ISAF Army Overview

From Electrosphere

Revision as of 07:12, 22 November 2007 by Admin (Talk | contribs)

History and General Information

In response to Erusea's military action against San Salvacion in capturing Stonehenge, some nations around the Usean Continent banded together to totally confront Erusian forces. ISAF army, formerly the FCU army, was established along with ISAAF and ISAF Navy. While ISAF was planning to attack Stonehenge without air support option, they faced recessive situation while engaging heavy ground forces and began to retreat to the east. Day after day, they met difficult condition without organized resistance, and they were forced to step out of the continent and move to North Point. Here, ISAF General Headquarter was established to encounter Erusea in further action.

ISAF army consists of ground force and amphibious force. During the Usean Continental War, ISAF army took important role as ground support to retake any places taken over by Erusea forces and to attack Erusea's defense line in advance. The ground force had been involved in Whiskey Corridor breakthrough operation, attack on Farbanti, and taking control of Megalith. Whereas the amphibious force took part of coastal strike operation at Halle / Crowne / Caranda beach. Most of the operations completed with success, although they suffered lots of heavy damage and unit loss. Their capablity of providing ground support for the air force has brought success in every step to immobilize Erusean forces.

Ground Force


  • Bravo
  • Charlie
  • Oscar
  • Tango

Combat Vehicle: M1A1 Abrams

Amphibious Force

[Operation Bunker Shot]: 32nd Marine Command Regiment*

Caranda Beach:

  • Unit A
  • Unit D

Crowne Beach:

  • Unit B
  • Unit S
  • Unit T
  • Unit R

Halle Beach:

  • Unit C
  • Unit O
  • Unit P
  • Unit Q
  • Unit Y

Combat vehicle: AAV-7A1

  • Unconfirmed or inaccurate due to limit of translation
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