Dxx:Community Portal
From Dxx
Community portal
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- Answers for questions about factual topics: please visit Wikipedia's reference desk.
- A place to discuss things with other users: the village pump is Wikipedia's main discussion forum.
- A place to resolve disputes: for content disputes, follow the guidelines on this page.
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The DXXPedia is, most likely, the largest database for a single e-fed in existence. However many articles are needed, particularly those of DXX Superstars past and present. Your own page is useful to keep a record of your Superstar as well as a week-by-week (or even month-by-month if you don't have the time to continually update it) documented history that anyone can and will read. Feel free to use the Superstar Template to get started on editing, it can be confusing at first so use that to better understand how it all works. Once you feel confident you can edit a variety of things you're then welcome to help out with the editing of show details, PPV pages or even a whole new section of your own if want to. Things to do
Fix-up projects
AJ Blaze
Open tasksA lot of pages are constantly in need of updating, especially the title pages as they tend to change hands frequently in the fed. If you have your own DXXPedia page here it's up to you how often you update it, normally after every match is often enough as that allows people to be constantly aware of what your character is doing. |
Collaborations | |
To improve the quality of articles that are short or lacking in detail, Wikipedia's community organizes collaborations to expand articles. | |
Other collaborationsActive improvement teamsWikiProjectsWikiProjects are ongoing team efforts to improve articles having to do with a particular subject, and to manage the logistics of that topic. Hundreds exist�examine the master list to find one that interests you. They are separate from, though may work with, Collaborations. Language translationWikipedia is not just in English. Versions exist in many different languages. To fill in some of the English Wikipedia's gaps, we translate articles from other languages into English. You can view a list of articles that need translation from any language, or, in a few cases, by only one language (this is only available for the more popular languages). |
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