Mirian Lorenz

From Egs Mayhem

Revision as of 20:55, 26 October 2006 by (Talk)
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Name: Mirian (me-ree-un) Lorenz
Age: 22
Gender: female

Appearance: 5'9"; 130 lbs; really short, brown Hair; brown Eyes; slim Face; skinny; She is quite Sportive, which is appearant in her controlled and forcefull movements.

Personality: Competetive, Cynical, but reliable. She does no copy well with other people's emotions and desires, making her appearing blunt and callous at time.

History: Mirian was born and raised in Nothern Germany, her Parents were simple persons, but loving and with a healthy mind set. In school she was the quite kind, with not many problems either with her marks or her classmates... As she advanced in School, she advanced in Spirit and Self esteem. She allways liked the Idea to join the Millitary, but with her good Marks she felt it neccessary to attempt to Study Architecture on University, but dropped out after barely one year. She finallly did join the Millitary, only to find herself faced with some new Genesis test, desinged to trigger possible hidden talents. It worked. She went throught a standart Millitary training, but was reffered to the German Millitary's Partner regarding G-humans, Aesir, for training on her special powers. And after her 2 Years Service expired she Left the Millitary and joined Aesir's Blue Valkyre Project.

Powers: Mirian has a limited and specialised Telekinesis power, allowing her to "vibrate" things. Vibrating Air (or water) she can cause deafening Sounds or teeth shattering ultra-sounds. Secretly she calls this the "Banschee's Screams". But she can cause Vibration in everything she touches, the effect varies depending on the Material and the frequency Marian hits. If the right frequency is applied most things shatter or rip apart after a while (resonance), but Solid Walls need quite some effort. There are Limits in both Strenght and Endurance to that power. The most fruitfull result of her Training up to date is that she is cable or Controlling vibrations in Humans, causing effects ranging from dizzyness over nausea to serious internal damage. Since her power is limited to things she touches, she is training Aikido and Wing Tsung along her Powers, which, Just as her Millitary trainin, prooved quite usefull even thought she is by no means a black belt yet.

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