Author Persona

From Egs Mayhem

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==Author's Character Sheet=
Nothing here is accurate anymore. Long live Author, Author is dead, and long live Author again. Yes this does make sense.
Name: Robert Branch (Author)
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Birthday: May 13, 1989
Occupation: Writer
Personality: Author is always messing around, which annoys his main creation and almost permanent sidekick, Frost. He acts randomly, but at the same time stays true to whatever he’s doing at the moment. When he’s needed to be serious, he does so without a second thought. This is usually when he and Frost sync with each other perfectly as Author and Character. Author is highly intelligent, not genius level, but he understands more than he lets on. Also very friendly, willing to talk with anyone and make a fool of himself.
Appearance: Author had flaming red hair, semi long and kept neat, along with blue-green eyes and fair skin, all throwbacks to his Irish heritage. He stands at 6'6" with a 175 lb. frame, a lightweight. His body type is thin and gangly, built like a runner (though he hates that "sport"). Various freckles along his skin, along with a pair of modified glasses whose lenses can instantly change from clear to dark depending on the amount of light. You won't blind him as long as he's wearing these. And without them he already is blind, it would be redundant.
Clothes: White, elegant robe with various words running along the fringes, they change depending on what he is writing at the moment. Underneath it he wears a normal white t-shirt and tan shorts. Occasionally in battle he will summon his Dreamweave armor for ability enhancement.
Likes: Writing, fruit punch, training with his powers, annoying Frost.
Dislikes: Water, sun, allergies, people trying to destroy his characters.
Strengths: Unpredictability in battle, strategy, strong mental power capable of deflecting psychic assaults.
Weaknesses: Getting easily distracted, bright light hurts his eyes without sunglasses, physical fighting.
Weapon: Blue fountain pen that he transforms to a similarly colored sword. He uses both as summoning tools. A large, sky-blue book with his work inside.
Abilities: Summoning anything he has written, to a point at least. He can bring forth a character, but bringing an army is a little too much. He can sense innate power, even if it's hidden. His final trick is utilizing Author-only brand spells, Edit Magic.
Family Situation: Father, mother, and younger brother in his home dimension.
Bio: Robert does not come from the world he’s in, or even the same time period. About a year ago, back in his home dimension, he didn’t even have any powers. Just a regular teenager.
One thing he did have going for him was a writing talent and a powerful imagination. He would frequently see things that weren’t there, and, unbeknownst to him, he would sometimes make these things solid and play it out, believing he was dreaming when he was fully awake. This attracted the attention of the Writing Order, who watched over him, seeing his power beginning to manifest. They wanted to find out two things. One, if he would stop believing in his imagination, at which point his power would vanish. And two, if he could summon something on his own, at which point they would make their move.
After half a year of observation, they saw it. One night he was working at his computer, dead tired but doggedly continuing his writing. He eventually succumbed to sleep, and he sank into dreams sitting in front of the still glowing screen. Without warning, the screen flashed, and spit a blue book out onto Robert’s lap, jarring him awake with a yelp of surprise and a slight bit of pain, since the book was heavy and had landed on some sensitive instruments.
Still thinking he was dreaming, he had opened the book and flipped through it. He saw writing he had done and thought was gone forever, back when he first began. As he looked through his life, he realized something. From elementary school on, there was a constant someone who was at the forefront of his mind. Though he had changed over the years, he was still the same core, meant to protect Robert throughout his life. Turning the page, Robert saw his current name, glittering at the top of the page. “Islaitha…Frost,” he whispered, caressing the cursive writing.
In a flash of light, the page ripped itself out and shot to the side, quickly forming into the character written on it. Blue and white robes were lashed tightly with a blue mooncloth sash. Black leather armor was underneath the attire, with a silver ring on his hand, a dime-sized dull blue gem set into it. There stood Islaitha Frost.
Not even a day after performing the summoning and passing Frost off as a friend (changing his clothes to prevent staring), the Order contacted him. With Frost’s assurance, he met with their agents in the park. They informed him of his power, and told him they had been watching for some time, waiting for his first summon, when they could finally bestow upon him the title of Author. He learned they were Authors as well, as was every member of the Order. They used their characters to battle the Black Order, who used their characters to fulfill their own selfish desires.
Accepting their invitation to join, he soon proved his worth. Over time, he learned to summon ten characters, Frost included. While unoriginal, he dubbed them The Ten. With them, he journeyed into the worlds he had created, marveling at what he thought was only a fantasy months ago.
One day, while chasing one of the Black Order, Frost found himself face to face with Hanica, their leader. Along with her primary summon, Ten Ton Thomas, a black knight with the power of alchemy standing at two stories tall. After a quick battle, with Robert losing, he and Frost were spared by the woman. Instead of killing him and taking his book, she cast a one-way Gate spell, hurling him to another dimension and locking the way back.
On awakening, he found himself in the world of Enchantment, along with Frost. He still possessed his book, and carried it with him everywhere. He soon realized that going back to Earth was impossible, he was locked out from this door. Accepting this fact, he settled down and began to work on creating a new life. Frost remained with him, but they didn’t do anything. There were no battles, no reason to summon except for training, and no reason to keep his title of Author.
He began going to school, and, with a bit of creativity, had his credits from the other world transferred over via a dummy private school and his own powers. Then a sophomore, he had been watching Adiana and her friends. One of his talents was sensing when someone was more than met the eye, in other words, had powers. For this reason he talked to her at times, but not really enough to be considered a friend, more of an acquaintance.
Recently in the past year, he got wind of strong fighters in another dimension, and set off with Frost. His adventures in that world were concluded. The only problem with what he had done is that now normal life won't suit him. He's done too much to like sitting around like an average person.
Arriving in the dimension called Khaf, he immediately scouted around for the strong fighters. Frost went on ahead, since Author did not want to reveal himself before it was necessary. So Islaitha Frost altered his name slightly to Pehra Frost, and plunged headlong into the Clan Wars.
Over the course of a year his summon became known as one of the strongest fighters, influencing many of the top clans and drawing the attention of the clan heads, including his leader-to-be, Spyder Pyresphere.
Author began to make himself known, as did the rest of the Ten, slowly but surely. Never anything more than a white-robed person with his face covered by the hood/mask. As time went by, he became known as the source of the ten fighters who frequented the Wars. Since he had only minimal fighting ability, he attempted to dabble in the Three Arts. Pathos, Ethos, and Logos.
This didn't fit well with him, because his battles were identical to his writing, unpredictable with humor slipping into the strangest places. Going against him was just asking for a wet-willy from the shadows.
More time skip, he was eventually the second-highest rank in the Seikazoku, having helped the clan to conquer all the others and gain dominance over the Gotei 13. He had established himself as an able inventor along with Frost, his top feat being to accidentally bind Spyder's Seirei (Goddess) to a Neko doll. Kagami had very sharp claws he remembered, poor Drifter. Not everyday you get the Goddess of Swords in cat form firing one of her Thousand Blades out of a cat doll's mouth.
Very shortly after that, he had been tinkering with Majestic's Seikazoku Transporter, trying to find a way to fuse the Gate spell with its mechanisms, to allow for transportation of relief to downed fighters of the clan. This...went awry, and he found himself in the air above Tandy Gardens, along with Frost. Having made his entry into the Wotchiverse, he started scouting around for strong fighters again. He wanted to gain more power, so when he was finally able to return to his original dimension, he could take down Hannika.
It's only recently he was able to learn how to pinpoint a dimension, and his trial run was to one of his favorite comics, El Goonish Shive. This is his current dimension, but he frequently travels back and forth from here to The Wotch. While unproven as of yet, he hopes that will change very soon.
Recently, he picked up the trace of something he hoped he wouldn't have had to worry about for some time. Hannika is trailing him. It's still unknown what she wants with him.
=Edit Magic=
The very definition of a good writer is one who edits their work often. This magic takes it one step further by editing items outside of an Author's book. Author has displayed several spells, some of which he refuses to use in battle. These are denoted by an asterisk.
* Edit: Weapon
Transforms Author's weapon into another form. The most basic spell he uses.
* Edit: Battlefield
Changes pieces of the battlefield to mix things up. He can't choose what it's replaced by. Some Authors are able to pull off changing the entire field.
* Edit: Page Turn*
Turns the "page" of someone's life backwards. This doesn't do anything drastic, but can move someone out of danger if there's no chance to block an attack. He uses this on random people just to see them get disoriented. It's also used as a healing tool after battles.
* Edit: Character*
Author alters a character within his book. The only rule is that the changes must be able to be explained. No turning a guy into a girl "just because."
* Edit: World*
This edits the world structure to form an inter/intradimensional portal. Travel method of choice for magic users.
* Edit: Armor
This summons Author's Dreamweave armor, designed to enhance his own magic and in turn give a slight boost to his characters. This affords him more protection, more power, and a heckuva lot more style.
=Hidden Parts=
There can be no book without antagonists. Author summons his character from his creations which came from his own thoughts. Think on that.

Current revision as of 02:05, 26 August 2009

Nothing here is accurate anymore. Long live Author, Author is dead, and long live Author again. Yes this does make sense.

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