IRON QUEST/Units and Devices

From Egs Mayhem

Revision as of 20:41, 10 August 2009 by Reaver225 (Talk | contribs)

Drones Created/Designed

Advanced Mining Drones Equipped with compressed nano-array processors, an impressive set of manipulators, mining lasers, drills, probing and testing equipment and generally very effective at mining anything at all. Can be rerigged to perform other functions. Ten were part of your original complement.

Advanced Harvester Drones Equipped with compressed nano-array processors, an impressive set of manipulators, threshers, cutters and renderers, organic analysis components and generally very effective at harvesting and growing organics. Can be rerigged to perform other functions. Five were part of your original complement.

Advanced Construction Drones Equipped with compressed nano-array processors, an impressive set of manipulators, microsmelters, forgers, welders, mixers and other such devices, structural analysis components and generally can construct any sort of structure, given the right materials. Can be rerigged to perform other functions. Seven were part of your original complement.

Crude Prospector Drones Based off design for crude light scout drones: Light tracked steel chassis (requires iron), small capacitor power cell, radio slave circuit, various minor servos. They were equipped with mining prospecting tools (analyses soil samples for minerals, from prefab reserves). Two were created within the first three days of awakening.

"Godhead1" Designed to inspire awe and obedience in a local primitive human tribe. Based around an advanced drone chassis, treads and processor from prefabricated reserves with an alloyed steel "head" shell on top. It contains a basic dedicated communications/translation processing module. After some discussion and re-equipping, it has electric shockers installed in it's "eye sockets".

One specialised drone of this type has been created. It is currently not doing very well in its mission.

"Demon1" Demon1 models are crude combat drones that resemble a skeleton of humans that move on all fours. They are equipped with hidden blades, cellulose-based flamethrowers and a screech-producing voicebox. Five drones of this type were created. Demon1-0 self destructed as a ploy to engage the humans in diplomatic relations. Demon1-3 was destroyed when performing hit and run tactics on humans in terror attacks - after running low of flamethrower fuel it was damaged by humans with crude spears and manoeuvred into a body of water. Three drones of this type remain, with more in production.

"Sniper1" Extremely crude mobile turrets armed with air-powered cannons. They have a tripod base and metal wheels. Easily mass produced, but poor in quality and ability against anything but small animals and unarmed, unarmoured humans. In production queue.


Primitive humans: Base technology level of 0.15. No significant threat posed. Note: has had contact with higher-technological species.

Deerlike Quadrupeds: There are short-furred, hoofed and antlered quadrupeds of several breeds in the forest, and appear to be the dominant phenotype of game animal. They vary in size, strength, and agility fairly widely based upon species.

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