Bleach RP Wiki Character Profile Template

From Egs Mayhem

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<nowiki>'''Name Written Western Style'''(Kanji, Name Written Eastern Style) is (a Player Character/an NPC) from the [[Bleach RP]].  (Character Position). (Other specifics). (If replacing someone)(He/She) replaces X as part of the erasure of the events of the Soul Society arc from the 'official' plotline.
<nowiki>'''Name Written Western Style'''(Kanji, Name Written Eastern Style) is (a Player Character/an NPC) from the [[Bleach RP]].  (Character Position). (Other specifics). (If replacing someone)(He/She) replaces X as part of the erasure of the events of the Soul Society arc from the 'official' plotline.
== Appearance ==
Physical Description
== Background ==
<nowiki>== Appearance ==</nowiki>
A Brief History
== Synopsis ==
<nowiki>* Height: </nowiki>
=== Shinigami Academy Arc ===
What the character did during the first arc of the RP
=== Mortal Happenings and Soul Beginnings ===
<nowiki>* Weight: </nowiki>
What the character did during the second arc of the RP
== Zanpakutō ==
<nowiki>* Age: </nowiki>
The Zanpakutō's name, a description of it's sealed state, and a description of it's avatar
=== Shikai ===
<nowiki>** Apparent: </nowiki>
The Zanpakutō's release command, a description of the sword in it's released state, and a description of the powers granted by this state.
=== Bankai ===
If it has been achieved, its name, and a description of what it looks like and what it does.
== Notes ==
<nowiki>Physical Description</nowiki>
* Any pertinent notes and trivia about the character
[[Category:Characters in Bleach RP]]
[[Category:Any other category you can think of]]</nowiki>
<nowiki>== Background ==</nowiki>
<nowiki>A Brief History</nowiki>
<nowiki>== Personality ==</nowiki>
<nowiki>How the character thinks</now0iki>
<nowiki>== Summary ==</nowiki>
<nowiki>=== Shinigami Academy Arc ===</nowiki>
<nowiki>What the character did during the first arc of the RP</nowiki>
<nowiki>=== Mortal Happenings and Soul Beginnings ===</nowiki>
<nowiki>What the character did during the second arc of the RP</nowiki>
<nowiki>== Zanpakutō ==</nowiki>
<nowiki>The Zanpakutō's name, a description of it's sealed state, and a description of it's avatar</nowiki>
<nowiki>=== Shikai ===</nowiki>
<nowiki>The Zanpakutō's release command, a description of the sword in it's released state, and a description of the powers granted by this state.</nowiki>
<nowiki>=== Bankai ===</nowiki>
<nowiki>If it has been achieved, its name, and a description of what it looks like and what it does.</nowiki>
<nowiki>== Notes ==</nowiki>
<nowiki>* Any pertinent notes and trivia about the character</nowiki>
<nowiki>[[Category:Bleach RP Characters]]</nowiki>
<nowiki>[[Category:Any other category you can think of]]</nowiki>

Current revision as of 03:44, 26 March 2007

'''Name Written Western Style'''(Kanji, Name Written Eastern Style) is (a Player Character/an NPC) from the [[Bleach RP]]. (Character Position). (Other specifics). (If replacing someone)(He/She) replaces X as part of the erasure of the events of the Soul Society arc from the 'official' plotline.

== Appearance ==

* Height:

* Weight:

* Age:

** Apparent:

Physical Description

== Background ==

A Brief History

== Personality ==

How the character thinks</now0iki> <nowiki>== Summary ==

=== Shinigami Academy Arc ===

What the character did during the first arc of the RP

=== Mortal Happenings and Soul Beginnings ===

What the character did during the second arc of the RP

== Zanpakutō ==

The Zanpakutō's name, a description of it's sealed state, and a description of it's avatar

=== Shikai ===

The Zanpakutō's release command, a description of the sword in it's released state, and a description of the powers granted by this state.

=== Bankai ===

If it has been achieved, its name, and a description of what it looks like and what it does.

== Notes ==

* Any pertinent notes and trivia about the character

[[Category:Bleach RP Characters]]

[[Category:Any other category you can think of]]

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