Dewei's Gear

From Demiurge Games

Gear specific and necessary for Dewei.


A simple metal bowie knife, Hobo uses to command spirit magics with. With the proclamation of the Judges of Hell, it also serves as an anchor for Vivian during her penance. Combined with her powers, the knife has thus far been able to tear into the pattern of those Hobo attacks with it(+2 damage to successful attacks), as well as occasionally shift forms at the spirit's whim, becoming an ice pick to poke fun at Hobo when it suits her.


Elita is the name of Dewei's guitar. It's an old, slightly worn acoustic guitar that's carried in a slightly battered hard case. The case itself has a multitude of stickers and carvings on it, some band stickers, some bumper stickers with witty slogans, and some carvings from the Neo-Druidic Tree Glyph alphabet. It also has a painting of an Asian dragon, prominently large and painted over one or two of the stickers. The guitar itself is made of a dark brown wood, well polished but clearly older.

The guitar came to him via his grandfather, his mother's father, who lived in the town he grew up in. Hobo, then Sean, would make it a point to go and visit his grandfather whenever he could, partly in order to annoy his father who did not like it at all, and partly in order to learn about his Hispanic family and heritage. The guitar was part of it, as his grandfather was an avid mariachi music lover.

The guitar stayed with him throughout high school, and then when he left home and lived on the streets. It became his best and easiest way to earn money. And his love for the music he could create with it became the first sign of his path on serving the Goddess. Those to whom music and stories come easily are the ones who tell the stories and music of the spirits around. The name "Elita" was given to it by Hobo's grandfather upon gifting it to Hobo. It is a Hispanic name, meaning "Chosen". Interestingly, the guitar is also older than written history itself, on account of having been left in pre-historic time while dealing with a plagued dragon.

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