Backstory100 MKRP

From Egs Mayhem

Revision as of 14:31, 11 October 2009 by HeWhoWatches (Talk | contribs)

Page 76

  • JONJONAUG visits Dame Helen's abode, but leaves before his knocking is answered.
  • At the clinic, Sage is concerened about some kind of blade. He's also talking to someone else about there troubling dreams.
  • While at Grim's place, Atescu, Nasoj, Kraggi and Grim are talking. Atescu says that Nasoj is their neighbour. This individual then thanks her before heading back towards town. The conversation then turns to pets, Gal-Zaborian state finances, Felina and ancient history.
  • Lora returns home, gets dressed, then head back to town to find Ann.

Page 77

  • Lora arrives at Ann's place, with a towel, and is answered by KF-Ann. In Ann's body. Lora reveals the reason for her visit! It's to return the towel. Conversation the proceeds, on the doorstep, concerning Chuck, Gal-Zabour's Minister of Finance, who happens to be visiting. And a cat.
  • During all this, Bob finishes searching the Town for the Town Hall and finds it doesn't have one. This bothers him, as he believes Keb, who will be arriving soon, will do something stupid as a result.
  • JONJONAUG, meanwhile, is bored as he wonders about the park. His thoughts turn to expanding his research. He decides to do so, returning to his abode, where he begins preparartions and so forth. Many explosions and other strange noises are heard. All this takes no time at all and he;'s soon seen with a brand new pair of Levitation Boots. He begins to fly around town.
  • Sage, meanwhile, gets another patient. This time it's Belle.
  • It's about this time that Rose joins the conversation at the door, by apologizing to Lora about a previous argument, which is promptly accepted. Lora then inquires about any local shrinks.
  • And Lomgren finishes cleaning up and also heads over to Ann's, joining in the conversation on arrival.

Page 78

  • JONJONAUG flies over to the Ann's house and joins the conversation there. Lomgren recognizes him from the tour of the TF Labs, a few days ago. Suddenly, Lomgren is Pounce-Glomped by Sanchay, making him wet. (Ooh er missus!) But just before that, Lora is informed about the town's clinic.
  • Belle informs Sage that she's been having weird dreams, as well as waking visions and hallucinogens. Plus boats of hysteria. Sage's internal monologue reveals that he's concerned about this becoming an epidemic and that the cause is paranormal. Externally, he professionally asks for some more details.
  • Meanwhile, stuff is happening in Ann's shower. Fade to black, me thinks.
  • Back at Ann's doorway, Lomgren gets on top and Lora hangs a Lampshade. Sanchay gets up from under Lomgren and dries herself doggy style, proclaiming how she's missed them all. JONJONAUG is confused by the two 'Anns'. Lomgren gets up too and joins Lora in commenting on the gathering crowd. This turns the conversation to perhaps, you know, dispersing a little, though JONJONAUG is more concerned about the two Anns. He also finally lands.

Page 79

  • More stuff in the shower.
  • Rose folds the robe and steps back inside. JONJONAUG has explained to him the nature of the two Anns. Lomgren announces he's planning a party. Lora says she needs to head off to find a shrink. Rose then leaves them all on the doorstep. The conversation then turns to Ann-KF worrying about the Resurrection Machine creating duplicates. JONJONAUG looks uncomfortable, because he made it. Ann-KF assures him that he'll fix it himself.
  • Rose knocks on the bathroom door, where Ann and Rose-KF are showering. Both respond. Rose tells them about the crowd gathering. Ann says she's busy. Rose says Lomgren is there. Rose-KF says she's still busy. Rose then drops the robe off in the bedroom, before rejoining the front door crew.
  • Rose then informs everyone that Ann is unavailable. Lomgren says fair enough and says he'll be at the book store. JONJONAUG gets excited at the mention of a book store, to the point that he can't wait for a responce, so flies onto Ann's roof to search for it. Rose and Ann-KF go back inside, closing the door I assume. And thus ends the Door Conversation Of Epicness!

Page 80

  • JONJONAUG notices the book shop from the roof of Ann's house, but is disappointed because it appears to be closed. So, bored, he walks to the bakery and holds a brief conversation with Kasumi.
  • In Ann's house, Rose and Ann-KF start discussing what to do. Ann-KF goes to the bedroom to play with yarn balls and is soon joined by Rose. A yarn ball brawl soon results. This ends up with them both entangled.
  • During Kraggi's conversation (wherever that's meant to be taking place) Mr Squirrelpants notices that the pies are ready. Also, he mentions that Necro/Yogamantic talents. Atescu gets the pies, but mentions that the dead person in question died in the distant past, but at least it was on this world. Kraggi answers that time isn't an issue, but he's never tried raising a cat before. The first pie is divided up and Kraggi ends up with nothing, so tries to beg some of Grim, who wanted over half.
  • Meanwhile, JONJONAUG has flown to a random rooftop and overhears Kraggi talking. This pickles his interest. He decides to prove he's a nice guy, so returns to the bakery and pies a lot of pies. He then leaves one on every doorstep with a note, before knocking and flying off. His task finished, he takes a midair nap.

Page 81

  • Back at the Clinic, Belle tells Sage that her nightmare involve her finishing move, Hell's Invitation, being used on her. sage says he recognizes the problem and recommends therapy. Belle isn't so sure, saying that she now knows how horrific her technique really is.
  • In the Pie Saga, Freek gives Kraggi a quarter of the second pie. Grim, female at the moment, starts to flirt with the squirrely one. Unfortunately, the pie is too good. After this the conversation turns weird.
  • Lomgren, meanwhile, is getting ready to open his store. After making various measurements, he heads over to the General Store. There, after a little haggling, he orders the stuff he needs, before leaving.
  • Ann's house: stuff continues.

Page 82

  • Pie Saga: It soon becomes obvious that Kraggi and Grim were quoting lines from Space Oddity as grim brakes out into actually song, using a spoon as a microphone. Eshli joins in starting with her favourite line ("She knows", by the way). When the song finishes, Freek asks Atescu WTF? but she doesn't know the name of the song. Both Kraggi and Grim are horrified by this and offer to lecture the pair on what they're missing. They decline. However, in turns out that Kraggi is equelly ignorant of 23rd century music, which Grim will gladly educate him on. They then head off together to do just that.
  • Ann's house remains behind a Tasteful Curtain and will stay there until I say otherwise.

Page 83

  • In Grim's basement, Kraggi's education commences. However, this soon involves the Tasteful Curtain.
  • At the Clinic, Sage now realizes that Belle is feeling repressed guilt over inventing such an evil technique and this is causing the bad dreams. Unfortunately, this is an issue Belle must come to terms with herself, either by dealing with the guilt or by stop using the technique at all.
  • Ann's house, Ann and Rose-KF finish 'cleaning' and leave the shower. They then get dressed, the former in her 'Frisky Kitty' t-shirt, the latter in the others uniform. While talking, Ann decides to play a prank on the other two 'Anns', who doesn't know about Rose-KF. So Rose-KF walks into the bedroom and impersonates Ann while Ann hovers by the doorway.
  • Lomgren, meanwhile, finishes ordering the supplies needed for his book store. He then heads home, bored. As he passes Ann's house, he thinks about stopping, but doesn't.

Page 84

  • Ann bedroom, Rose-KF (still pretending to be Ann) comes under the influence of the catnip the others had been using. Outside, Ann grumbles at the mention of catnip and takes off her shirt to cover her face. That's right folks, she's now naked. She then walks in and closes the catnip jar, before putting it away. The two tied-up 'Anns' do a double-take, but quickly figure out what's going on. Ann then scolds Rose-KF for mucking up her prank. She defends herself by saying that's her first experience with the nip. Ann then starts to free the others by cutting the string with her claws.
  • Meanwhile, Lomgren gets home and notices the pie left on his front doorstep. He takes it in and puts it in the fridge, then notices his list of party preparations. He begins to check that too.
  • Grim's basement, the CD ends and the Tasteful Curtain lifts. Grim then quickly gets a CMD from upstairs, before returning. She uses this to give Kraggi a 'Male Love Machine' form and the Tasteful Curtain descends once more.
  • Later that night, Keb finally arrives. Him and Bob have a conversation. This ends with Bob heading towards the Rex and Keb preparing to build a house on the fountain. Don't worry, apparently no ine else will notice it.
  • At about the same time, Homer returns home. She very tired and just collapses straight into bed.

Page 85

  • Rose, partly due to being on the nip, but mostly because she's Rose, pins Ann's tail with her claws. This is as painful as it sounds. Rose-KF tries to help Ann, but falls over. Luckily, she lands on the imprisoned pair, which is enough for Ann to free her appendage.
  • Meanwhile, JONJONAUG is back in his lab. One explosion later, he's starting to get some success with his latest invention. However, his latest project may have a few felonious functions.
  • At Grim's house, Kraggi and Grim had somehow made it from the basement to the bedroom. But they're both downstairs, so it ain't that amazing. Anyway, they both collapse from exhaustion, the Squirrely one grinning madly. However, they've only been asleep a little while when Eshli, a little girl, walks in, look for a CD. She makes Grim to ask her where it is, then asks what where they doing in bed together. Grim tries to pass the buck to Eshli's father, but little girls with awkward questions aren't so easily thwarted. Kraggi tries to fob her off with a lie about music sounding better in bed, while naked, but Eshli is no fool.
  • During this time, Lora had been shopping in the bakery. Now, however, she heads over to the clinic and inquires about free psychiatric therapy. She doesn't get a direct answer, but is told she can wait, which she does.

Page 86

  • In JONJONAUG's lab, we finally discover his new invention. Or rather inventions, as they're a belt and robe combo. That grant the wearer invisibility, intangibility and flight. While testing these, there's a knock at the door. Which he answers, while still invisible. However, it turned out to be Scribble, who can see such things anyway and actually says so almost straight away. However, he JONJONAUG calls Scribble James and invites him in, giving him a key to open all bar the restricted doors in the house. Scribble points out that James is his father and that he's here to offer JONJONAUG some of his power.
  • Back in Grim bedroom, Kraggi pretends he actually believed his lie with his whole heart, which explains his behaviour. This is bizarre, so Eshli believes him. She leaves. When she's gone, Grim suggests Kraggi wear pyjamas if he still wishes to stay the night. He does so, grudgingly, while Grim puts on a nightgown. However, it soon comes apparent that Kraggi is upset about how bad a lie he tried. In fact, he starts to laments that even after 200 years, he still acts like a babbling idiot most of the time. Yet, could a true idiot really be capable of such introspection? Grim obviously comforts him, saying that goodness of heart is what truly matters, and then they embrace, each lost in their own worry and brooding. Kraggi, hoping that Grim won't die like so many others in his long life, and Grim hoping that Kraggi won't leave her when he discovers the truth about her past.
  • In a different bedroom, Ann notices the air seems to be clearing, so takes off her improvized face mask. She then suggests that the others can now use the shower.
  • Meanwhile, Lomgren has finished most of his preparations for the party. Now he only has to deliver the invites and do some final orders. So he sets out once more, starting with the former, so heads to the post office.
  • Belle has been silent for several minutes, causing Sage to become concerned and inquire if they partake of narcotics. She responds by saying she was meditating, before saying she's been called away and gets teleported off.

Page 87

  • JONJONAUG seems intrigued by Scribble's offer and asks for more details. The responce is Scribe Magic, which is apparently absolute control over Essence, whatever that is. However, JONJONAUG asks if he could get it tomorrow, as he's tired and wants to go to bed.
  • Taking Belle's sudden disappearance in his stride, Sage checks to see if he has any other patients. Upon seeing Lora, he asks her to step into his office. She does so, extremely nervously, saying that this is her first time. Sage indicates the couch, then asks Lora her name. She answers and the session begins.
  • At the post office, nobody seems to be around, so Lomgren rings for service. This summons help, three of them who arrive from the back room, in a state of disarray. And wearing each others clothes. Lomgren, however, isn't fazed by this and despite some confusion, arranges to have the invites delivered. Happy, he then pays and heads to the grocery store. Here, he buys more party stuff, before heading home with two large bags.
  • Back in Grim's basement, Grim acts like she wants to say something, but can't think of how to word it. Kraggi gave her a sympathetic look and let her get her thoughts in order.
  • Ann's bedroom, Rose-KF says she doesn't need another shower and wouldn't want to leave out Ann anyway. However, the General is quite empathic that they won't be having a foursome and decides she needs some air.
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