Backstory100 MKRP
From Egs Mayhem
Revision as of 21:57, 4 September 2009 by HeWhoWatches (Talk | contribs)
- Jomnjonaug visits Dame Helen's abode, but leaves before his knocking is answered.
- Sage is concerened about some kind of blade. He's also talking to someone else about there troubling dreams.
- Atescu, Nasoj, Kraggi and Grim are talking. Atescu says that Nasoj is their neighbour. This indidividual then thanks her before heading back towards town. The conversation then turns to pets, Gal-Zaborian state finances, Felina and ancient history.
- Lora returns home, gets dressed, then head back to town to find Ann.
- Lora arrives at Ann's place, with a towel, and is answered by KF-Ann. In Ann's body. Lora reveals the reason for her visit! It's to return the towel. Conversation the proceeds, on the doorstep, concerning Chuck, Gal-Zabour's Minister of Finance, who happens to be visiting. And a cat.
- During all this, Bob finishes searching the Town for the Town Hall and finds it doesn't have one. This bothers him, as he believes Keb, who will be arriving soon, will do something stupid as a result.
- JONJONAUG, meanwhile, is bored as he wonders about the park. His thoughts turn to expanding his research. He decides to do so, returningtohis abode, where he begins preparartions and so forth. Many explosions and other strange noises are heard. All this takes no time at all and he;'s soon seen with a brand new pair of Levitation Boots. He begins to fly around town.
- Sage, meanwhile, gets another patient. This time it's Belle.
- It's about this time that Rose joins the conversation at the door, by apologizing to Lora about a previous argument, which is promptly accepted. Lora then inquires about any local shrinks.
- And Lomgren finishes cleaning up and also heads over to Ann's, joining in the conversation on arrival.
- JONJONAUG flies over to the Ann's house and joins the conversation there. Lomgren recognizes him from the tour of the TF Labs, a few days ago. Suddenly, Lomgren is Pounce-Glomped by Sanchay, making him wet. (Ooh er missus!) But just before that, Lora is informed about the town's clinic.
- Belle informs Sage that she's been having weird dreams, as well as waking visions and hallucinogens. Plus boats of hysteria. Sage's internal monologue reveals that he's concerned about this becoming an epidemic and that the cause is paranormal. Externally, he professionally asks for some more details.
- Meanwhile, stuff is happening in Ann's shower. Fade to black, me thinks.
- Back at Ann's doorway, Lomgren gets on top and Lora hangs a Lampshade. Sanchay gets up from under Lomgren and dries herself doggy style, proclaiming how she's missed them all. JONJONAUG is confused by the two 'Anns'. Lomgren gets up too and joins Lora in commenting on the gathering crowd. This turns the conversation to perhaps, you know, dispersing a little, though JONJONAUG is more concerned about the two Anns. He also finally lands.
- More stuff in the shower.
- Rose folds the robe and steps back inside. JONJONAUG has explained to him the nature of the two Anns. Lomgren announces he's planning a party. Lora says she needs to head off to find a shrink. Rose then leaves them all on the doorstep. The conversation then turns to Ann-KF worrying about the Resurrection Machine creating duplicates. JONJONAUG looks uncomfortable, because he made it. Ann-KF assures him that he'll fix it himself.
- Rose knocks on the bathroom door, where Ann and Rose-KF are showering. Both respond. Rose tells them about the crowd gathering. Ann says she's busy. Rose says Lomgren is there. Rose-KF says she's still busy. Rose then drops the robe off in the bedroom, before rejoining the front door crew.
- Rose then informs everyone that Ann is unavailable. Lomgren says fair enough and says he'll be at the book store. JONJONAUG gets excited at the mention of a book store, to the pointthat he can't wait for a responce, so flies onto Ann's roof to search for it. Rose and Ann-KF go back inside, closing the door I assume. And thus ends the Door Conversation Of Epicness!