
From Egs Mayhem

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Workin' on it. [[ChroniclerC]]
'''Project:''' Arctic Wolf<br>
'''Designation:''' A424377<br>
'''Specimen Name:''' Frost<br>
'''Appearance:''' White canine-like creature with green eyes.<br>
'''Gender:''' None<br>
''Mental Gender:'' Male<br>
'''Size:''' 1.5 feet tall at the shoulder, 3.5 feet long from nose tip to tail tip<br>
'''Abilities:''' Strong Cryokinesis (Mental control over ice & cold), Moderate Aquakinesis (Mental control over water), Mild Telepathy, Heat Emanation<br>
Has been known to use ice to "climb" vertical surfaces, can "burrow" through snow, ice, and water. Cannot speak verbally, communicates only via telepathy. Can make his "voice" audible to all nearby, but prefers one-on-one communication.
'''''Project File'''''<br>
'''History:''' A creature was created for the purpose of exploring and fighting in arctic environments. However, the specimen was untrainable, unsociable, and vicious. A human "volunteer" with military training was brought in for a mind transplant. The transfer was a success, initially. The feral instincts could not be completely suppressed, and after several weeks, the human mind shattered. Generous application of mind altering drugs, surgery, and psychic alterations have made the specimen mostly sane. While mostly submissive, shy, and almost kind (perhaps as a result of a pack mentality), the specimen has occasional outbreaks of violent behavior. In one particular violent episode, multiple staff members seemed to have died by instantaneous freezing. The source of the ice seemed to be their bodies' own water, drawn to the surface. Allowing robotics to subdue the specimen is advised.
'''Physiology:''' The specimen is endothermic (cold-blooded) in the most extreme way possible; it absorbs heat from its environment. In order to keep the specimen from overheating, while keeping it from dying of hypothermia in a cold environment, the specimen was given several ways to control it's body temperature. In addition to the mundane adaptations of arctic and desert creatures and its ability to absorb heat, it has two other abilities. First, its cells contain a structure similar to chlorophyll. These structures perform a process similar to photosynthesis, combining raw material with energy, in the form of heat, to form simple sugars. As a result of this, the specimen has a drastically different metabolism from most creatures. It could probably survive on a diet of dirt and sunlight if it had to. Lastly, if the specimen's internal temperature raises too high for it to otherwise handle (approaching 200 F/100C, exact limit is not known), it can release it all at once. This process also releases a great deal of the specimen's own stored energy, resulting in a small blast of heat.
'''Mental:''' As the History section of the Project Report details, the behavior of the original creature was unsuitable for Project Frost, so a human mind was added. An unknown side-effect of the mind transfer gave the specimen a limited form of telepathy. Although this is convenient, the cause of this side-effect should be investigated. While this was initially successful, remnants of the original mind began to corrupt the transplanted mind. While lobotomy has aided, the [[Esaris|psionic therapy]] and chemical therapy have had a greater, albeit temporary, effect. Treatment should continue for this specimen, although experiments should be run if the project is approved for public military production.
''(end of project file)''
'''Quirks:''' As a non-biped, you'd think he'd have trouble manipulating things. However, he's actually quite clever, and will grow chunks of ice from the ground up, and manipulate them like a hand. While this doesn't give him much fine motor skills, it's usually enough to open doors and such. As part of his physiology, he subconsciously absorbs small amounts of any heat in the air, resulting in a noticeable drop in temperature near him. His "speech", either as a result of his weak telepathy, or his fragmented mind, is at about the level of a child, although he is obviously more intelligent than that. Frost refuses to use his Heat Emanation ability. It is painful and leaves him exhausted, so he will only use if if the situation is truly dire. Although he doesn't need sugars, Frost has a major sweet tooth.
[[Category:ChroniclerC's Characters]]
[[Category:ChroniclerC's Characters]]

Current revision as of 03:10, 27 November 2007

Project: Arctic Wolf
Designation: A424377
Specimen Name: Frost
Appearance: White canine-like creature with green eyes.
Gender: None
Mental Gender: Male
Size: 1.5 feet tall at the shoulder, 3.5 feet long from nose tip to tail tip
Abilities: Strong Cryokinesis (Mental control over ice & cold), Moderate Aquakinesis (Mental control over water), Mild Telepathy, Heat Emanation
Has been known to use ice to "climb" vertical surfaces, can "burrow" through snow, ice, and water. Cannot speak verbally, communicates only via telepathy. Can make his "voice" audible to all nearby, but prefers one-on-one communication.

Project File
History: A creature was created for the purpose of exploring and fighting in arctic environments. However, the specimen was untrainable, unsociable, and vicious. A human "volunteer" with military training was brought in for a mind transplant. The transfer was a success, initially. The feral instincts could not be completely suppressed, and after several weeks, the human mind shattered. Generous application of mind altering drugs, surgery, and psychic alterations have made the specimen mostly sane. While mostly submissive, shy, and almost kind (perhaps as a result of a pack mentality), the specimen has occasional outbreaks of violent behavior. In one particular violent episode, multiple staff members seemed to have died by instantaneous freezing. The source of the ice seemed to be their bodies' own water, drawn to the surface. Allowing robotics to subdue the specimen is advised.

Physiology: The specimen is endothermic (cold-blooded) in the most extreme way possible; it absorbs heat from its environment. In order to keep the specimen from overheating, while keeping it from dying of hypothermia in a cold environment, the specimen was given several ways to control it's body temperature. In addition to the mundane adaptations of arctic and desert creatures and its ability to absorb heat, it has two other abilities. First, its cells contain a structure similar to chlorophyll. These structures perform a process similar to photosynthesis, combining raw material with energy, in the form of heat, to form simple sugars. As a result of this, the specimen has a drastically different metabolism from most creatures. It could probably survive on a diet of dirt and sunlight if it had to. Lastly, if the specimen's internal temperature raises too high for it to otherwise handle (approaching 200 F/100C, exact limit is not known), it can release it all at once. This process also releases a great deal of the specimen's own stored energy, resulting in a small blast of heat.

Mental: As the History section of the Project Report details, the behavior of the original creature was unsuitable for Project Frost, so a human mind was added. An unknown side-effect of the mind transfer gave the specimen a limited form of telepathy. Although this is convenient, the cause of this side-effect should be investigated. While this was initially successful, remnants of the original mind began to corrupt the transplanted mind. While lobotomy has aided, the psionic therapy and chemical therapy have had a greater, albeit temporary, effect. Treatment should continue for this specimen, although experiments should be run if the project is approved for public military production.

(end of project file)

Quirks: As a non-biped, you'd think he'd have trouble manipulating things. However, he's actually quite clever, and will grow chunks of ice from the ground up, and manipulate them like a hand. While this doesn't give him much fine motor skills, it's usually enough to open doors and such. As part of his physiology, he subconsciously absorbs small amounts of any heat in the air, resulting in a noticeable drop in temperature near him. His "speech", either as a result of his weak telepathy, or his fragmented mind, is at about the level of a child, although he is obviously more intelligent than that. Frost refuses to use his Heat Emanation ability. It is painful and leaves him exhausted, so he will only use if if the situation is truly dire. Although he doesn't need sugars, Frost has a major sweet tooth.

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