Letecia Dieannah Rego

From Egs Mayhem

Revision as of 19:25, 26 October 2006 by (Talk)
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Name: Letecia Dieannah Rego Age: 14 Physical Statistics: Height: 5'0" ; Weight: 72 lbs Biometrics: Eyes: brown ; Hair: brown ; Skin: dark tanned, latinous.

Description: Letecia is a slim, short 14 year old south american girl. Her long braided, hair reaches the lower of her back. She looks fragile and weak (and actually is it, too) and one of her front teeth is growing odd, but she is neither an exceptionally pleasing nor unpleasing view.. more of a mousy.

Background: She was born in a small village in northern Brazil, at the Vaupes near the Columbien border... which was determining to her fate. Even when she was a little baby, her parents had a hard time with her. She would suddenly disappear and be found in strange places after the whole villlage was busy looking for her. This happeened more than once and as she grew older it became obvous that she had an odd gift... her Parents were trying to hide it, but it was too late. When Letecia was four years old, some Drug Cartel across the boarder heard the story about the small girl who was able to move from one place to another in no-time, unseen. A few hired Thugs with guns raided over the boarder, shot a few Villagers and demanded Letecia, coldy killing her parents when they hesitated. Letecia grew up halveway as foster-child, halveway as slave of a Drug Baron, totally subjugged and broken. Since the age of eight, when she could use her Powers more or less reliable, she was forced to use her Teleportion to transport Drugs across boarders or out of reach of the border patrols. Dispite being pushed a lot, her range only slowly increased with time. Life was hell for her, regulary beaten and pushed over her limits, punished hard for any mistake, counterword or even without any reason. Yelled at and threatened into obedience. The fate brightened suddenly. She was just delivering a larger shipping of pure heroin... so large she barely could lift it with her hands... to a Drughouse in the southern USA, and passed out due to the long range she was foced to cover from the Mexican boarder. When she came to senses again, she was in a hospital and a very nice American Police officer and a woman in a grey dress asked her many Questions and promisd her everything would become better from now on. A Charity Organisation took pitty on her and took care of her well being. She remained in Psychological treatment for a while, learning english, reading and writing and some other basic knowledge which she had been deprived of while trying to learn a new life was waiting for her. It turned out Letecia is quite a bright minded girl. It was taken care of her naturalisation and the organisation even paid the School's fees... and Letecia agreed to have her Story told by the organisation to bring more people to donate or commit some effort.

Personality: Letecia is still somewhat shy, but otherwise she is quiet and nice, even though she knows not much about formal politeness. She tries to suit everybody, even though her Therapist... which she is still regualry visiting... told her to take more care about what she wants herself, and that she does not need to worry about peple being discontent with what she does or says. She still has a long way to go, but she is progressing.

Powers: Letecia is a Teleporter. She also has some practice with the power allready.

Random Facts: She has an Actual Brontophobia... means she is afraid of Loud noises and starts to duck and cover her head in fear when she is confronted with noise and especially yelling peoples. She plays the pipes of Pan, and actually really good. She has a small flute hanging around her neck under the clothes like an Amulet, and whenever she feels sad or lonely, she gets it out and plays. Letecia has small round burning scars on her forearm and the ring finger of her left hand is stiff after being broken and not treated.

Names: Senhor Eduardo Carol - Boss of the Carol Drug Cartell in Columbia and epitome of Letecia's suffering. Zé Pinto - right Hand of and scrupleless Killer for Eduardo Carol, responsible for the murder on Letecia's Parents (Currently imprisoned) Corvalho - 3rd in Command for Eduardo Carol. Letecia's Patron and single spokesperson within the Cartell, saved her from the worst. Samantha Richardson - Social worker and Human rights activist who supervised Letecia's integration and treatment. Arnold Smith - Letecia's Therapist.

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