June 29th, 2011 - Return to the Past

From Egs Mayhem

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~NiteBrite: I've had enough running.

~NiteBrite: Its time we took action

MarissaInaba: Allright then. What action?

Whiteout: looks up from the floor. What can we do? I mean, this is the future, right? This is how it goes..."

Nod: you do have a plan right?

SolidGear: So, what we need to do is deal with Nightmare Moon and her zombie army? Sounds good, but what do we fight her with? asks, pointing out that they were rather mundane ponies.

~NiteBrite: The doctor told us about NMM's weakness right? We have a time machine right?

DustyFeathers: Before we do that, could we possibly have more than one pilot for this thing?

DustyFeathers: I mean, we almost lost our only one not that long ago.

MarissaInaba: That's actually a good idea.

Sweetness: I'm agreeable

MarissaInaba: And we have a time machine. That gives us literally all the time in the world to prepare.

SolidGear: I don't mind volunteering to learn about the Tardis...it's a beauty of a machine.

Whiteout: is still a bit lost here. "Marissa, do we know how this works? Can we actually change the past?"

MarissaInaba: glares at NiteBright. "A fact that -some ponies- seem to have forgotten." >:|

~NiteBrite: Oh, right. Sounds possible

Narrator: *TARDIS countdown is at 6minutes*

SolidGear: listens to everyone else carefully, then smiles and moves up, "So, first plan of action is to have a reliable pilot. I'm down for that."

~NiteBrite: Just as long as we don't jump somewhere dangerous it should be okay

MarissaInaba: Now. Let's be rational about this. Sweetness, you see if you can't teach Solid Gear to pilot the TARDIS. Forward and backward, please.

DustyFeathers: Not a reliable pilot, as such... Just more than one!

MarissaInaba: The rest of us need to work on coming up with a plan for how to stop this.

SolidGear: So, let's get going, Sweetness. I need to know what you do for this...okay? A backup pilot is always helpful. she states, looking at Sweetness with a smile.

MarissaInaba: ()

MarissaInaba: ()

~NiteBrite: ()

Sweetness: Okay, its just like dancing. In fact I learned it as a dance. The key is to be nimble on your hooves

Nod: apparently we need these elements of harmony things

~NiteBrite: *has book*

Nod: holds up the book

~NiteBrite: *takes*

MarissaInaba: Okay, Nite Brite, you fill the rest of us in on what you've learned from the book thingie.

Sweetness: So the first move, dance to the future goes like this. *begins moving around her front hooves in a graceful flowing manner, but very precise imitiations of button mashing*

Nod: aside from the fact that the past was shiny

~NiteBrite: ha, yea we can skip that part

SolidGear: nods, listening to how Sweetness learned it and following along. There's a bit of an issue with her metal hoof, but no other issues.

MarissaInaba: No offense, but I'd rather someone less likely to fall asleep in the middle of the explanation handle this bit.

~NiteBrite: So anyways, yadda yadda ancient battle yadda yadda, pony sisters of light and dark

~NiteBrite: something about alicorns

~NiteBrite: Ah, okay, here we go

MarissaInaba: All of that stuff you're skimming sounds important, but whatever.

MarissaInaba: I'll read it on my own later.

DustyFeathers: just stays quiet and listens to NB

Sweetness: Try and repeat this exactly *dances how to turn on the lights*

~NiteBrite: So the light pony banished her sister to the moon This was the first use of the elements of harmony.

SolidGear: follows, being precise and fluid with her movements, blinking a little at how easy this has gotten, "Huh...I guess I didn't know I'm decent at dancing..."

~NiteBrite: A thousand years pass and something something peaceful. Okay on the longest day that year, a rare alignment of the stars allowed the darkness sister to escape

Whiteout: is listening quietly, still not sure how this helps fix anything.

~NiteBrite: and she took her sister unaware, no one knows what happened to her. She was never seen after that. Oh, sidenote, she was incharge of something called 'the sun' whatever that is

Sweetness: Good. You're a natural. That is called the dance of lights. Its how I turned on the lights earlier.

SolidGear: Righty...so, how many other dances like this do you have?

MarissaInaba: (In real life the lack of sunlight would basically result in the end of the world)

SolidGear: (())

Whiteout: ()

Nod: ()

MarissaInaba: ()

Sweetness: ()

Sweetness: ()

Sweetness: This is the beginners stuff. Last time I did a complete dance, it took two- no threeish hours?

Sweetness: The future dance is the one that skipped us forward a few days

DustyFeathers: Soo.... what about those Elements of Harmony? How do we get them?

SolidGear: nods, mildly worried now at learning these hours-long dances, "Sounds difficult to keep dancing for that long..."

MarissaInaba: Would they even be able to stop her? I mean, last time they apparently whiffed it altogether and the time before they only sealed her away.

~NiteBrite: okay okay, lemme skip there. *flips pages with his face* Okay, so the light pony had an apprentice and she and her friends were able to discover the magic of the Elements using some sort of spark

~NiteBrite: huh, wish it was a little less vauge.

Sweetness: WEll, you don't dance the whole time. I took some breaks for intermission and things,

Nod: just a bit /scarcasem

~NiteBrite: Something something friendship. Oh hey there's doctor moon. *points to an illustration of him steping out of the TARDIS looking unawares as a giant rainbow approaches

Sweetness: Besides, the three most useful dances are some of the shortest.

MarissaInaba: ... I think that bit about friendship is also probably important.

Sweetness: At least I think they are useful

SolidGear: nods, "Ah, well that makes sense considering this is operating the Tardis..."

~NiteBrite: Really? but its not even an illustrated section. *has been skipping sections that don't have picture*

MarissaInaba: >:|

Whiteout: just buries his head under his hooves and wings. "We're doomed."

MarissaInaba: This is no time to skim. We need all the information we can get.

~NiteBrite: oh okay fine.

~NiteBrite: *ahem*

DustyFeathers: pats Whiteout on the back with her wing.

~NiteBrite: Just before Princess Celestia, benevolent bringer of light and friend to all pony kind, vanished she instructed her pupil Twilight Sparkle to study well the magic that is friendship.

~NiteBrite: Twilight who had studied the ancient prophecies, attempted to warn her mentor of the impending return of the wicked Mare of darkness, the mare in the moon, Nightmare moon.

~NiteBrite: Making friends was not her idea of what she should be doing in light of Equestria's immenant doom, but having faith in her mentor, she followed her advice.

~NiteBrite: Only during her battle with NMM, when her friends risked their lives to aid her, did it become clear that with noble spirit that and the spark that resides within us all the magic of the elements could be summoned forth.

~NiteBrite: See? Nothing important is ever written in the non-illustrated parts. *sets book down* I guess, the magic is lost forever

Whiteout: raises a hoof from his eyes at that, to stare at Nite.

MarissaInaba: ...

DustyFeathers: glares at NB/7

DustyFeathers: *NB.

Nod: ummm

MarissaInaba: goes over to a nearby wall and begins lightly bonking her head into it.

~NiteBrite: ... what?

DustyFeathers: sharply trots over to NB and lightly slaps him round the face with her wing.

Sweetness: I may be cross-eyed, but even I can see that... that was... just soo *facehoof*

DustyFeathers: This is exactly what we need to hear!"

~NiteBrite: *glasses fly across the room* Y-you hit a guy with glasses?

~NiteBrite: also, wha?

MarissaInaba: I love how it spells out the solution for us and his reaction is "Nope not important at all"

~NiteBrite: And this picture of Dr. Moon isn't important? *in the background is an image of Derpy*

SolidGear: sighs and shakes her head at this, "Well, how many ponies would've remembered this anyways? Seriously, it sounds like an old Mare's Tale."

MarissaInaba: Never said it wasn't.

Sweetness: Hey! That looks like me *points to picture*

DustyFeathers: Pretty much what Marissa just said.... I mean, really Brite, I know my Dashy was stupid, but this is a new low.

MarissaInaba: Now what does it say there?

MarissaInaba: And NO SKIMMING >:|

SolidGear: decides to take a look in the book, then blinks and stares at the rather uncanny resemblance with Sweetness, "Uhm...it could very well be you with how close it is, Sweetness."

~NiteBrite: The caption says, "and then at the last second it all went wrong"

MarissaInaba: It's probably her grandmother. The one who taught her the dance?

DustyFeathers: So, basically, if we are to intervene with the whole Nightmare Moon thing, we need to be friends?

Sweetness: You're right. I'd recognize those eyes anywhere. *Derpy is derp*

SolidGear: Probably...so, it seems everything in this book is right. a bit of a pause as she thinks this through, pacing around everypony present.

Whiteout: puts two and two together, ends up with something resembling four. "-Your- Dash? Aww, horseapples. Sorry, Dusty... I didn't mean ta badmouth someone ya cared about."

~NiteBrite: *is searching for his giant novelty sunglasses*

MarissaInaba: So... what happened was your grandmother and Doctor Moon showed up at the last second and... presumably distracted them before they could stop Nightmare Moon?

DustyFeathers: starts blushing slightly. "Well, he wasn't MINE so to speak... But, ehehehe..?"

Sweetness: They wouldn't have done it on purpose!

MarissaInaba: turns to Dusty. "Just for the record honey? You can do better. No offense meant or anything."

SolidGear: hands NB his glasses as she finds them walking around.

Sweetness: Grandma Derpy was a good mare

MarissaInaba: turns back to Sweetness.

~NiteBrite: Thanks SG.

MarissaInaba: Never said they did. Maybe something went wrong with the TARDIS?

MarissaInaba: We'll have to ask Doctor Moon somehow.

SolidGear: Don't thank me just yet, Nite...we need to figure out what to do with all this. Granted, our predecessors were better at it than we were.

~NiteBrite: Oh, I know lets call him. *walks over to the consule* I think this was the call button. *flips on the radio, rock and roll music plays*

Sweetness: *turns off the radio*

Sweetness: No touch

SolidGear: sits down and looks to NB, "He'll talk to us when it's important."

MarissaInaba: NiteBrite, you aren't allowed to touch the console ever again.

~NiteBrite: B-but : <

~NiteBrite: okay

SolidGear: Besides...everypony here realize just why we're all together yet, ze?

~NiteBrite: Random happenstance?

DustyFeathers: .....Solid, have you been at the crazy apple juice again?

Nod: fate?

DustyFeathers: You can't possibly mean we're, like, destined to sort this out!

MarissaInaba: Probably not.

MarissaInaba: But, really, when the solution is friendship and we have a time machine, why look a gift horse in the mouth?

Sweetness: When the doctor is involved. Anything is possible. Thats what Grandma used to say

Whiteout: If we can do it, we need to. Nopony deserves to end up like what's runnin' around outside.

Nod: true that

Narrator: *TARDIS is recharged*

DustyFeathers: Right then, so who knows some great party games?

~NiteBrite: Pin the tale on the pony?

~NiteBrite: Its like the best game ever

Nod: umm i dont think now is the best time

SolidGear: smirks lightly, "I think we all know what I meant with that...seriously, think it through. Sweetness? Can we go back about a week's time? I have an idea."

DustyFeathers: But Solid, I sucked at that science exam, don't make me re-take it!

Sweetness: *nods* I can try. But no promises. NMM's magics are stronger in this time

MarissaInaba_: ()

Sweetness: We may have to do it in two trips

SolidGear: then gets up and heads to the console, "That's exactly why a week's time is needed, when she's not as strong."

MarissaInaba: I'm not much for parties. :|

Sweetness: *nods* I can try. But no promises. NMM's magics are stronger in this time. We may have to do it in two trips

Whiteout: looks skeptical. "I'd have to agree. What good is a party game gonna do when everypony's turnin' into zombies out there?"

MarissaInaba: Actually, I see where she's going with this.

MarissaInaba: We honestly don't know each other all that well.

MarissaInaba: And we aren't in a situation conductive to socializing.

MarissaInaba: If friendship is the way to beat Nightmare Moon, then we're gonna hafta be friends before fighting her.

SolidGear: Hmmm...indeed. Besides, it's not like anypony knows what got me my cutie mark...

SolidGear: canters over to Dusty, "Well, okay, maybe not anypony, but more like just a few ponies would know."

Nod: well what defines frendship anyway.

MarissaInaba: So... uh... Party games away?

~NiteBrite: I assumed it has something to do with your hoof. It is your most distinguishing feature

~NiteBrite: after all

MarissaInaba: gives a nervous grin.

Sweetness: So my bubbles have to do with being cross-eyed NB? Think before you speak

~NiteBrite: ah, sorry.

DustyFeathers: Maybe you're good at being all bubbly! Dusty smiled nervously to Sweetness.

MarissaInaba: It certainly fits your personality, if nothing else :3

Sweetness: ^_^ mine has more to do with my outlook on life.

SolidGear: shrugs lightly, "She's optimistic and bubbly, I can tell how that happened...anyways, let's get goin' backwards." she states, going to the console and using the appropriate dance.

Sweetness: Allow me to assist. *dances too*

Narrator: The TARDIS whirs to life

Sweetness: Its working

Whiteout: blinks at the whirring, and instinctively ducks again.

Nod: takes a seat

MarissaInaba: grabs on to the nearest stable thing for dear life

SolidGear: Yes, indeed it is...let's hope we get somewhere with it this time. she says, bracing herself at the console.

Nod: here wee go again

Narrator: The TARDIS starts shaking.

Sweetness: We're getting NMM, interference. Compensating

~NiteBrite: *stumbles*

Sweetness: Hang on!

DustyFeathers: presses herself against a wall in preparation.

Narrator: *Crashes giving everyone a good bump*

Narrator: *the count down begins*

MarissaInaba: @_@

Nod: falls to side

Sweetness: I-I think we landed.

Nod: saw2that comming

MarissaInaba: @_@

~NiteBrite: So did we do it? Are we a week ago?

SolidGear: I hope we did... she says, currently upside-down on the ground and looking rather sickly.

Whiteout: picks himself up off the floor before offering Solid a hoof up. "That is starting to hurt."

Sweetness: *still manning, err mare-ing, the consule* You'll get used to it.

DustyFeathers: slowly peels herself off the wall. "Well, that didn't hurt too bad."

Sweetness: And NB, there's only one way to find out.

Nod: *stands up* note to self find cushion

MarissaInaba: @_@

Sweetness: *flips open the door*

MarissaInaba: Did we die? @_@

Nod: not yet

~NiteBrite: *helps steady Marrisa*

~NiteBrite: Just take a few deep breaths, relax

DustyFeathers: Does this mean there's two of me taking that science test now?

MarissaInaba: Thank you.

MarissaInaba: I will never get used to this.

SolidGear: slowly gets to her hooves, then quickly covers her mouth before responding, "Yes..."

Narrator: Outside, there is a floor. only it looks sideways. Like up is left and down is right*. Apparently the Tardis landed on its side. the dimensional affect is a bit weird looking*

MarissaInaba: Oh my...

Nod: ummm ok

Whiteout: ...

Nod: atempt to walk outside

DustyFeathers: Whoa.... Trippy.

Narrator: *The group is in the cafeteria kitchen. As Nod steps outside, gravity resumes and he falls sideways to the flor

Narrator: *floor*

Nod: ow

MarissaInaba: ... someone should probably turn this thing upright.

Nod: atempts to right the TARDIS maualy

~NiteBrite: How does... I don't even...

SolidGear: walks out of the Tardis, "Physics be darned with this thing..."

Whiteout: heads out as well, stumbling a bit as down switches directions.

Narrator: Outside, it is the cafeteria kitchen. But its dusty from not being used*

~NiteBrite: Wait for me

~NiteBrite: Tardis-> kitchen

MarissaInaba: is staying inside unti she doesn't have to worry about falling out thank you very much.

~NiteBrite: Okay, so lets put it right side up.

~NiteBrite: *pushes. It is too big a job for just one pony*

Whiteout: moves to help Nite. "Sounds good."

Nod: ok and push

SolidGear: helps to push the Tardis upright.

SolidGear: has thankfully stopped looking green around the ears.

Narrator: *TARDIS is pushed upright*

MarissaInaba: leaves. "Thank you very much," she says politely.

Narrator: *probably looks weird to Marissa, as if the whole world rotated while she stood still*

DustyFeathers: Thank you very much indeed my little ponies... She giggles slightly.

MarissaInaba: @_@

~NiteBrite: *blushes* I haven't been called that since I was a little colt

DustyFeathers: hovers gracefully out of the Tardis.

SolidGear: Sure...so, when are we? she muses to herself, half-ignoring the giggling Dusty as she glances in the cafeteria.

~NiteBrite: *blushes* I haven't been called that since I was a little colt

MarissaInaba: is not one for grace.

Nod: *blushes*

DustyFeathers: I bet we're taking that exam right now.

DustyFeathers: I can't bear to see that again!

DustyFeathers: *that 67

MarissaInaba: ...

Nod: yea once was enough

Sweetness: Well its after NMM, *runs hoof across a dusty stove* see?

SolidGear: Don'y worry about it...besides, we might as well explore if this is our past selves we'll meet.

Sweetness: Well its after NMM, *runs hoof across a dusty stove* see?

MarissaInaba: looks around her surroundings carefully.

MarissaInaba: Yeah.

MarissaInaba: I figured.

~NiteBrite: *looks closer* I dunno, this place was always this dusty.

~NiteBrite: Explains the food

Whiteout: chuckles.

MarissaInaba: We should look for some kind of confirmation of the time.

MarissaInaba: *date

~NiteBrite: *looks up* well the roof is still in one piece

~NiteBrite: *points with hoof* thats where I fell the other day

Nod: so its before you grabed me

DustyFeathers: You mean I never noticed it?!

MarissaInaba: So... we're sometime before two days after this all started.

DustyFeathers: flares out her wings.

Narrator: *note, there is no bucket of oats under where NB is pointing*

Narrator: (())

Narrator: (())

SolidGear: looks aside to Dusty, mildly blinking in surprise.

Narrator: (())

DustyFeathers: notices Solid. "What? I didn't get this cutie mark for nothing!"

SolidGear: Hrmm...true. she muses, sighing and then moving around to where NB had pointed, examining the place for oats, "This feels weird...like I should know what to do yet it makes no sense."

MarissaInaba: Yeah, after this is over, d'ya wanna set up some kind of cleaning service just for this cafeteria? Because if it really is this dirty by default I'm never eating here again.

Sweetness: I blame NMM for the short fall. Though theoretically she's weaker here. Or now, or, ahh *derps*

Whiteout: Well, nothing for it. Check the hall, see if there's a class in session?

Narrator: Outside, Sweetness2 enters the cafeteria and begins looking for muffins

SolidGear: Not a bad idea, but I suggest we check each others' class instead, so we don't wander into ourselves...if we're here at all, that is.

Nod: that shouldent be a problem for me

MarissaInaba: Woah hey, Sweetness, don't you go wandering off on your own *dashes off after her!*

Narrator is now known as Sweetness2

SolidGear: decides to try scrounging around the cafeteria for anything that could work for makin' food.

Sweetness: But I'm right here

DustyFeathers: Well, I know just the class I'm heading to... She smiles dreamily before starting to leave the cafeteria.

Sweetness2: *looks to Marrisa* Huh, who are you?

MarissaInaba: *screeches to a halt* @_@

Whiteout: looks from Sweetness to Sweetness for a moment. *derps*

Sweetness: What's going on?

MarissaInaba: Er... *stumbles around trying to explain what's going on*

Sweetness: What's going on?

SolidGear: blinks as she hears this, then turns to face...Sweetness' 'double', "I...what in the hay?!"

MarissaInaba: derps.

~NiteBrite: Uhh

DustyFeathers: looks between the two Sweeties and shakes her head.

SolidGear: is the only one not feeling the derpiness of the situation, somehow.

MarissaInaba: Oh, wait, right, time tra... er... no. Prolly shouldn't bring that up.

MarissaInaba: @_@

DustyFeathers: On second thoughts, that class can wait.

Sweetness: *derps in stereo*

Sweetness2: *derps in stereo*

SolidGear: hasn't noticed Feathers' reaction to the two Sweetnesses.

Sweetness2: What's going on?

DustyFeathers: So, um, we found out you have a doppelganger!

DustyFeathers: CRAAAAAAAZY huh?!

DustyFeathers: okayi'llshutupnow...

~NiteBrite: Wow, you two look like twins

MarissaInaba: A wizard did it?

DustyFeathers: slinks back a little.

~NiteBrite: In fact you could say you are-*oof*

MarissaInaba: just sorta goes back into the kitchen and hides.

Sweetness: puts hoof in NBs mouth

Sweetness: Hi, I'm muffin.

Sweetness2: you're name is muffin?

SolidGear: canters over to Dusty to hug her and try to calm the apparently frazzled pegasus.

Sweetness: 9_6 . . . yes

Sweetness: also its pronounce your

Sweetness: (())

DustyFeathers: smiles to Solid and whispers. "I'm fine, really. I just wonder how she's gonna handle this..."

MarissaInaba: ()

SolidGear: I'm pretty sure she's already handling it well...

Sweetness: (())

DustyFeathers: What if past me or past you comes along?

MarissaInaba: pokes her head out of the kitchen.

Sweetness2: *offers hoof* Nice o meet you Muffin.

Sweetness: 9_6 "I uhhh. I don't shake hooves. Because.... uh... "*looks to NB*

~NiteBrite: *removes hoof from mouth* "Germs?" NB offers

Sweetness: yes. Germs.

MarissaInaba: ...

MarissaInaba: *SIGH.*

Sweetness2: 9_6 . . .

Sweetness2: ...

Sweetness2: Works for me

MarissaInaba: .......

MarissaInaba: *SIGH.*

Sweetness2: So what are you doing here? This is like zombie ground zero

MarissaInaba: Okay. We're after the zombies. That's good to know.

Nod: *walks up to sweetness #2* long story i will tell you about it later

MarissaInaba: *that was said in a whisper*

Sweetness2: ((noted))

DustyFeathers: So....... This is pretty freaky.

Sweetness2: Well I'm here looking for supplies

DustyFeathers: I mean, what do we do?

Sweetness2: food to be exact. I heard there were some muffins in the cafeteria

SolidGear: I have no idea...this is just too freaky to take in fully.

Whiteout: eyes the others, then trots over to Dusty and Solid to ask quietly. "Wait, so the school didn't get wrecked before the zombies showed up?"

~NiteBrite: I was wondering how that happened in only two days

SolidGear: is still staring at the two Sweetnesses talking, "Yeah, the place doesn't seem wrecked at all."

MarissaInaba: trots over to the two Sweetnesses.

MarissaInaba: I can probably help you look for the muffins.

Sweetness2: (())

DustyFeathers: So, how did it get from this to wrecked in a week?

Sweetness2: They are somewhere in here.

Nod: i will keep an eye out on the door *goes to guard door*

Sweetness2: *walks towards the kitchen and the TARDIS*

MarissaInaba: Wait wait wait.

Sweetness2: yes?

SolidGear: I'm guessing the sheer power NMM had broke the school?

SolidGear: shrugs, totally wondering exactly what it was that broke the buildings.

MarissaInaba: Uh... my magic lets me find things. I'll go and see if I can find some muffins for you. You just wait here, 'kay?

~NiteBrite: possibly, but does that mean she's coming back here?

Sweetness2: Wow, what a useful power! Okay

Sweetness2: *waits*

Sweetness: NB, why don't you stay here with Sweetness while I go help Marissa

MarissaInaba: mutters "oh Celestia I hope this works..." and activates her magic in search of muffins.

SolidGear: looks aside to NB, "If she is...then why don't we all get to know each other better during that time?"

~NiteBrite: Whispers:Noted. Normal: Oh okay Swe- err Muffin'

Sweetness2: **the muffins are in the kitchen, but to get to them you have to move the vat of watery oats... to where NB falls later**

~NiteBrite: So sweetness, how've you been?

Sweetness2: Have we met before?

Sweetness2: How do you know my name?

MarissaInaba: does so, pretty much.

~NiteBrite: Uh we have that class together

SolidGear: Uhm...well, he just took a wild guess, really. Is your name Sweetness?

DustyFeathers: suddenly sidles up next to Sweetness2.

~NiteBrite: Err I mean what SG said

DustyFeathers: Sounds like somepony's got a crush on yooou!

~NiteBrite: Enters the Kitchen with marrisa

DustyFeathers: glares at NB and SG, mouthing 'Come ON guys, really?'

SolidGear: is staying by NiteBrite, and then gives the young colt pegasus a smirk.

~NiteBrite: ((err sweetness does))

Whiteout: bites his lip and looks away, valiantly refusing to snicker.

MarissaInaba: The muffins are behind this vat. I... don't think I can move it on my own, even with magic.

~NiteBrite: Well *fakes blushing* I-I *kicks at the dirt a little*

Sweetness: Okay *helps*

Sweetness: There's something you need to know

MarissaInaba: uses her magic to attempt to move the thingie. "Oh?"

SolidGear: Hehe...really, NB? You have a crush on her?

DustyFeathers: Yeah he does! Why ELSE would he call her Sweetness?!

Sweetness: It could be bad if I touch my past self

SolidGear: nods, "Hrmm...good point."

~NiteBrite: I- hey *blushes for real this time* you guys

SolidGear: giggles lightly, "Seriously, it does kinda fit...doesn't it?"

Sweetness2: hehe, you're silly NB

MarissaInaba: Okay. Good to know. Luckily she seems to buy the germ thing...

MarissaInaba: That was terrible, by the way. You JUST had your hoof in NB's mouth.

Sweetness: Yeeeah, he was about to break doppleganger rule #2. They can't know they are a doppleganger

MarissaInaba: Makes sense.

Sweetness: Do you have any hoof sanitizer?

Sweetness: *sadly the kitchen appears to be lacking in sanitation*

MarissaInaba: I think I had some in my pack, but...

MarissaInaba: Ugh I'm bringing my own lunch from now on.

Whiteout: shakes his head and stretches, looking around at the others. "You know, I suppose there's one good thing out've all this..."

~NiteBrite: W-what's that? *NB asks glad to change the subject*

Whiteout: Didn't think there were that many ponies worth gettin' to know around here, before now.

Sweetness: Strange how I don't remember meeeting you guys here in the past

Sweetness: Strange how I don't remember meeeting you guys here in the past

MarissaInaba: her horn's magic glow gets bigger as she concentrates on moving the vat harder. "Grf... I was never good at magic... wait, what?"

DustyFeathers: Oh, really?

Sweetness: I don't remember any of this happening

MarissaInaba: ...

MarissaInaba: So you found the muffins on your own?

SolidGear: shrugs lightly, "Well, we never got to stick around all that much, really. I mean, the only real companion aside of these two I had were my inventions..." she states, gesturing to NB and DF respectively.

Sweetness: *helps with the vat*

Sweetness: Yeah, at least I thought I did

MarissaInaba: So one of two things, then.

Whiteout: nods, shaking his mane out of his eyes. "I know what you mean. I got tired of bein' the odd pony out, so just got through classes and got home."

MarissaInaba: Either we can change the past, or something happens to make you forget this.

Sweetness: but did my past even happen the way I remember it.

DustyFeathers: smiles gently. "Aww, that's so sweet!"

~NiteBrite: Shucks

Sweetness2: So do you all go to this school? I don't think I've seen you around

Sweetness2: *is a sophmore*

SolidGear: shrugs, "Hmm? Well, I guess I do? I can't remember specifically if I go here all the time, y'know?"

Whiteout: nods. "Just started this year, actually."

Sweetness: Well I don't remember forgetting... but I don't suppose thats something somepony can remember anyways

MarissaInaba: Most likely it's the former. I -HOPE- so, at least, or else we're hosed.

Sweetness2: Ah, you guys are freshmen. I'm second year. Funny though

Nod: uum

~NiteBrite: Whats funny?

SolidGear: blinks a bit at this, "What's so funny about us?"

Sweetness2: Well, its just, Freshmen lunch is where the outbreak of zombies began. I didn't think there were any normies left among the freshmen class

Whiteout: grins sheepishly. "Good day to cut class, I guess."

DustyFeathers: I was cleaning stuff? Dusty smiled nervously.

Sweetness2: I think it was the food or something. Making everyone sick and... ten zombies

Sweetness2: *then

~NiteBrite: I knew it! That food is poison~

MarissaInaba: This thing is harder to move than it has any right to be >:|

DustyFeathers: Now that's just an exaggeraton.

SolidGear: raises an eyebrow at this, "Hmm...really? What food was it that caused this?"

Sweetness: Hurr, *excertion!* maybe we should rest and try again tomorrow

Sweetness: No wait, thats dumb

~NiteBrite: Well it wasn't the oats, I had that and it just made me blind for a bit

~NiteBrite: *really it was the power outage*

MarissaInaba: Maybe we should go get someone else to help.

MarissaInaba: Not you, though... er... not the other you, that is.

Sweetness2: Dunno

SolidGear: Hmmm....all right. Well, I'm gonna go see how Marissa is coming along with those Muffins. and thus she trots off to where Marissa had left to.

Sweetness2: Its the best I could come up with. Anyways, this is why I only ever get the muffins here. Prepackaged and such

Whiteout: Not a bad plan, that.

Sweetness: *Solid will see them struggling with the heavy vat*

DustyFeathers: nods her head

SolidGear: Heya...what's up with the vat?

~NiteBrite: ((err, am I still posting?

~NiteBrite: See, I wasn't making it up. This place is baaaaad

NiteBrite has quit IRC: [NS] Quit: ~ Trillian Astra - www.trillian.im ~

~NiteBrite: ((err, am I still posting?

~NiteBrite: See, I wasn't making it up. This place is baaaaad

NiteBrite: See, I wasn't making it all up. This place is baaaad

Sweetness2: (testing)

Sweetness has quit IRC: [NS] Quit: ~ Trillian Astra - www.trillian.im ~

BeaOProblem: (( my cable company is derps today))

MarissaInaba: ._.

NiteBrite: closes the RP, cut log here

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