From Egs Mayhem
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Phi, alpha, epsilon, theta, omega, nu -- along the lines of "faye, tonne".
I abuse this wiki to stash stuff.
Forum-avatar stuff
This is May from Guilty Gear. An iPod ad parody with May doing her Jackhound technique and losing her iPod mid-attack.
Image stuff
Current Inventory
Generated from the Inventory Log program below.
Current inventory: a) TF Gun b) Fish (dead) c) Squirrel teddy (squirrel) d) can of soda (soda, unlabeled) e) can of soda (soda, unlabeled) f) can of soda (soda, unlabeled) g) can of soda (soda, unlabeled) h) can of soda (soda, unlabeled) i) can of soda (soda, unlabeled) j) red crystal inscribed with TF-gun code for Otter V1 (red) k) yarn ball of distraction (yarn, distraction) l) shiny hubcap (shiny) m) can of mackerel (mackerel) n) bag of salt-n-glass cookies (cookie, salt_n_glass) o) Infinite Scroll of Doom-Ish (infinite, doom-ish) p) Infinite Pen of Doom-Ish (infinite, doom-ish) q) DD/RR mod for TF Gun (DD/RR mod) r) mirror with silver handle (silver handle) (end)
Inventory Log
This is one giant Prolog program file:
%#! gprolog --entry-goal "consult('./PH_inventory.prolog')" % phaethon@EGC.prolog % GNU Prolog. :- dynamic(maxitemid/1, logtime/1). % Convenience predicate -- make GNU Prolog stop complaining about deliberate singletons. ignore(_). % These predicates affect dynamic predicates. newitemid(IDnum) :- maxitemid(M), N is (M+1), IDnum is M, retractall(maxitemid(_)), asserta(maxitemid(N)). ts(X) :- retractall(logtime(_)), asserta(logtime(X)). % Affects dynamic database. obtain(Giver, Item) :- obtain(Giver, Item, []). obtain(Giver, Count, Item) :- number(Count), obtain(Giver, Count, Item, []). obtain(Giver, Item, Descriptions) :- newitemid(ID), describe(ID, Descriptions), logtime(TS), assertz(ts(TS, obtain(ID))), assertz(item(ID, Item)), assertz(blame(ID, Giver)). obtain(_, 0, _). obtain(Giver, Count, Item, Descriptions) :- number(Count), Count > 0, obtain(Giver, Item, Descriptions), Oneless is (Count-1), obtain(Giver, Oneless, Item, Descriptions). %Recurse! obtain(_, 0, _, _). describe(_, []). describe(ID, [Desc|Rest]) :- assertz(attrib(ID, Desc)), describe(ID, Rest). % Inventory listing. % Determine letter-coding of inventory id number -- probably buggy. item_header(N, Header) :- N > 0, N < (1+26), Cc is (N + 96), char_code(Ch, Cc), Header = Ch. item_header(N, Header) :- N > 26, N < (1 + 26*2), Cc is (N + 64 - 26), char_code(Ch, Cc), Header = Ch. item_header(N, Header) :- N > (26*2), Header = N. % string.join() strjoin(ResultString, _, []) :- ResultString = "". strjoin(ResultString, _, [C]) :- atomic(C), name(C, ResultString) ; strjoin(ResultString, "", []). strjoin(ResultString, JoinString, [H|T]) :- atomic(H), name(H, SrcStr), strjoin(RestStr, JoinString, T), length(RestStr, Len), (Len > 0 -> append(JoinString, RestStr, SuffixStr) ; SuffixStr = RestStr), append(SrcStr, SuffixStr, ResultString) ; strjoin(ResultString, JoinString, T). % Return string description of item #N (Opts affects description verbosity). item_line(N, Opts, Line) :- item(N, ItemName), ignore(Opts), findall(X, attrib(N, X), [ItemNoun|ItemAttribs]), ignore(ItemNoun), strjoin(ItemAttribStr, ", ", ItemAttribs), length(ItemAttribStr, IASL), (IASL > 0 -> append(" (", ItemAttribStr, S1), append(S1, ")", S2) ; S2 = ""), name(ItemAttrib, S2), atom_concat(ItemName, ItemAttrib, Line), true. % List description of item #N. inv_item(N) :- maxitemid(Max), N < Max, item_header(N, ItemHeader), write(' '), write(ItemHeader), write(') '), item_line(N, [], ItemLine), write(ItemLine), nl, !, Next is (N+1), inv_item(Next). % prety-print inventory. inv :- write('Current inventory:'), nl, inv_item(1); write('(end)\ '), true. % Old inventory listing. inv0 :- listing(item), listing(blame). % Run through all transactions to update dynamic database. :- initialization(transactions). %:- initialization(init). % Record of inventory transactions. transactions :- assertz(maxitemid(1)), % First item collection ts('2008.08.11'), obtain('Tyris', 'TF Gun', [tfgun]), obtain('Tyris', 'Fish', [fish, dead]), obtain('Tyris', 'Squirrel teddy', [teddy, squirrel]), obtain('Tyris', 6, 'can of soda', [can, soda, unlabeled]), obtain('Tyris', 'red crystal inscribed with TF-gun code for Otter V1', [crystal, red, for(tfgun), tfgun('Otter V1')]), ts('2008.08.11'), obtain('Kalga', 'yarn ball of distraction', [ball, yarn, distraction]), ts('2008.08.11'), obtain('Cheez', 'shiny hubcap', [hubcap, shiny]), obtain('Cheez', 'can of mackerel', [can, mackerel]), obtain('Cheez', 'bag of salt-n-glass cookies', [bag, cookie, salt_n_glass]), ts('2008.08.11'), obtain('littlebeast', 'Infinite Scroll of Doom-Ish', [scroll, infinite, 'doom-ish']), obtain('littlebeast', 'Infinite Pen of Doom-Ish', [pen, infinite, 'doom-ish']), obtain('littlebeast', 'DD/RR mod for TF Gun', [dd_rr_mod, 'DD/RR mod', for(tfgun)]), ts('2008.08.11'), obtain('Jenerix525', 'mirror with silver handle', [mirror, 'silver handle']), % Add above this line. true. % After consulting/loading this file: % % * To generate inventory list: %| ?- inv.