Amon Star

From Egs Mayhem

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(Yes, I've finally done it.)
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I'm trying to convince Amon to make a wiki if you want to help send him a private message here's his profile page please send him a message that says "please do your own wiki *puppy dog eyes*" and has "please" as the subject and please don't flood his inbox but make him notice
== Preamble ==
Hi there. I've finally got around to doing my Wiki page. Joy. Anywho, I'll be dividing this into sections, because I'm Anal like that. First part is the 'Preamble'. That's this bit. Here I'll be describing the rest of the page. Like I'm doing, in fact.
Moving on. The next section will be entitled 'The Man'. Here I will talk about me, the poster. But not in much detail, as I'm shy. After that is 'The Monster'. Here I'll let Amon talk about himself. Finally, we'll come to the Character List. Here I'll list all my RP character, apart from Amon, that are specific to Mayhem. Or at least have a Mayhem specific version. At some point I may even give them there own pages.
== The Man ==
OK, so here I'm meant to talk about myself. Well, a lot of the info that I'm willing to give out can already be found in various Threads, but I'll repeat it here for completeness. I'm a male bisexual with strong but open-minded spiritual beliefs, decidedly Liberal political beliefs & Conservative economic beliefs. I first joined the Forum in February 2007. At first I thought I was Home, but reality caught up with me with the beginnings of the Forum Wars. Basically, I lost faith with to many of my fellow Bunnies.
Anyway, I've recently joined Team Evil of the Chibi Time Wars. Not just as an assistant GM, which I probably would have done regardless of my opinions, but as an active participant. Why. Balance. What I plan on doing in this roll I'm certainly not going to reveal here. Stay tuned is all I'll say on the matter.
That aside, I've yet to say why I like EGS. Well, there are many reasons. The zaininess is certainly one of them. As is the well developed characters. The lessons of tolerance & responsibility are MAJOR appeals. Then of course there is Justin. Hmm, Justin.
Anyway, I think I've said enough. Lets move on to the next section.
he says he'll do it if he gets 10 votes and I voted so 9 more please post on here if you send it to him - kgirl
== The Monster ==
"The Monster. Nice. Very nice, father.
"Anyway, allow me to introduce myself. I'm Out Of Continuity Amon. I'm here to talk about myself, my beliefs, history, powers, etc. To start with, let me explain how I came to be born. When father, as I think of him, first found EGS & the Forums, it made him feel alive in ways he hasn't felt in a long time. In particular, the sense of community with his fellow Bunnies. There were some problems, naturally, but not enough to bother him excessively. However, when the Invasion Threat accord, he began to grow disillusioned. He noticed that many of the fellow participants where 'Lame Moronic Godmodders' as he would put it, sans swearing. Unfortunately, though he would normally just cease participating, a part of his mind was still dedicated to the defence of EGS. This caused him a lot of mental stress until that part of him, me, became independent & took control of his Avatar during the first battle of the Invasion. The rest is history, as they say.
"Right, so now you know how I was born. Let's go on to what makes us different. For a start, I'm an IC entity. that will automatically give me a different view on things. Secondly, & more importantly, I still consider Mayhem my home & the Bunnies my family. They ain't perfect, but who is? Other differences is that I don't swear as much, if at all. I'm also generally politer, unless I'm in pain. Then I can get snippy. I'm also completely sane & a pacifist, though I am willing to do what is necessary. I'm a lot better at technical things. Last, but not least, I'm a Buddist, who also follows the principles of EGS. Why I don't like Time Travel or Resurrections.
"Physically, we are even more different, for obvious reasons. I can be best described as a cheap Tulougol Seyunolu knock-off. I'm genderless, though default to male, & non-sexual. However, I am tactile. Power wise, I'm not very impressive compared to many a Bunny. Most of it comes from my highly efficient metabolism. I'll put what I can do in a list to make it easier to read:
Enhanced Strength: I can lift over head just under 80 stones.
Retractable Claws: They're sharp, but not that impressive. I never use them to kill.
Enhanced Toughness: I'm really hard to hurt & have a high pain tolerance. I can be cut or what have you, it just doesn't effect me as much. Also extends to toxins & pathogens.
Regeneration: All my cells have the properties of stem cells. This allows me to recover from anything non-fatal, without even a scar. Additional, I heal faster than humans.
Ageless: I don't grow old.
Enhanced Reality Awareness: In addition to being Forum Aware, I am attuned to reality in ways that I don't fully understand. This isn't the same as constantly penetrating the 4th wall. It's more subtle than that.
Miscellaneous: I don't need to sleep. I can, as I heal faster when I do, it just isn't necessary. Also, my body processes roughly 99% of what I eat & drink, meaning that even with my souped up metabolism I need to consume less than a human. What little waste a produce is released in my sweat.
"That's it from me. So, until next time; FOR THE SHIVE!"

Revision as of 20:38, 6 October 2007


Hi there. I've finally got around to doing my Wiki page. Joy. Anywho, I'll be dividing this into sections, because I'm Anal like that. First part is the 'Preamble'. That's this bit. Here I'll be describing the rest of the page. Like I'm doing, in fact. Moving on. The next section will be entitled 'The Man'. Here I will talk about me, the poster. But not in much detail, as I'm shy. After that is 'The Monster'. Here I'll let Amon talk about himself. Finally, we'll come to the Character List. Here I'll list all my RP character, apart from Amon, that are specific to Mayhem. Or at least have a Mayhem specific version. At some point I may even give them there own pages.

The Man

OK, so here I'm meant to talk about myself. Well, a lot of the info that I'm willing to give out can already be found in various Threads, but I'll repeat it here for completeness. I'm a male bisexual with strong but open-minded spiritual beliefs, decidedly Liberal political beliefs & Conservative economic beliefs. I first joined the Forum in February 2007. At first I thought I was Home, but reality caught up with me with the beginnings of the Forum Wars. Basically, I lost faith with to many of my fellow Bunnies. Anyway, I've recently joined Team Evil of the Chibi Time Wars. Not just as an assistant GM, which I probably would have done regardless of my opinions, but as an active participant. Why. Balance. What I plan on doing in this roll I'm certainly not going to reveal here. Stay tuned is all I'll say on the matter. That aside, I've yet to say why I like EGS. Well, there are many reasons. The zaininess is certainly one of them. As is the well developed characters. The lessons of tolerance & responsibility are MAJOR appeals. Then of course there is Justin. Hmm, Justin. Anyway, I think I've said enough. Lets move on to the next section.

The Monster

"The Monster. Nice. Very nice, father. "Anyway, allow me to introduce myself. I'm Out Of Continuity Amon. I'm here to talk about myself, my beliefs, history, powers, etc. To start with, let me explain how I came to be born. When father, as I think of him, first found EGS & the Forums, it made him feel alive in ways he hasn't felt in a long time. In particular, the sense of community with his fellow Bunnies. There were some problems, naturally, but not enough to bother him excessively. However, when the Invasion Threat accord, he began to grow disillusioned. He noticed that many of the fellow participants where 'Lame Moronic Godmodders' as he would put it, sans swearing. Unfortunately, though he would normally just cease participating, a part of his mind was still dedicated to the defence of EGS. This caused him a lot of mental stress until that part of him, me, became independent & took control of his Avatar during the first battle of the Invasion. The rest is history, as they say. "Right, so now you know how I was born. Let's go on to what makes us different. For a start, I'm an IC entity. that will automatically give me a different view on things. Secondly, & more importantly, I still consider Mayhem my home & the Bunnies my family. They ain't perfect, but who is? Other differences is that I don't swear as much, if at all. I'm also generally politer, unless I'm in pain. Then I can get snippy. I'm also completely sane & a pacifist, though I am willing to do what is necessary. I'm a lot better at technical things. Last, but not least, I'm a Buddist, who also follows the principles of EGS. Why I don't like Time Travel or Resurrections. "Physically, we are even more different, for obvious reasons. I can be best described as a cheap Tulougol Seyunolu knock-off. I'm genderless, though default to male, & non-sexual. However, I am tactile. Power wise, I'm not very impressive compared to many a Bunny. Most of it comes from my highly efficient metabolism. I'll put what I can do in a list to make it easier to read: Enhanced Strength: I can lift over head just under 80 stones. Retractable Claws: They're sharp, but not that impressive. I never use them to kill. Enhanced Toughness: I'm really hard to hurt & have a high pain tolerance. I can be cut or what have you, it just doesn't effect me as much. Also extends to toxins & pathogens. Regeneration: All my cells have the properties of stem cells. This allows me to recover from anything non-fatal, without even a scar. Additional, I heal faster than humans. Ageless: I don't grow old. Enhanced Reality Awareness: In addition to being Forum Aware, I am attuned to reality in ways that I don't fully understand. This isn't the same as constantly penetrating the 4th wall. It's more subtle than that. Miscellaneous: I don't need to sleep. I can, as I heal faster when I do, it just isn't necessary. Also, my body processes roughly 99% of what I eat & drink, meaning that even with my souped up metabolism I need to consume less than a human. What little waste a produce is released in my sweat.

"That's it from me. So, until next time; FOR THE SHIVE!"

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