll find a use for you someday...

Maddie: You wouldn't use that Floro Sprout if you value your face. *does the whole punch-hand-into-other-hand-thing*

Dimentio: *puts his fingers in his ears* La-la-la! I can't hear yooouuu~! </taunt>

Maddie: *pulls a pair of boxing gloves out of hammerspace backpack* NOW do you hear me???

Dimentio: Now, really, when has violence ever solved anything?

Gomez: He's got a point...

Maddie: ...Fine. *puts gloves away* But I'm watching you, Bowie Boy! *does that two-finger-point-to-eyes-thing*

Dimentio: Whatever... ♪

Maddie: :|

Mr. Small: Please refrain from fighting!

Dimentio: Oh, I don't want to fight... *evil eyes!* Yet. *head gets knocked off again* Daah!

Jess: Heeheehee! Too bad for you, I like to think ahead! XD

Dimentio's head: ... That was lame, even for you.

Kururu: No, that was funny! *Laughing*

Gomez: Hey, there's a White Castle up ahead. Wanna stop and get some tiny burgers?

Jess: OMG YES!!!

Fun road trip event #13: Buy a gazillion itty-bitty burgers and eat as many as you can.

Maddie: *w00t* White Castle! One of the greatest burger places evah!

Dimentio's head: *in a drawer* I want White Castle!

You can have the crappy pickles.

Mikey: Man, that's harsh. :|

Maddie: Or Mikey can have the crappy pickles.

Zoot: But you like pickles!

Maddie: White Castle pickles are nasty.

Jess: I think pickles in general are nasty, but that's just me.

[edit] Head Games

(Meanwhile, Dimentio's head is trying to get his body to open the drawer I stuffed him in.)

Mr. Small: *to himself* Why is that strange jester's body acting like that?

Jess: You know how a remote control airplane works? He's trying to do something like that.

Mr. Small: Ohhh, it's all so clear now! (He still doesn't understand.)

Maddie: ...*rofl* That's great! He just insulted himself! XD

Dimentio's head: Not true. My "self", along with my intelligence and any other talents I posess, is in my head. My body's just a hulking mass of flesh without my head~

Dimentio's body: *upset!* *kicks the dawers, knocking the drawer Dimentio's head was in out*

Dimentio's head: *Feels Dizzy* G... good teamwork...

Jess: *Giggle*

[edit] Raiding the White Castle

Maddie: *lol* Now that Dorky McBowienut has his head out, should we go get those burgers now?

Jess: Sure thing! The Turd's too big for the drive-thru, so we'll have to go inside and get them...

NiGHTS: No pickles for me!

Jess: I think we can all agree on no pickles...

Yotsuba: I want taiyaki!

Jess: They don't have those at White Castle, Yotsuba.

Yotsuba: :(

Maddie: Okay. *grabs pen and paper out of hammerspace backpack* We can all agree that we all don't want the pickles. Anything else?

Zoot: Aren't you the only one that likes the fish sandwiches?

Maddie: Not true, Zoot.

Mr. Small: Wait, fish sandwich? They actually sell those things there?

Jess: I want cheese on mine. 8D

Dimentio: I kinda like the pickles.

Jess: We don't want any pickles, right?

Dimentio: But I...

Jess: No pickles.

Dimentio: the...


Dimentio: ........pickles. :(

Maddie: Okay! Cheese! Cheese for everyone! *writes down on paper*

Mr. Small: *still can't belive the fish sandwich thing* They actually sell those?

Jess: And drinks, of course! 8D

Maddie: *writing stuff down* Of course! We can't forget the drinks! Or the French Fries!

Mr. Small: *still confused with the fish sandwich* Does anyone actually order those things?

(Dimentio gets nothing to drink and NiGHTS gets something highly caffinated. I got somethin' special planned... mwee hee hee...)

Jess: Okay! We ready to go order?

Shooting Star: Yeah!

Maddie: Let's go!

[edit] Can I take your Order

  • inside...*

Homestar Runner: *obviously tired* Welcome the crap to White Castle. Would you like to try a combo meal, *Holds up a White Castle's meal bag.* some Crinkly Potato Nudules *Holds up a small paper bag with some fries.* or our Attempt-To-Hide-The-Fact-We-Barely-Have-Any-Selection-Of Soft Drink? *Holds up a cup with the White Castle printed on it.*

Shooting Star: Lil bro! What are you doing here?

Jess: Who cares?! Let's order already!

Maddie: *gives Homestar the list of stuff*

Homestar: *under breath after reading the list* Yeah, my life sucks right now.

[edit] Eating

Later, back at the Turd...

Jess: We got the stuff~!

NiGHTS: *takes out a tinyburger* It's true... they are tiny!

Yotsuba: Any taiyaki??? 8D

Jess: ... Sorry... no... *Sweatdrop* But I promise you, first place we come to that has taiyaki, I'll be sure to get you some. ;)

Maddie: Just to humor you, Mr. Small. *gives him a fish sandwich* XD

Mr. Small: I still don't understand...

Jess: Okay, drinks! *starts passing out drinks*

Maddie: All right! Soda! Fruit Punch! Whatever!

(All the drinks are soon passed out. But...)

Dimentio: Hey, how come I didn't get any?!

Jess: Um... uh... *Sweatdrop*

NiGHTS: Here, Dimentio. You can have mine. I'm not that thirsty, anyway.

Dimentio: Thank you! *takes it* At least some people consider others... *glares at Kiba*


Maddie: Oh no. Oh no, oh no, oh no.

Jess: What? What, what, what?

(Something's weird in Dimentio's eyes...)

Maddie: This isn't good. This isn't good, this isn't good, this isn't good.

Zoot: Are we saying things in threes now? I wanna try!

Kururu: *holding goblin gun* Try it, and you'll be living in a world of terror.

(The sound of a corkgun going off is heard as something strange begins to happen to Dimentio...)

Dimentio: *jittery* Ehehehehehehe-ahahahah-hoohoo-haha!!! *jitters more, spinny, faceplant onto the floor*

Shooting Star: ... Is he having a seizure or something?

ConC!Yotsuba: NiGHTS...What was that drink you gave Dimentio?

NiGHTS: Something brown and bubbly...

Maddie: What did you get, the one from the white can with red and blue lines outlining itself...

NiGHTS: I got the Pure Red with White Lines

Maddie: *facepalm* Oh no, that was New Coke!

NiGHTS: *thinking* So that's what it does...

Dimentio: *rubbing his face on the floor* Wheeeeeeeeeeeee~! Imsledding!!!

Spike: We gotta find some way to contain him! This could get worse before it gets better... We'll lock him in the Turd's Bathroom to check out the problem.

Jess: Yeah, You do that

[edit] Helloooooooooogorgeous

Spike: Okay, We're gonna play a little word game with Kazumi... She's gonna start

Kazumi: Apples

Dimentio: Bananas

Dimentio: *hugs Gomez* Helloooooooooogorgeous! MynamesJarethyoucancallmeJerBearwontyoucomewithmetomycastle???

Gomez: *utterly disgusted* How could this get any worse...?

Spike: Now, Dimentio, j-just calm down... Gomez is not a pretty girl...

(Another corkgun sound. Not good!)

Dimentio: D-d-d-dimentioooo? WhozisDimentioyertalkinbout?!

Jade: N-no!!!

Spike: (While Dimentio's head starts to spin madly...) Crap! Crap! Crap! Crap! Crap! Crap! Crap! Crap! (continiues to shout Crap as Jade Rushes to the Weirdies Thnikkaband)

Jade: Jess, We've kinda hit a little snag with Dimentio...

Orbulon: *to himself* Please no Dimmy Starburst. Please no Dimmy Starburst!

Jess: No...Get out!

(Yes. Dimentio has transformed into Dimmy Starburst, cross-dressing guitarist extraordinaire! ... Sorry, Orby. XD)

[edit] Here comes Dimmy Starburst

Spike/Orbulon: Craaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaap!/NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!

Dimmy Starburst: OH YEAH!!! Bow down before me, 'cuz the King of Guitar has arrived! *guitar* And now... I'm off! *some kinda supajump through the roof of the Turd*

Jess: He's gone... ah well. Less trouble for us.

Shooting Star: Any idea where he's going?

Jess: Who cares?

NiGHTS: *giggling*

Orbulon: *hits head repedeately against one of the Turd's seats*

NiGHTS: *rofl*

Jess: What's so funny...?

NiGHTS: Oh, nothing, nothing... *giggle* It's just... THAT WAS FREAKIN' HiLARiOUS!!!

Orbulon: I should have known this would happen!

Maddie: *slaps Orbulon across the face* Calm down, Orby You're acting like Dimentio's mom!

Jess: You know Dimentio's mom? I don't know Dimentio's mom...

Maddie: No, I don't know her. But Orbulon's acting like a mom right now.

Orbulon: I am not!

Gomez: Uh, shouldn't we go after him? I thought he was supposed to be highly volatile in this stage...

Jess: He is. Yeah, we'd better go after him and make sure he doesn't do any damage.

Mikey: Aww, you care about him!

Jess: Who said I meant damage to himself? I meant damage to other people and their property! Let's go!

Shooting Star: *idea* Go-man! Push that big red button!

Gomez: You mean this one?

Shooting Star: Yeah!

(He pushes the big red button. Jet engines reveal themselves on the back of the Turd and it goes SUPAFAST!)

Maddie: Whoo-hoo! *w00t*

Mr. Small: This can't end well for my stomach...*starts to turn green*

Jess: Oh geez, look! Out the window!

(Dimen-- uh, Dimmy Starburst is running at incredibly high speeds outside the Turd. The Turd is only barely keeping up with him!)

Shooting Star: Dang, he's fast!

Mikey: Caffiene does that to ya.

Orbulon: I feel like I need to punch myself after letting him near that caffiene.

Jess: It's not your fault, Orbulon. NiGHTS was the one that gave it to him.

Orbulon: So I can stop blaming myself for this and start blaming NiGHTS?

Jess: ... Yeah, pretty much.

NiGHTS: Hey! I didn't know that was gonna happen! D:

Orbulon: Mind if I borrow that Goblin Gun?

Kururu: Be my guest! :D

Jess: No goblin transformations in the Turd!!!

Orbulon: Fine...

Spike: Behind the Seven-Eleven Over there!

(The Turd flips over and our heroes jump behind said Seven-Eleven! Thankfully no one is hurt, Not even Cher's Precious Cargo. They sneak through the back door and hide behind the casheer's side of the counter)

Jet: So, How long are we gonna have to hide out here?

Jess: *looks out the window* Not that long apperantly... Looks like he's stopping... maybe the effects of the caffiene have disappated...

(Dimmy Starburst turns around... and shoots a ginormous energy beam right through the 7-11!!!)

Homura: Later! (Swipes Madoka and Hides in the fire Exit with Mami and Kyoko. The Fire Exit lights turn off ala Fanboy and Chum-Chum)

Dimmy Starburst: Pathetic! You really think I had no idea I was being followed?!! Eyes in the back of my head, baby!!!!

Mr. Small: This looks like a job for...

Maddie: Please don't say-

  • Mr. Small jumps into the Turd's bathroom, only to come back in a mini purple and blue superhero costume, complete with cape and mask. He still has his top hat and sneakers on.*

Mr. Small: The Mini Maruder! *triumphant pose*

Maddie: *flatly* Oh yay.

Yotsuba: Whoa! Superhero time!

Jess: Yotsuba, take this. *gives her a cicada-shaped brooch* You'll know what to do with it, right? ;)

Maddie: *to self* I never should have made him that costume...

Jess: Okay, we have to contain him. We don't need to do any lasting damage, just keep him in one place long enough for the effect to wear off. Let's go!

Mikey: HECK YEAH!!! *jumps out of the ruined 7-11* Prepare to meet your DOOM, Starburst! In cute, cuddly Wartortle form! *Hydro Pump!*

Mr. Small: Mini Maruder, away! *jumps out of Turd, and throws one of his shoes at Dimmy*

Dimmy Starburst: *deflects both the shoe and the Hydro Pump* Child's play!!!

Mikey: Oh darn. *hit by his own Hydro Pump* DX

Mr. Small: *gets hit by his shoe* Oof!

Maddie: I have a plan! *jumps on top of Turd* Mikey! Use Hydro Pump on me!

Mikey: Okay... *Hydro Pump!*

Maddie: *swallows the Hyrdo Pump, and ends up gaining a short sleeved blue shirt, light blue overall shorts, a blue baseball cap with a white M on it, and a FLUDD-like machine hooked onto my back like a backpack, with unlimited water* All right!

Orbulon: Maddie's now Water Maddie! </Meta Knight>

Dimmy Starburst: Impressive. *eyetwitch* NOT!!! *uses his guitar to shoot electricity all over the place*


(That cicada-thing from earlier starts glowing.)

Yotsuba: W-wha...?

(Magical girl transformation time! Yotsuba curls up into a ball as green sparkles fly all around her. Her outfit changed from a t-shirt and shorts into a triangle-shaped dress with a lace collar and one button. She has a triangle-chaped hat on her head and a flower-like stick similar to Lip's Stick from Smash Bros. For no reason other than I can, she also sprouts cicada-like wings. Tsukutsukuboshi transformation complete!)

Yotsuba: Cool! I'm a tsukutsukuboshi!

Maddie: Woah! Come on, Yotsuba! We're going to need as much help as possible!

Yotsuba: Okay!

Dimmy Starburst: *feigning fright* Ooh, a bug! I'm sooo scared!

Yotsuba: You should be! Hyaa! *hits Dimentio with her flower stick*

Maddie: Yah! *uses water machine to shoot at Dimentio*

Mr. Small: *does a move simular to Meta Knight's Mach Tornado*

Dimmy Starburst: Izzatallyagot?!! *spinny spinny* *deflects the water and the Mach Tornado, Mr Small Style... but not the flower stick* Ohh... what's goin' on... feel... drained...

Jade: YES! Yotsuba's flower stick weapon has the same effects as Lip's Stick in the Smash Bros series!

Maddie: *w00t* This will be easier to fight him now! *tries another blast of water*

[edit] Live and Learn

Jess: And now... for my part! *morphs into Piccolo* I'll need everyone's help with this!

Orbulon: We're ready to help!

Others: Right!

(I materialize an electric guitar and begin playing heavy riffs.)


Can you feel life moving through your mind?
Ooh, look like it came back for more
Can you feel time slipping down your spine?
Ooh, You try and try to ignore

But you can hardly swallow Your fears and pa-a-ain Well, you can't help but follow And putcha right back where you ca-a-a-ame!



Hanging on the edge of tomorrow!



On the words of yesterday!



If you beg or if you borrow

Kururu: *a little off key* LIVE AND LEARN!


You may never find your wa-a-a-ay
Can you feel life
Tangle you up inside?
Now you're face down on the floor

But you can't save your sorrow You've been betrayed

When you can't help but follow
It puts you right back where you came



Hanging on the edge of tomorrow!



From the works of yesterda-a-a-ay!

Kat and Ana: LIVE AND LEARN!


If you beg or if you borrow



You may never find your wa-a-a-ay

Dimmy Starburst: ...huh...? Is it a tad warm around here or izzijusme?

Jess: *thinking* Yes, it's working! All this heavy guitar is producing tons of fire magic! *singing again*

There's a face
Searching far, so far and wide
There's a place
Where you dreamed you'd never find
Hold on to what if
Hold on to what if


Hanging on the edge of tomorrow!


From the works of yesterdaa-aay!

Shooting Star: LIVE AND LEARN!

If you beg or if you borrow


You may never find your wa-a-a-ay

Maddie: *Joins Sayaka in a Ryuki-esque Water-Themed attack with Ocktavia as the Contract Beast* 3D...RIDER...KIIIICK!

Oh, whoa, whoa... AW YEEEAAAAHH!!!
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah!

(Cue Transwarp effect!)

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