Blake Lioncash

From Dxx

Revision as of 08:59, 7 July 2008 by (Talk)

Blake Lioncash is an enigmatic hacker who has come to DXX to spread havoc and pain for his personal amusement. His in-ring debut will take place on July 11th of 2008 against Matt Hardy.

In Wrestling

  • Finishing and Signature Moves
  • SHOOP DA WOOP (suplex neckbreaker slam)
  • OH SHI- (Jumping "Stalling" DDT)
  • Double Armhook Brainbuster
  • Cutthroat Neckbreaker
  • Sickle Heelhold
  • Theme Music
  • Internet Hate Machine

Personal Life

Very little is known of blake's personal life, he currently resides in his manor in Bantown and is currently unmarried with no children. Blake admits that his favorite foods are Cookie Crisp, Watermelon, Collared Greens, and Pockey Sticks. Blake's favorite movies are 300, Malena, and Johny Mnemonic. His favorite video games are Spore, Portals, and the new Battletoads: Frogs of War. Blake's favorite books are the "Dune" series, anything by Terry Pratchet, and anything by Piers Anthony.

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