ISAF Navy Overview

From Electrosphere

ISAF Navy is part of the ISAF military forces, formed as reaction of Erusian threat in order to provide battle support from the seas. It was ordered to support the main force, I.S.A.A.F, during the Continental War against Erusian forces. It helped I.S.A.A.F squadrons during military operation in Comberth Harbor, Petrochemical Complex, and Farbanti. Mobius Squadron also was facilitated by the navy carrier on-board.

The history of ISAF navy even began since FCU was formed. The FCU naval forces participated in military operation overseas while hostilities situation between FCU and Erusea increased. As the statement from the FCU's pesident, Robert Sinclair, due to the Ulysses XF04 1994 apprehensive status, all FCU troops were ordered to return home temporarily. As of April 20th 1996, The 6th Squadron battle group's flagship aircraft carrier CV-04 'Fort Grace', accompanying Aegis Cruiser 'Teetime', was retreating and heading to the homeport of Waosun as ordered. While commencing retreat, Erusean threat still continued until the August 2003, when they attacked San Salvacion. ISAF was declared against Erusea and military forces were soon deployed. FCU bequeathed its military equipments to the ISAF forces, including 'Fort Grace' and 'Teetime' to the navy, and entering duty while Continental War began.

[edit] Notable Battle Groups

  • CV-04 Fort Grace Battle Group

Info: The Fort Grace is a former FCU aircraft carrier. In the Usean Continental War, it was the base of Mobius Squadron during naval operations.

[edit] Vessel Unit


Ace Combat 04: Shattered Skies (the game itself)


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