
From Cths


This article is unfinished. General content will be updated when we get around to it.

Forcefall is an exciting game based on baseball, dodgeball, and quidditch.



The Field


Though Forcefall is a very fast-paced game at times, it is nothing like Turbines and far from violent.


Specific equipment is vital to a successful game of Forcefall, and are as follows:

  • Flightpacks

Flightpacks are exactly what they sound like: they're installed to allow flight. However, it is required for every player to use one for the duration of the game, regardless of their natural flight capabilities to ensure a level playing field. Each pack is calibrated to meet very specific requirements, such as thrust and drop time.

Packs are generally installed on the back, between the shoulders.

  • Inhibitors

Inhibitors are only installed on players with natural flight capabilities to ensure that they rely on the flightpack for flight.

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