Send him a naked selfie (Skater) (f)

From Create Your Own Story

He doesn't believe it's you! Your heart skips a beat as you realize you could get away with this without him even knowing you sent it on purpose! That tingly feeling makes you think otherwise though. It wants Chris to know its you. Though your mind is telling you to lie to him, your arousal wins out. You know you have to make him believe. But how?

"Hey guys, he responded! He doesn't believe it's me! He thinks my phones been hacked or stolen or something! Oh my God though, whether he believes that it's me or not, he still saw the pictures! My boyfriend's best friend has seen me naked in public with a bunch of strangers!" You squeal out while covering your face with your hands in embarrassment. Despite your embarrassment, you're still sitting exposed on the bench with your legs open. Funny isn't it?

"What pictures did you send him? I'm guessing you at least cropped your face out?" asks one of the boys. You shake your head. "All of them!" you say through your hands, still covering your face.

"Oh wow, why not? You want him to know it's you?" Reggie responds. You drop your hands and look up at the boys.

You blush again as you confess, "Yes I do, it's so embarrassing! He is like the last person I should be sending those to, but I can't help myself. I need him to know it's me sending them. How do I make him believe it's me?"

"Send him a naked selfie!" One of the boys blurts out. "You weren't holding the camera for any of the others, so maybe he thinks it was us sending them."

That's a good idea you think. You pull out your phone and hold it out for a selfie. In the camera you can see your face, your boobs, and your pussy all within frame. You debate closing your legs, but decide not to. Fuck it, yolo right? You give a genuine smile and take the picture. You pull up the picture to examine it. Once again, your face is clearly identifiable as you. Your boobs have goosebumps on them and your little nipples are pointing straight out. And below your brown patch of hair, you see your pussy, which is still glistening wet. It's also obvious you're still on a park bench. Fuck, if he shows anyone else this picture, you'd be so fucked.

You open your text conversation with him and attach the letter along with the message, "See! I told you!" Before you can have second thoughts, you quickly hit send.

"Okay, I sent it! I can't believe I just did that!" You say with a laugh. Your phone dings again and you see he's responded. You read his message aloud, "'Okay just because you have a selfie she took, doesn't mean that you're her. In fact I bet these are all deepfakes. Get lost loser.' Wow, he still doesn't believe me. What's a deepfake?"

"It's similar to a photoshop, where you put one person's face on someone else's body." One of the boys replies. Well damn, so now Chris may not even believe the pics are of you. Is this a blessing or a curse? What do you do.

You could take your second chance and pretend they're deepfakes. This way Chris will never know you did any of this. You could ask Chris how to prove it's you. He will likely ask for a selfie of you doing a hand signal or something. You could send him a naked selfie video. This would definitely be valid proof that it's you. You could facetime him. This obviously proves its you, but also makes the whole thing much more personal.

Status Bar
Health 100 Equipment:

Skateboard, Backpack, chalk, sweaty clothes.

Status Sweaty, horny, naked
Gender Female
Social Group Skater
Boyfriend/Girlfriend Adam
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