Send him a naked selfie video (Skater) (f)

From Create Your Own Story

"I'm gonna take a video, that way he'll have to believe me." You say, emboldened by your decision. You stand up, your back to the skate park, and hold your phone in front of you, only showing your face. You turn a bit so that you can see all the people at he skatepark behind you and hit the record button.

"Hey Chris, it's me Beth. I'm here at the skate park today and its so hot, so I said fuck it! That's right, I'm here naked at the skate park!" You lower the phone until your boobs are in the frame. "These are my boobs Chris, did you know Adam has never seen them? Or any other part of me? He doesn't even know I'm at the skate park right now and I'd prefer you keep it that way."

You reach up and squeeze one then pinch your nipple, letting out a little moan. "They're so sensitive, they feel so good in the wind and sun." You slowly lower the camera further. As it reaches your belly button, you say, "I'm sure you know where this is going."

You lower it further until everything from your bush down to the bottom of your pussy is filling the screen. "This is my pussy. Before today, no one had ever seen it. Now it's been seen by several guys. Probably more by the end of the day." You run your fingers through your bush. "I keep this trimmed because I like the way it looks. The dark hair clashes with my fair skin and really draws attention to my crotch. But I make sure to shave everything below it, so my pussy is fully exposed."

You run a finger down your soaking lips before sliding it in. When you pull it out and away there is a visible strand of wetness connecting your finger to your pussy. "Jesus I'm so wet right now, you can't even believe how this feels. I am completely naked in broad daylight where anyone could see me. I could honestly fuck myself right here and I'd cum so fast. Honestly I might do that, I'll let my new friends watch. Speaking of..." You raise the camera back up to your face and turn so that the boys are in the frame. "These are my new friends! I met them here today, they helped me with those other pictures I sent you. I don't know what to do now though, what should I do Chris?"

You hold the phone out further so it captures you from your knees to the top of your head and turn so that the park is in frame again. "Should I go skating naked? There's so many people here today, so many people would see me naked! Should I masturbate for the boys? I'm so fucking horny, I really need to cum bad. Should I go masturbate in the skate park? I'd probably get in trouble, but at this point I don't even care. Imagine how hot it would be to fuck myself in front of all those people?!"

You end the video and hit send before you're overcome with nerves. You ask, "Wow, was that too much? I didn't plant to make it so slutty..."

"No way, it was perfect. You're amazing Beth, plus you're so hot. I wonder what he'll say?" Reggie responds. You're satisfied with Reggie's answer and smile at being called hot. You idly stroke your fingers up and down your pussy, relishing the sensation of doing it in front of the boys. You lock eyes with them as you feel like you're floating away, as if in a dream.

How does Chris respond? He could demand you cover up now and threaten to tell Adam. He is his best friend, he's pissed at you for this. He could want to talk some more. He's confused and wants some answers. He could tell you to go skate naked in the park. He wants to see if you're bluffing. He could tell you to masturbate for the boys. He wants to see you give in to your lust. He could tell you to masturbate in the skate park. He really wants to see how far you'll go.

Status Bar
Health 100 Equipment:

Skateboard, Backpack, chalk, sweaty clothes.

Status Sweaty, horny, naked
Gender Female
Social Group Skater
Boyfriend/Girlfriend Adam
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