How To: Vyemm
From Ecodex
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How To: Vyemm
Well, this is a fun fight. First, everyone will die when he's activated. Don't run. Just take it. You run, you're a panzy and need to give up. Now, if your raid guild has the power, you can off tank Alzid Prime when the remaining raid force destroys Vyemm.
The Pull
This is fun and easy. There's a few ways to do it. I'll describe 2 of the known ways.
SPECIAL NOTE Seperating the two can leave the encounter broken. Alzid will be left with the heal spell. Burning his power to 0 does not help since it's a scripted spell.
Coercer pull
Yes, you can use a coercer. The coercer must have his or her lvl 55 ancient teaching spell. The trick is, the tank pulls Vyemm and at the same time, the coercer uses mem wipe on Alzid Prime. This will reset Alzid and you'll only have to deal with Vyemm.
FD pull
This pull is a little trickier. It requires that your MT be "marked" (this may be through some event with the screaming eye, or simply by having your MT zone in first). The monk, bruiser or necromancer will stand at the top of the bowl, looking down at Alzid Prime. There is a spot where monks and bruisers can pull from. Using the perma-closed room as the 12 O'clock spot, if you stand at 5 O'clock, you can get within 25m. Now, hit Alzid Prime and immediately after, hit FD. This will reset the encounter. As the encounter is resetting, the tank must taunt Vyemm. The trick, Vyemm resets faster than Alzid Prime since Alzid Prime was pulled along the Z axis (The Z axis is acutally measured by the X axis + the Y axis. This leads to a longer actual distance than it should be).
The Fight
The best place to fight Vyemm is in the room the screaming eye was killed in. Using the stairs leading in to the arena as "The Top" have all the healers standing in the bottom right corner. Keep all DPS on the first 2 stairs leading up the long winding stiar case. Have your MT pull to the bottom left corner. Your MT has to pull Vyemm in to the wall. You MUST keep his head in a wall at all times. If you don't, his vortex could potentially wipe out the entire raid in 1 shot. The raid must stand between his legs to avoid the tail swipe and the vortex. The mem-wipe knock up is unavoidable. Deal with the mem-wipe how you normally deal with them. If you keep this stuff in mind, this is an easy fight.
The Clean Up
Alzid Prime is beyond easy. The best comparison I can think of is; "it's like entering a kitten in to a pit bull fight". MT pulls, you burn him down. If he stands for more than a minute, no one's trying.