Cyrus Mage

From Egs Mayhem

Revision as of 18:04, 27 May 2007 by (Talk)
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Cyrus is a being from another forumverse, who found out about the wars from several contacts of his. Since he was bored, he decided to help out.


  • Name: Cyrus Mage
  • Age: Unknown
  • Species: Demon
  • Height: 6'1"
  • Appearance: Yellow eyes, short black hair, and tan skin. One of his most noticable features is his rather large canines and the black carapace armor that covers most of his body. He usually wears a black cloak.
  • Powers: Can manipulate shadows in many ways, but he'll just be piloting the Dragon Epoch while he's here.
  • Other Skills: Along with being a rather good mechanic, he's also a very good potion maker, potions of a nature being his favorite to make...and sell...
  • Personality: He's a pervert. All single females should remain several city blocks away from him at all times. He's armed...And I can't control the bastard!!!

The Dragon Epoch

A man named Eric once crashed his ship on Cyrus' planet, and with his help the both of them fixed it and gave it a few upgrades. The two of them eventually parted ways, but Cyrus kept the ship. He hasn't done much with it since, but pulled it out of retirement to help with the wars.


  • Length: 475.6 meters
  • Mass: 6.8 million metric tons (Approx.)
  • Crew: 1 (Plus nanotech droids that repair and mantain and ship's systems)
  • Power Source: A crystal Cyrus calls the "Goddess Emerald", which absorbs and contains massive ammounts of light energy(or solar energy). Far more than enough to power the ship.
  • Weapons: 1 Quantum-Gravitic Discharge Beam Cannon 2 Pulsed Neutron Cannon 4 Pulsed Fusion Cannons 1 Solar Cannon attached the the underside of the ship
  • Defence: 1.8 meter re-enforced Vorlon Bio-Armored hull Gravitic Tractor Beams Vorlon Shields Minbari Stealth Device
  • The entire bridge has pretty much been replaced with with a mental interface, allowing Cyrus to pilot the ship on his own.
  • All the ship's weapons, engines and shields have been modified to be more effective, and to make the ship faster and more maneuverable.
  • The Solar Cannon draws power directly from the "Goddess Emerald", turning it into a condensed beam of light. It's very powerful, but it's to be used as a last resort, due to the fact that it nearly depletes the power source to the point where the only option left is to turn tail and run until it replenishes it's power. Cyrus loves super-weapons!

All unmodified information taken from

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